Adam Hitch
Ann (?)
(Abt 1667-Abt 1704)
John Hitch
(Abt 1696-1762/1763)
Elizabeth (Baty) (?)
(Abt 1700-After 1762)
Joshua A. Hitch


Family Links

1. Mary (Molly) Taylor

Joshua A. Hitch

  • Born: 01 Feb 1729, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Mary (Molly) Taylor about 1750 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: 06 Jan 1792-28 Apr 1792, Somerset Co., MD


Joshua Hitch, son of John and Elizabeth Hitch, is listed in the Stepney Parish Records of Somerset County as being born on Feb 1 1729 (1730, new style). He was able to amass quite an estate in his lifetime and became very wealthy leaving much real and personal property to his children.

In the 1748 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Joshua Hitch was listed in the same household as John Hitch (head of the household) and negroes Slafow(?) and ______. In the 1749 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Joshua Hitch was listed in the same household as John Hitch (head of the household) and negroes Stafford and Moyor. In the 1750 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Joshua Hitch was listed in the same household as John Hitch Sr. (head of the household), Jno. Hitch and negroes Stafford and Will. In the 1751 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Joshua Hitch was listed in the same household as Christopher Piper and negroes Sambo, Dick, Cole, Green and Sue. In the 1754 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Joshua Hitch was listed in the same household as negro Tam. In the 1756 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Joshua Hitch was listed in the same household as negro Forett Dinans.

In the Aug Court of 1756 for Somerset County, John Barrett was bound as an apprentice to Elgat (sic) Hitch until he is age 21. Elgate Hitch, Day Scott, and Joshua Hitch of Somerset County, "Gentlemen" gave security of £30. (SoJ-1754/57:202). In the 1757 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Joshua Hitch was listed in a household as the only taxable. In the 1759 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Joshua Hitch Sr. was listed in the same household as negro Tam. In the Mar 1760 court minutes, Joshua Hitch is listed as second on the Grand Jury. (SoCP-1761/64, MdHR 7266-54-48).

On Sep 8 1760, Joshua Hitch Sr. bought 100 acres of land for £50 from John Crouch (SoLR-C:66). This record mentions that this is the same land John Crouch bought from Elgate Hitch on Jan 23 1746 (see that record). In the Nov 1760 court, Joshua Hitch is listed as third on the Grand Jury. (SoCP-1761/64, MdHR 7266-54-48).

On May 26 1761, Joshua Hitch patented land called "Hitch's Choice" for 30 acres (SoLP, MdHR, BC21:75; GS18:56; also original certificates). Joshua Hitch was assigned a warrant of survey on May 11 1761 for 30 acres. The land was surveyed May 26 1761 and described as on the north side of the head of the Wicomico River beginning at a marked white oak standing on the southeast side of said Hitch's plantation near a tract belonging to William Adams, thence N41E 41 poles, thence N24E 24 poles, thence N2W 20 poles, thence N30W 50 poles, thence W 17 poles, thence S9W 124 poles, thence with a right line to the beginning.

On Mar 26 1763, Joshua Hitch bought 200 acres of land for £165 from George Wilson. This was land that Wilson originally bought from William and John Hitch on Mar 7 1757 and part of "High Suffolk" conveyed by will from Adam Hitch to son Solomon. (SoLR-C-167). Between Aug 1 and Aug 10 1764, Joshua Hitch was listed as appraiser with Thomas Gilliss for estate of Thomas Goddard valued at £1735.8.1. (MdPrI Abstracts-1763/66)

On Oct 26 1765, Joshua Hitch bought land called "Wilson's Discovery" for £30 current money of Maryland from George Wilson. The land was described as north of the Wicomico River back in the woods beginning at a marked red oak standing on the north side of the tract "High Suffolk" by the north side of a divisional line between said Wilson and a certain Solomon Hitch thence S54E 140 poles, N53E 120 poles, N39W 103 poles, thence with a right line to the beginning laid out for 100 acres. (SoLR-D:17)

Between Jul 10 1767 and Jul 18 1768, Joshua Hitch is listed on the accounts of John Nelms' store in Salisbury where he purchased 16 large pins for £0/0/8 in 1767 and paid in Mar 1768. Delivered 2 bu. of corn for £0/4/0 for the account of Thomas Stanford and 1000 cypress shingles for Henry White in 1768. In 1767, Joshua Hitch patented land called "Hitch's Discovery" for 15¼ acres (SoLP-Cert 316).

On Nov 4 1767, Joshua Hitch was listed as the administrator/executor for the estate of John Tolbert valued at £5.11.6. On Mar 14 1768, Joshua Hitch Sr. was listed as appraiser with Joshua Hitch Jr. for the estate of Ezekiel Hillman valued at £51.14.5. (MdPrI Abstracts-1766/69) In an inventory between Jun and Aug 1768, Joseph and Joshua Hitch were listed as appraisers for the estate of John Taton (Tatum) valued at £29.8.5 (MdPrI Abstracts-1766/69). In the inventory of the estate of Alexander Maddux made on Oct 3 1768 and finalized Oct 25 1768, Joshua Hitch was listed as the appraiser (He had been witness to his will written Oct 111763 and probated Feb 2 1768). The estate was valued at £137.15.6 (MdPrI Abstracts-1766/69).

On Apr 22 1769 Joshua Hitch Sr. received a deed for land called "Maddux's Luck" near Spring Hill from William Maddux. It consisted of 151 acres and cost £100. Beginning at a marked white oak standing on the SW side of the main road that leads from the head of Wicomico to Spring Hill and on the westernmost side of a tract of land called "White Field" being the first bounder…. Thence N82½E to the side of the afsd road 18 poles, thence with the Road as it now stands N34W 14 poles, thence N1W 60 poles, thence N30W 40 poles, thence NW 68½ poles, to a certain stone panted(?) for the beginning of 154 acres sold out of "Maddoxs Luck" to a certain John Shockly, thence S29W 152 poles, thence S86W 99 poles, thence running with the original line of "Maddoxs Luck" … S2E 25 poles, thence S6½E 153 poles, thence N50E 62 poles, thence with a right line to the first beginning - 151 acres . (SoLR-E:24).

On Sep 5 1769, Joshua Hitch, in a triparte agreement with Isaac Coulbourn and Wiliam Lank. Isaac Coulbourn received a deed of land "Come By Chance" and "High Suffolk" from William Lank who received the land from his grandfather Francis Langcake through his LWT in "fee tail" by the name of William Langcake son of Stephen Langcake. This is land that Stephen did "live and reside" - 150 acres for £50. Joshua Hitch lent the money to be paid back by the "end of Oct Term next comeing". No metes and bounds given in this record. Signed with what looks to be "Jos. Hitch Jr." (SoLR-E:50).

On Nov 14 1769, Joshua Hitch Sr. paid £0.15.0 towards the new ________ church. (Presbyterian People in Wicomico, John Jacob, Jr., page 66)

In his will written on Mar 10 1770 and probated Oct 19 1773, William Taylor left the following estate: ·To son James Taylor 117 acres of land part of tract called "Round Pond" and one negro woman named Dinah ·To son Abraham Taylor 117 acres of land part of tract called "Round Pond", one negro man named Peter and a desk ·To son Isaac Taylor rest of tract of land called "Round Pond" and one negro named Isaac ·To wife Sarah Taylor a riding horse, saddle and her thirds ·To grandson William Taylor, on negro boy named Phillip ·To granddaughter Phillis Taylor, one cow & calf and one yew (sic) and lamb ·To daughters Ann Moor, Betty Wails, and Mary Hitch, one brass kettle ·To three grandchildren Thomas Moor, William Wailes, and Betty Hitch, two negro girls named Nenis and Silva. Witnesses: Charles Moor, John Roberson, and Richard Bradlay. Joshua Hitch made oath. (MdPrW-39:522)

On May 20 1771, Joshua Hitch bought land, "Maddux's Luck" near Spring Hill from William Maddux of Worcester County, a total of 154 acres for £100. (SoLR-E:24,133). In Folio 133, they voided and re-did transaction set forth in Folio 24. Between Sep 19 1771 and Feb 9 1773, Joshua Hitch Jr's (son of Elgate) estate was inventoried with a value of £223.12.1. Appraisers were Esme Bayly and Joseph Dashiell; Creditors were James Houston and, William McBryde; Next-of kin was listed as John Caldwell and Joshua Hitch (Sr.) with Administrators Sarah Hitch and Robert Hitch. On Nov 1 1771, the final account of John Talbot's estate was completed with Joshua Hitch listed as executor. The only legatee listed was Joshua Talbot. (MdPrA-67:47)

In 1772, Joshua Hitch received a deed for land known as "Last Choice" from George Vinson. Joshua Hitch paid £20 for 80½ acres of land on the north side of the head of the Wicomico River beginning at a marked hickory being a bounder of a tract of land called "Fathers Neglect" belonging to the afsd Joshua Hitch thence S58E 40 poles, thence S46:15E 106 poles, thence E 4 poles, thence S72E 20 poles, thence S56E 5 poles, thence, N 84 poles, thence NNW 80 poles, thence S53W 32 poles, thence N45W 52 poles, thence with a straight line to the beginning. (SoLR-E:173). Between Oct 19 1772 and Apr 12 1773, Joshua Hitch was listed as an appraiser for estate of Josiah Elliss valued at £52.2.3. (MdPrI Abstracts-1772/74). On Feb 9 1773, Joshua Hitch was listed in the Maryland Prerogative Court Testamentary Proceedings for Somerset County with "Elgate Hitch his will & Testamentary Bond by Robt Hitch his exec with Thos Byrd his sureties in the sum of £400 sterlg dated 9th Feb 1773." (MdPrA-45:633).

Between Jun 29 1773 and May 23 1775, Joshua Hitch was listed as an appraiser with Robert Hitch for the estate of Poll (Paul) Dulaney valued at £133.14.2. (MdPrI Abstracts-1774/77). On Apr 12 1774, Joshua Hitch is listed in the records as follows: "Risdon Hitch his admin bond in common form by Sarah Hitch, his adminx with Robert Hitch and Joshua Hitch her sureties in the sum of £30 sterlg dated 12th Apr 1774." (MdTP-45:319). Between Jul 16 1774 and Jan 10 1775, Joshua Hitch was listed as an appraiser for the estate of William Jarvis valued at £28.9.11. (MdPrI Abstracts-1772/74). Between Aug 1 1774 and Jul 18 1775, Joshua Hitch was listed as an appraiser with Robert Hitch for the estate of Thomas Byrd valued at £156.5.4. (MdPrI Abstracts-1772/74). On Dec 28 1774, Joshua Hitch, with Solomon Long, Ezekiel Gilliss, James Houston, and Edward Stapeler received a Bill of Sale for five slaves, furniture and livestock for £300 from William McClemmy. The transaction was witnessed by Severn Hitch (SoLR-F:273).

On Jan 5 1775, Joshua Hitch received a deed for land called "Jone's Venture" (on Barren Creek) from Alexander Records for which he had paid £200 current money of Maryland. Beginning at a marked white oak standing in the branches of Barren Creek being the first bounder of tract formerly surveyed for John Gilliss on the NE side of a savannah thence with the original lines of the patent granted to James Jones Jun 10 1734. N25W 80 poles, thence N65E 88 poles, thence S 150 poles, thence N81W 76 poles, thence a right line to the beginning containing 50 acres. Another tract called "Jones Choice" on NE side of savannah called Grate Savannah lying on the NE side of the afsd tract of land surveyed for James Jones beginning at a marked white oak standing about 60 yards from the NE of the afsd tract thence with the courses of the patent granted to Isaac Jones Jun 20 1749. S 40 poles, thence N60E 52 poles, thence N10E 52 poles, thence N57-30W 50 poles, thence S67W 69 poles, thence S40W 102 poles, thence N65E 130 poles, thence to the beginning - 50 acres. (SoLR-F:283)

On Feb 11 1775, Joshua Hitch sold land "Last Choice" to Jacob Bell, 16 acres for £5. Beginning at a small pine standing at the SW end of Jacob Bell's plantation "in Roccowalkin about three miles from Saulsburry Town" thence N62W 54 poles, thence N29-30E 38 poles, thence N20E 48 poles, thence S19E 42 poles, thence to beginning containing 16 acres. He also bought land "Fint Choice" lying about 3 miles from the head of Wicomico River to the westward of said Bell's plantation beginning at a small marked red oak standing by a road from George Vinson's to ye Widow Stevens thence with the original lines of the tract N42-30W 49 poles, thence N58E 40 poles, thence N61E 6 poles, thence S13W 20 poles, thence S16-30W 52 poles, thence to the beginning containing 9 acres. Also "Ellises Mischance" beginning at a small marked red oak to the southward of said Bell's plantation thence with the lines of the patent N56W 5 poles, thence N72W 20 poles, thence W 4 poles, thence N46-15W 31 poles, thence S30E 46 poles, thence S2E 20 poles, thence S24W 7 poles, thence N66E 38 poles, thence to the beginning containing 16½ acres. Joshua Hitch paid for the last two tracts, £12. (SoLR-F:290,292)

In 1775, Joshua Hitch Sr. was co-holder, with Robert Hitch, of pew #20 of the ________ church with annual rent of £8.5.0. (Presbyterian People in Wicomico, John Jacob, Jr., pg 66).

On Apr 8 1775 a land survey was conducted for Joshua Hitch and he was awarded a patent for the new tract called "Addition." The land is described as on the north side of the Wicomico River back in the woods beginning at a marked white oak which is first bounder of tract called "Chance" on the south side of Catons Branch. Thence S 21 poles, thence S41:15W 62 poles, thence S50E 46 poles, thence N35:30E 46 poles, thence N29:15 W 44 poles, thence right line to beginning containing 14½ acres "of cultivated land." This is land that adjoined the dwelling plantation of Joshua Hitch. (SoLP-Cert 43)

Between May 14 1775 and May 30 1776, Joshua Hitch appraised (with Henry Handy) the estate of Isaiah Banks. (Maryland Calendar of Wills) On Jul 26 1775, Joshua Hitch signed the Association of the Free Men of Maryland. (Revolutionary War Papers Index 1775-1789, B15, F1). On Jan 23 1776, Joshua Hitch, with Solomon Long, Ezekiel Gilliss, James Houston, and Edward Stapler received a Bill of Sale for five slaves and furniture and livestock for £300 from William McClemmy who was facing a judgment from William Venables. (SoLR-G:15). For the will of James Nevin written on Nov 18 1776 and probated Dec 2 1776, Joshua Hitch was listed as testament. (Maryland Calendar of Wills). Between Jan 9 1777 and Jan 28 1777, Joshua Hitch appraised (with Wm McBryde) the estate of Affradozia Johnson. (Maryland Calendar of Wills) He was listed as appraiser for estate of Afrodozie Johnson valued at £115.19.10 for Mar 11 1777. (MdPrI Abstracts-1774/77).

Between Mar 11 1777 and Apr 10 1777, Joshua Hitch was listed as an appraiser with Robert Hitch for the estate of Joshua Morriss valued at £10.19.5. (MdPrI Abstracts-1774/77). For the will of James Jones, written on Oct 4 1777 and probated Oct 16 1777, Joshua Hitch was listed as a witness, along with William Horsey. (SoW:37) and appraiser to same (Ibid:73). In the 1783 Tax Assessment for Rewastico Hundred of Somerset County, Joshua Hitch was assessed for land "High Suffolk", 200 acres; "Hitch's Discovery", 30 acres; "Wilson's Discovery", 100 acres; "Fathers Neglect", 100 acres; "Last Choice", 80 acres; "Maddux's Luck", 229 acres; and "Flower Field", 222 acres. He also had listed 22 slaves, 7 horses, and 33 cattle. Whites in the household included 5 males and 6 females. (TA1783)

On Mar 29 1783, Joshua Hitch was witness, with William McBryde and Elget Driskell, to the will of John Stone of Charles County, MD. (SoW:176) On May 5 1784, a deed of ____ 30 1783 from Joshua Hitch of Somerset County, Maryland to John Robins of Sussex County, Delaware, tract granted by patent on Jun 10 1734 to James Jones called "Jone's Venture", 50 acres then situated in Somerset County and a tract nearly adjacent which by sundry legal conveyances became the estate of Alexander Records of Somerset County, who on Jan 5 1775 sold both tracts to Joshua Hitch for £200. Aforesaid land is now in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware whereon John Robins now dwells. Joshua Hitch appoints Jacob Moore, John Wiltbank and John Laws, Esqs., his attorneys. Witnesses William Ralph, Charles Moore. Acknowledged by Mary Hitch, w/o Joshua. Witnesses Robert Houston and Charles Moore. (SxLR-N13:20)

On Aug 11 1786, Joshua Hitch was mentioned in a deed to Isaac Cooper from Peter Fretwell Wright, Sheriff for tracts in Broad Creek Hundred called "Cypress Swamp", "Outlet" and "Addition." (SxLR-N13:302). On Nov 28 1789, Nathan Culver, planter, sold to Joshua Hitch Sr. two parcels of land for £50 current money. The first was in a tract called "Jame's Fortune" beginning at the end of the 8th course of afsd tract thence S69½E 68 poles, S55½W 20 poles, S35W 40 poles, N40W 56 poles, N70E 36 poles, thence with a right line to the beginning laid out for 11 acres. The second parcel was part of three tracts called "Peace and Quietness," "Mill Lott" and "Point Patience" beginning at a marked dogwood standing a small distance SW from Ralph Lowes and William Elzey's sawmill and from thence to run to come to the beginning of said parcel N55W 44 poles, N31½W 15 poles to the place where the parcel begins thence N74½W 110 poles, ENE 36 poles, N15E 51 poles, N47½W 16 poles, N33E 50 poles to the branch and thence down and with the branch and William Elzey's courses to the beginning. (SoLR-IPt1:60)

On Oct 12 1790, Joshua Hitch Sr. was mentioned in the Somerset County Orphans Court Proceedings for orphans George Wailes and Isaac Horsey (of William), both under age 14. Appointed Guardian was Joshua Hitch Jr. with sureties provided by Joshua Hitch Sr. and George Wailes. Also for orphan William Horsey (of William), under age 14 where appointed Guardian was George Wailes and sureties provided by Joshua Hitch Sr. and Benjamin Wailes. (SoOCP:97). In the May 1791 Court Term for Somerset County, there is a case "Joshua Hitch Senr vs. Henry Lowes" over the sum of £22.14.5, Lowes had made a bill of obligation on Aug 24 1789. Joshua Hitch Jr. was present as witness. Plaintiff recovered the money plus 353 lbs. of tobacco in damages. (SoJ-1788/91:284)

In his will written Jan 6 1792 and probated Apr 28 1792 in Somerset Co., MD, Joshua Hitch Sr. left:
·To wife Molly four negroes Jacob, Hannah, Chloe, and Abigall plus ½ of plantation for her life
·To son Joshua Hitch three negroes Old Tom, Young Tom, and Old Tamar. Also Quarter plantation on road from Salisbury to Spring Hill Chapple; dwelling plantation after death of his mother. Joshua is also to keep son Laban and "give him good and sufficient maintenance and treat him well to the judgment of William Stone, William McBryde and John Nicholson." If he does not, all of his inheritance to go to son Laban.
·To daughter Polly Hitch four negroes Will, Alice, Rachel, and Harry. And a feather bed and furniture.
·To daughter Nelly Hitch four negroes Allen, Kitty, Ruby and Luck and one feather bed and furniture.
·To son John Hitch 222½ acres of land called "Whitehaven" bought of Joseph Morris plus all of my half of mills and land belonging to me and Robert Hitch. Also, three negroes Jonathan, Easter and Jenny and one feather bed and furniture
·If son John dies before he becomes of lawful age, then all land goes to son William Hitch. If William dies before he reaches lawful age or leaves no issue, then his lands listed hereafter to go to son John Hitch.
·To son William Hitch plantation formerly owned by Joseph Hitch and three negroes Jesse, Milly and Peter. Also one feather bed and furniture and one horse or mare worth £20.
·To son Laban Hitch all my wearing apparel. ·To daughter Peggy Hitch three negroes Daniel, Saul and Tamar; one feather bed and furniture; and £10.
·To daughter Betsy Brown one negro Ben for her life then to go to her son Severn Hitch Brown.
·To daughter Sally Pollitt one negro Leah.
·All remaining estate to wife Molly, her thirds, and equally divide the rest among children Betsy Brown, Sally Pollitt, Joshua Hitch, Polly Hitch, Nelly Hitch, John Hitch, Nancy Hitch, William Hitch, and Peggy Hitch. (SoW-EB17:213/216)

In the Federal Assessment of 1798 for Wicomico Hundred in Somerset County, "Joshua Hitch Heirs" was owner of property occupied by Philo Lewis "situated adjoining Ritchie and Gemmill a lott of ground containing 11 perches and 168 sq. feet on which is" one store house of wood, new, two story, 25' x 20' with five windows, 54" x 28" and nine windows, 44" x 28", and furnished inside, valued at $500. (TA1798). In the 1798-1803 Commissioners of the Tax Report for Rewastico Hundred in Somerset County, Joshua Hitch's Heirs were assessed taxes for 1099 acres of land at £1225 and this was the assessment for years 1798-1800 when 700 acres were sold (assessed at £900) and 196 acres added (£200) making the assessment for 1801 at £525. The assessment for 1802 and 1803 was adjusted for another 15¼ acres added (£20) to a total of £545, respectively (SoTA-1798/1803).


Joshua Hitch's birth date, son of John and Elizabeth Hitch, is written in the Stepney Parish church records, Somerset County.


Joshua Hitch Sr. wrote his will Jan 6 1792 and it was probated Apr 28 1792. (SoW-EB17:213/216)


Joshua married Mary (Molly) Taylor, daughter of William Taylor and Sarah Cooper, about 1750 in Somerset Co., MD. (Mary (Molly) Taylor was born about 1735 in Somerset Co., MD.)


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