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John Hitch
(Abt 1696-1762/1763)
Elizabeth (Baty) (?)
(Abt 1700-After 1762)
William Taylor
Sarah Cooper
Joshua A. Hitch
Mary (Molly) Taylor
(Abt 1735-)
Joshua Hitch Jr.
(Abt 1760-1796/1796)


Family Links

1. Elizabeth Trader

Joshua Hitch Jr.

  • Born: Abt 1760, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth Trader
  • Died: 13 Feb 1796-15 Dec 1796, Somerset Co., MD


On Oct 12 1790, Joshua Hitch Jr. was mentioned in the Somerset County Orphans Court Proceedings for orphans George Wailes and Isaac Horsey (of William), both under age 14. Appointed Guardian was Joshua Hitch Jr. with sureties provided by Joshua Hitch Sr. and George Wailes" (SoOCP:97). In the May 1791 Court Term for Somerset County, there is a case "Joshua Hitch Senr vs. Henry Lowes" over the sum of £22.14.5, Lowes had made a bill of obligation on Aug 24 1789. Joshua Hitch Jr. was present as witness. Plaintiff recovered the money plus 353 lbs. of tobacco in damages. (SoJ-1788/91:284). On Dec 13 1791, Joshua Hitch Jr. is listed as guardian to Isaac and George Wailes Horsey (SoOCP:103).

On Apr 7 1792, Joshua Hitch Jr. received deeds for land tracts called "Newhaven," "Maddoxs Fancy," "Confusion" and "Last Discovery." from John Leatherbury for £269.1.10½. Leatherbury was the sheriff who was ordered to sell the lands of William McClemmy, deceased. "Newhaven" is described as beginning at a marked pine thence, N7W 76 poles, N14W 90 poles, N49W 88 poles, N45E 120 poles, E 54 poles, S20E 251 poles, S60W 160 poles to first bounder, laid out for 192 acres. "Maddoxs Fancy" was originally surveyed for Alexander Maddux Jr. beginning at a marked white oak on the north side of the head of the Wicomico River in the woods on the south side of a tract called "Whitefield" and on the west side of tract surveyed for Charles Nicholson by the side of a path thence, S61¾W 80 poles, S3W 100 poles, N61¾E 108 poles, thence with a right line to beginning laid out for 46¾ acres. "Confusion" was originally surveyed for Nathan Culver beginning at a marked white oak near the end of the 3rd line of "Maddoxs Fancy" thence S61¾W 131 poles, S3½E 127 poles, thence with a right line to the beginning laid out for 25¼ acres. "Last Discovery" was surveyed for Nathan Culver beginning at a marked red oak in the 3rd line of "Whitefield" 5 perches from the end of said line and on the first line of "Maddoxs Fancy" 22 perches from its first bounder thence W 105 poles, NW 40 poles, SW 55 poles, S851/2E 123 poles, thence with a right line to the beginning laid out for 8 acres. Joshua Hitch Jr. apparently was acting as an agent in this transaction for Levin Irving as, on the same day, Joshua sold all the same land to Levin Irving for the same amount he paid. (SoLR-IPtI:360,369). It was offered at a sheriff's auction and he was the highest bidder.

On Jun 18 1794, Joshua Hitch received a militia appointment as Lieutenant. (Index 51, MSA Military Records, #1-63 & #2-33, 127). Between Dec 30 1795 and Feb 13 1796, the inventory of Charles Trader, son of Stephen Trader, was taken. Joshua Hitch is stated as next-of-kin. Joshua Hitch's estate was inventoried on Dec 15 1796 by William and John Hitch for 484.18.10 pounds with nearest of kin mentioned as Peggy and Nancy Hitch.(SoI-EB21:160) Joshua Hitch probably died sometime between 1796 and 1798 as he was not listed in the Federal Assessment of 1798 and John Hitch was settling his estate by Sep 1799. (TA1798)


Joshua Hitch Jr. probably died sometime between Feb 13 1796 (the last time he is listed in records as alive) and 1798 as he was not listed in the Federal Assessment of 1798.


Joshua married Elizabeth Trader, daughter of Henry Trader and Agnes (?). (Elizabeth Trader was born about 1768 in Accomack Co., VA.)


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