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Samuel Hitch
Rachel Hardy
(Abt 1705-1771/1773)
George Brown
(Abt 1717-1788/1788)
Sarah Denston
(Abt 1724-1792/1796)
Benjamin Hitch
(1738/1741-Between 1814/1814)
Mary Brown
(Abt 1755-1800/1803)
Robert Hitch
(Abt 1778-1824/1827)


Family Links

1. Leah Sutton

2. Martha Brewington

Robert Hitch

  • Born: Abt 1778, MD
  • Marriage (1): Leah Sutton on 20 Dec 1803 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (2): Martha Brewington on 15 Dec 1824 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: 15 Dec 1824-09 Jan 1827, Somerset Co., MD


In the 1810 Federal Census, Robert Hitch was listed on page 240 for the Wicomico District of Somerset County. His household was near that of Stephenson, George and William Malone and contained one male under age 10, one male age 10-16, one male age 16-26, one male age 26-45, one female under age 10, two females age 26-45 and two slaves.

On Oct 5 1811, Robert Hitch received a deed for 4¾ acres of land called "Turkey Ridge" "between Wicomico Creek and Wicomico River on southside of county road that leads from Trap down to James Round's deceased landing on the Wicomico River" from Peter Malone Sr for $33. (SoLR-U:167). The courses of the land were described as beginning at a marked post on a line of a tract owned by Sarah Stuart called "Monsham", thence N48:30W 18 poles by and with line of deed from said Peter Malone Sr. to Isaac White until it intersects with said main county road, thence up the middle of said road until it intersects with a line of tract called "Turkey Trap", thence N29E 14 poles, thence S84E 32 poles, thence S69:30E 12 poles until it intersects the afsd line of "Turkey Ridge", thence S12W 6¼ poles by and with the line of "Turkey Ridge" to a pine standing on the line of said Sarah Stuart's land called "Monsham", thence a straight line to the beginning totaling 4¾ acres. (Note, this tract was conveyed to Alexander Hastings in Jun 1849 by Julia A. Stewart and John Fields with Matilda his wife "heirs of Robert Hitch" [SoLR-WP4:127,128])

This is the same land that he was listed for in the 1813/1814 Commissioner of the Tax report for Somerset County. He was taxed for 4¾ acres of land in the 2nd Election District valued at $30.

This is probably the same Robert Hitch listed in the Somerset Militia in "A Return of the Detachment Required from the 25th Regiment Agreeably to Brigade orders in conformity with Division orders of 15th May (1812)" as follows: Sergeant: Robert Hitch Corporal: John Earnest, substitute for Adam Hitch Privates: John Hitch. (Maryland Militia, Vol. 1, War of 1812, F. Edward Wright) Also in the same record, he is listed on page 5 for "The 10th Brigade, A return of the detachment from the 23rd Regt., Somerset Militia", Listed under Sergeants, Robert Hitch.

In the Commissioner of the Tax Report for Somerset County for 1817-1822, Robert Hitch "of Benjamin" is listed in the 2nd Election District and taxed in 1817 for the following property:
·Land, "Turkey Ridge," 4¾ acres at $7 per:$ 30.00 ·2 head of cattle, 5 head of sheep, 1 hog, 1 bed &c.:$ 46.00 ·Other personal property:$ 14.00

In the 1820 Federal Census, Robert Hitch was listed on page 134 in the Wicomico District of Somerset County with two males under age 10, one male age 26-45, two females under age 10, one female age 10-16 and one female age 26-45. His household was near that of George Malone, Scott Brereton (Brewington), and James Jones.

On Jan 9 1827, the Somerset County Orphans Court Proceedings states, "William Stewart, administrator of Robert Hitch." (SoOCP-1823/29:201) (Note, William Stewart was Robert Hitch's son-in-law.) On Mar 25 1828, the record again states, "William Stewart, administrator of Robert Hitch." (Ibid:289). In the Apr 1 1828 edition of the Village Herald newspaper in Princess Anne, Maryland, Cyrus Nelson and William Stewart, the administrators of Robert Hitch, deceased, placed an advertisement to sell Hitch's negroes Jim, Henry and Matilda.

William Stewart brought forth a balance of $90.27½ from Robert Hitch's inventory proved Feb 6 1828 in Somerset County. Money due from this account was to Robert Malone (for bacon) and John S. Zirben and some fees resulting in a net amount of $82.43¾. Other monies came in and were due. Some creditors paid include Philip Mezick, Henry Crawford, Henry Gale (exec of Stephen Taylor), Dr. Levin W. Ballard, Josiah D. Jones, Isaac H. Price, Scott Brereton, George Parsons, George A. Porter, George P. Jones, William Whayland (SoAA-JP5:287) Distributions were then made and approved on Jul 23 1828 as follows:
- to Robert Hitch's widow, her 1/3 part: $27.49¼

- to this accountant his right in right of his wife Julia Ann 1/5 of 2/3 part: $10.99 7/10
- to son Tubman Hitch, 1/5 of 2/3 part:$10.99 7/10
- to son Cannon Hitch, ditto $10.99 7/10
- to daughter Jane Hitch, ditto $10.99 7/10
- to daughter Matilda Hitch, ditto $10.99 7/10 (SoAA-JP9:3,4)


Robert Hitch is listed as age 26-45 in both the 1810 and 1820 Federal Censuses. This would place his birth somewhere in the range 1775/84.


Robert Hitch died after he married Martha Brewington on Dec 15 1824 but before William Stewart is listed as his administrator on Jan 9 1827 in SoOCP.


Robert married Leah Sutton, daughter of William Sutton and Unknown, on 20 Dec 1803 in Somerset Co., MD. (Leah Sutton was born in 1775-1784 and died in 1821-1824 in Somerset Co., MD.)




Robert next married Martha Brewington, daughter of (?) Brewington and Unknown, on 15 Dec 1824 in Somerset Co., MD. (Martha Brewington was born about 1780 and died after 1833.)




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