?? William Or John ?? Hitch
(Abt 1630-)
Adam Hitch
Ann (?)
(Abt 1667-Abt 1704)
Samuel Hitch


Family Links

1. Rachel Hardy

Samuel Hitch

  • Born: Apr 1703, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Rachel Hardy about 1727 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: 1750, Somerset Co., MD


Samuel Hitch was born in Somerset County, MD sometime between 1703 and 1707 and died there in 1750. His birth year is determined through existing evidence obtained from county records. In particular, the court records and Tax Lists were used to estimate the range of years in which he was born. The Somerset County, MD Tax Lists were taken every year in the early-to-mid 1700s and used to determine heads of household and other taxables in the county. A "taxable" was the head of the household, males over the age of 15, and all slaves. The Tax Lists survive mostly intact for the years 1723 through 1759 and, as one follows families during this time frame, it can be surmised many times about when a male turns 16 years of age by when he first appears on the listings. Samuel Hitch first appeared on the Tax List in 1725, which means he had to have been born in 1709 or before. Another key record is a court paper describing Samuel Hitch's apprenticeship to a William Read. This paper is dated Apr 3 1723 (MdHR 7266-1-4) and it asks the court to release Samuel Hitch from his duties as an apprentice so that he can return to his father. Since trade persons usually were apprentices until they reached the age of 21, it might be assumed that Samuel Hitch was age 20 or younger in Apr 1723. This would mean that he was born in 1703 or later - hence the birth year between 1703 and 1709. Besides being on the Tax Lists, Samuel Hitch shows up in the Somerset County Land Records when he received 212 acres of land from his father Adam in May of 1728. The land is described as two tracts called "Come by Chance" and "High Suffolk" located on the north side of the "Wiccocomioco River" (SoLR-SH:25). This area is near present-day Salisbury in Wicomico County, Maryland. Since Adam Hitch gave land to all his sons except Elgate in 1728, it would seem that he reserved the gifts for his son that were "of age" or at least 21. Thence we assume Samuel to have been born at least by 1707 but likely closer to the 1703 side of the range.

Other times that Samuel Hitch appears in the historical records follow:

On Apr 3 1723, he made a plea that he was and apprentice to Wm. Read but petitioned to be with his father, ______ (obliterated record) Hitch. (SoCP-1722, MdHR 7266-1-4). In the 1725 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household as the only taxable. His household is near that of Adam Hitch Sr. and Jr. in the listing. In the 1727 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household as the only taxable. His household is near that of Adam/Elget Hitch, Wm Hitch, and Jno Hitch in the listing.

On May 6 1728, he received a deed of gift for 212 acres of land described as two tracts "High Suffolk" and "Come by Chance" on the north side of the "Wiccocomioco River" from Adam Hitch and "Mary, his wife" (SoLR-SH:23). In the 1728 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household as the only taxable. In the 1729 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household as the only taxable.

In Aug 1729, he was mentioned in a boundary dispute for land on east side of Rockawalkin Mill branch in Somerset County Deposition by John Caldwell (age 46) states "about sixteen months ago he was employed by Sam'l Heatch to lay out land given him by his father Adam Heatch." Also deposition by John Cordrey (age 48). (SoJ-1727/30:213). On Apr 10 1730, Samuel Hitch is listed as a witness to the will of Crispin Price. (They Lived in Maryland, Somerset County 1726-1750, Liber EB9-132) In the 1730 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with Ambrose Riggin. On Jan 22 1730/31, he received a deed of gift of "one negro boy named Johnna" from Adam Hitch (SoLR-SH:297).

In the 1731 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household as the only taxable. In the 1733 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household as the only taxable. In the 1734 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with Frank Price. In the 1735 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with John Tatum and slave Jack. In the 1736 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with a slave. In the 1737 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with slave Jack. In the 1738 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with slave Jack. In the 1739 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with slave Jack. In the 1740 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with slave Jack.

In the Nov 1740 court, a case is listed for Francis Tate vs Samuel Hitch, "agreed." This was on the appearance docket. (SoJ-1740/42:55) (Francis Tate was "a prisoner a long time." Ibid:145). In Mar 1740/41, Samuel Hitch was mentioned in the case of His Lordship vs. Negro Jack, the slave of Samuel Hitch "late of Stepney Parish" where on Dec 31 1740 he went to the house of Elgate Hitch "about the eleventh hour and feloniously and burglariously did break and enter with intent to steal the goods and chattles." In the house were Rachell Price and "others of the family." She and Negro Bonny testified for the prosecution. "Jack a negro slave of Samuel Hitch of Somerset County planter, being guilty of running away, and rambling and riding of horses at night . . . Sheriff of the County take the said negro Jack to the publick whiping post, and there give him thirty stripes on the bare back well laid on, untill the Blood appear." (SoJ-1740/42:64/65).

On May 18 1741, Samuel Heatch gave deed for land, along with William and Elgate Heatch, to Isaac Handy. This record mentions William Heatch (Sr.) as "deceased, heir-in-law to Addam Heatch late of Somerset County." (SoLR-MF:226) On Jun 20 1741, Samuel Heatch is mentioned with division of lands with William Stevens (SoLR-MF:227). In the 1743 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with negro Jack. In the 1744 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with Francis Prise and negro Jack. In the 1745 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with negro Jack. In the 1746 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with negro Jack. In the 1747 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with negro Jack.

In 1747, Samuel Hitch is listed on a "A List of Claimes for Wicomico Hundred" as: §Samll Hitch £0.20.40 §John Hitch Jr. £0.5.10. (SoCP (loose papers)-1747/51, MdHR 7266-32-10).

In the 1748 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with Robert Hitch and negro Robin. In 1748, Samuel Hitch is listed on a "A List of Allowances (Claimes) Somerset County 1748 in Wiccocomoco & Nanticoke Hundreds", he is entered as: "Saml Hitch 17 - - - 26½" (SoCP-1747/52, MdHR 7266-33-39) In the 1749 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with Robert Hitch and negro Park (Jack?). In the 1750 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed in a household with Robt Hitch and negro Jack. This record is very interesting in that the notation "ded" is written next to Samuel's name and he was not counted in the final population tally. It might be assumed that he died during the actual counting process through the district or soon before that time (early 1750).

When John Hardy's account of his estate was completed on Jul 7 1750, it lists payment to Samuel Hitch. It also lists orphans Joseph, Benjamin and Phillis Hardy. (MdPrA-28:212) On Mar 22 1750/51, Samuel Hitch appears in the records as "Samuel Hitch his administration bond in common form by Rachel Hitch his administratrix with Elgitt Hitch &c Thomas Stanford of Somerset County for sureties in sum of 400 pounds sterling." (MdTP-34:125).

Samuel Hitch evidently died intestate as no will has been found. However, his estate was inventoried between Apr 11 1751 and Jun 20 1751 at a value of £125.1.7. Appraisers were Isaac Handy and Thomas Records; Creditors were Thomas Gilliss and Henry Lowes; Next-of kin listed were Elgt Hitch and Jonathon Hitch with Adminstratrix/Executrix Rachel Hitch. Inventory for "Samuel Hitch, Deceased:

One year old horse and mare 12.10.0; Old ass 5.0.0; One cow and calf/4 cows & yearlings 11.0.0; Two 2-year old heifers 1.13.4; One sow and 3 shoals of half worn wrought iron 3.8.8, One Iron, old iron pots 0.10.11, 14 of middling pewter and 9 of very old 1.8.6; 3 reap hooks and 2 old cow bells 0.9.0; One box iron & one Heaser of 1 small trunk 0.8.4; One stone mugg, one small earthen mug 0.2.10; One stone Jugg, 2 butter pots 0.6.0; One fiddle, 1 small wafer box 0.10.4; 2 old knives and forks, 1 grid iron, 1 frying pan 0.8.0; One old fire tongs, one iron hook to hang meat on 0.3.0; One Testament and Book called Christian Monitor 0.3.0; One small Do, 16 of old iron 0.4.6; One large washing tub, Pail Piggen and Strainer 0.4.0; One pair cotton cords, one comb 0.3.10; 5½ of Thread, agum 0.15.1; one pair Spoon moulds, one Razor 0.5.0; One old Horse Team, one pair sheep shears 0.3.0; One gun, one old gun 1.12.6; ½ of 1 pound of pepper, parcel of old Joyners & Carpenter tools 0.18.6; One iron kettle, one small iron skillet 0.5.1; One old Spinnin Wheel, again 0.3.0; One Cafe and 12 bottles, 2 cross leg tables 1.3.0; One old chest, 2 weeding hoes 0.11.0; One old crosscut saw, 6 old chairs 0.7.0; 3 old casks and 4 basketts 0.6.0; 2½ of wool, 1 bushel of Flax seed 0.5.10; 1 Bed and Bolsor, 1 Do 3.9.2; 1 Do 1.14.0; 1 Rugg, 2 Blanketts, one Quilt 1.9.0; 48 of dryed beef, 11 of Tallon 0.17.6; 132 of Bacon 2.4.0; 1 Negro Man called Jack aged 32 years 45.0.0; 3 bushels of wheat, 3 pecks of salt 0.16.6; 1 Ewe, some upper leather and sole leather 0.9.0; 1 Olde Mans Saddle & Bridle 0.10.0; 2 small Hydes 0.10.0; 173¼ bushels corn 17.6.6; 150 Ten Penny nails 0.1.6; 75 feet of pine plank, 5/hundred 0.3.9; One pair of Hames & Traces 0.1.6; 3 of old iron, one old Claw Hammer 0.1.9; ½ bushel of Rye 0.1.0; Debts due to Samuel Hitches Estate 4.17.2; ------------ 125.1.7; Jun 20 1751 came Rachel Hitch and made oath." (MdPrI-46:95).

Other interesting notes come from A Hitch Orchard compiled by Daisy Hitch Davies in 1931: "Samuel Hitch died before his wife. His son Samuel was about nine years old at the time. This boy may have been bound out to trade as was the custom at this time. In 1762 or 1763 when about 21 years of age and old enough to be his own master, he went from Maryland to Massachusetts with his brother Elgate and his first cousin, George Hitch, whose father had died that same year, 1763. Robert Hitch seems to have been the oldest son of Samuel and to have inherited the estate of his father. He died in 1768 while his younger brother Samuel lived until 1825 and was but 13 years older than Robert's oldest son Isaac. This is not unusual in large families."


In the 1750 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland, Samuel Hitch is listed but with the notation "ded" is written next to his name and he was not counted in the final population tally. This suggests that he died during the actual counting process or a short time earlier. (early 1750)


Samuel married Rachel Hardy, daughter of James Hardy Sr. and (?) (?), about 1727 in Somerset Co., MD. (Rachel Hardy was born about 1705 in Somerset Co., MD and died 10 Dec 1771-17 Aug 1773 in Somerset Co., MD.)


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