Michael Disharoon
(Bef 1654-1690/1691)
Joan/Jane (?)
Thomas Cox Sr.
(1647-Bef 1725)
Rebecca Clark
(Abt 1655-1703/1720)
John Disharoon Sr.
(1677-After 1754)
Margaret Cox
(Abt 1680-)
William Disharoon


Family Links

1. Mary Pollitt

William Disharoon 1

  • Born: 1713, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Mary Pollitt on 22 Sep 1736 in MD 1 2
  • Died: 25 Jan 1762-23 Feb 1762, Somerset Co., MD


William Disharoon first shows in the Somerset Tax Lists in 1728, suggesting he was born in 1713.

In the August court of 1760 in Somerset Co., William Disharoon petitions: "To the Worshipfull ye. Justices of Somerset County now in Court Sitting the Humble Petition of William Disharoon Sheweth that your Petitioner is Possest of a Certain Tract or Parcel of Land Called Frizzells Injoyment Lying in ye. County aforesaid the Bounds whereof are Decaying & the Persons that is acquainted With them are old or Infirm Your Petitioner humbly Intreats Your Worships to appoint Commissioners to Examine Evidences in Relation to the Bounds of ye. said Land or ye. Bounds of any other Lands whereon ye. Same may Depend and Your Petitioner as in duty Bound Shall pray &c. --Wm. Disheron --------------- Whereupon Came here into Court ye. afd. Petitioner in his proper person & thereupon ye. Petition afd. being read & heard & fully understood it is Considered by ye. Court here that a Commission Issue to ye. afd. William Disharoon as by ye Petition afd. is praid & that Louther Dashiell, Thomas Dashiell, Isaac Dashiell & John Adams of Somt. County Gentlemen be Commissioners & Execute ye. same Commission According to Act of Assembly &c." (SoJ-1760/63:35; the petition was executed Ibid:263)

William Disharoon wrote his will on Jan 25 1762 and it was proven in Somerset Co. on Feb 23 1762:
- To wife Mary, executrix and 150a, dwelling plantation called "Frizzells Enjoyment" and moveable estate during widowhood, then to son Levin Disharoon (co-executor)
- To son Levin the above after mother's decease and 50a tract called "Come No Nigher" and if Levin dies without issue, this to go to son James
- To daughters Margaret, Eunice (Unice) and Priscilla, negro girl Plina.
- To daughter Margaret Disharoon, one feather bed/furniture, chair, one shilling and after her death, these to fall into the moveable estate (*was she sick?)
- To daughter Unice, one feather bed, furniture, one seal skin trunk, one side saddle, one box iron and heaters, one pewter dish and basin, spinning wheel and one shilling.
- To sons Jesse, Waitman, Joshua and James, remainder of moveable estate after widowhood of their mother.
Witnesses: John Watson, John Disheroon, and John Carrow (Carrew). (SoW-EB4:91)


William married Mary Pollitt, daughter of Thomas Pollitt and Sarah Miles, on 22 Sep 1736 in MD.1 2 (Mary Pollitt was born about 1716 in Somerset Co., MD and died after 1798 in Somerset Co., MD.)



1 Dryden Collection at Salisbury State University.

2 Stepney Parish Church Records.

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