Waitman Disharoon 1
In the Somerset court records for March 1762 we find: "Waitman Disharoon an Orphan of his Own free Consent is bound out by the Court here an Apprentice According to Act of Assembly in Such Case provided unto George Sharpe of Somerset County untill he the Said Waitman Should Arrive at the Age of Twenty One Years the Said Waitman to Serve his Said Master the full term afd. during which term the Said Apprentice his Said Master well and faithfully he Shall Serve his Secrets keep his Commandments Lawfully and honestly Every where willingly he Shall doe and in all things as a good and faithfull Apprentice he Shall demean himself towards his Said Master and all his during the term afd. In Consideration of Which Service the Said George Sharpe present here in Court in his proper person Covenanteth with the Justices of the Same Court in Court Judicially Sitting in Manner and form following that is to Say that he the Said George Sharpe Shall and will during the term afd. Learn his Said Apprentice the Trade of a Bricklayer and plaisterer." (SoJ-1760/63:121) |
1 Descendants of Michael Disharoon. David Heise, draft report dated Nov 26 2000.
Stepney Parish Church Records.
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