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Samuel Hitch
Rachel Hardy
(Abt 1705-1771/1773)
Solomon Hitch
Rebecca Clarke
(Abt 1696-After 1752)
Robert Hitch
(Abt 1730-1767/1768)
Eve* Hitch
(Abt 1727-Abt 1790)
Isaac Hitch


Family Links

1. Sarah Nicholson?

Isaac Hitch

  • Born: 30 Dec 1754, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Nicholson? about 1778
  • Died: 05 Nov 1797-18 May 1798, Sussex Co., DE


Isaac Hitch was listed in the Stepney Parish Records of Somerset County as being born on Dec 30 1754, the son of Robert and Eve Hitch. Isaac Hitch's father, Robert's, will was written on Oct 9 1767 and probated on Mar 24 1768 (MdPrW-36:288). In it, Robert identifies Isaac as "his oldest son" and left him his dwelling house and 212 acre plantation called "High Suffolk".

On Jan 21 1775, Isaac Hitch "of Somerset County" sold land that was part of "High Suffolk" and "Come By Chance" to William Handy, a total 212 acres for £247.6.8 current money of Maryland. (SoLR-F:293). This record mentions Adam Hitch conveyed the land to Samuel Hitch by deed on May 6 1728, and notes Isaac Hitch as grandson of Samuel. This is all the land given to Samuel by Adam Hitch in 1728. This is probably about the time Isaac Hitch ventures northward into Sussex Co., DE. On Dec 4 1776, Isaac Hitch is mentioned in the account of Jesse Hollingsworth for services rendered on the Schooner Friendship during the Revolutionary War (Revolutionary War Papers Index, 1775-1789; B1, F7, #1).

Isaac Hitch was listed in the 1782 and 1785 Tax Assessment for Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware. In 1789, Isaac Hitch, along with Curtis Hitch, signed a 1789 petition to move the Sussex County seat from Lewes to the center of the county (History of 19th Century Laurel, Delaware). Isaac Hitch is also listed as one of nine Hitch households in the 1790 Federal Census for Sussex County, Delaware.

On Nov 14 1793, Isaac Hitch was issued a warrant for "vacant and in part cleared and improved" land not to exceed 200 acres. The land to be surveyed was adjacent to his current land called "Round Savannah" in Little Creek Hundred. (SoLR-R17:76) A survey was conducted for this on Nov 17 1793 amounting to 165 acres and 3.51 perches for "Hitches Chance". (SoLR-S18:176) The plat is meted as beginning at a marked red oak standing to the southward of a plantation of Isaac Moore's and running S19E 67 perches to a red oak, S49½W 24 perches to a red oak, S26½E 80 perches to a post, N74½E 24 perches to a post, N8E 223 perches to a persimmon tree, S36E 20 perches to a post, S12E 70 perches to a red oak, S9W 20 perches to a red oak, S59W 36 perches to a maple, S30E 133 perches to a red oak, S10E 15 perches to red oak, S37½W 20 perches to a pine, W 124 perches to a red oak, N75W 60 perches to a ditch, N18E 20 perches to a pine, N31½W 112 perches to a gum and N55¾E 110½ perches home to first bounder. A survey certificate was issued for this land on Oct 27 1794.

In 1794, there was a bond made from Isaac Hitch to Isaac Moore. (SxLR Index-P15:476). In 1797, Issac Hitch received a patent for 165 acres for "Hitches Chance". (SxLR Index-S18:410). In 1797, Isaac Hitch was assessed for £121.18.0 in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, DE. (SxTA-1797).

Isaac Hitch's will was written on Nov 5 1797 and probated May 18 1798 (DeW-E:176,177). A full transcription follows (a copy of the front page is shown in Figure 27):

In the name of God Amen I Isaac Hitch of Sussex County and State of Delaware Being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God. Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. That is to say first and principally(?) Of all I give and Recommend my Soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried at the discression (sic) of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to Bless me into this world I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form first I give and bequeath to Phillis Hitch my well beloved daughter one bed and furniture, one cow, one spinning wheel, one pewter dish, half dozen Earthen plates, one chest at her marriage day. Also I give and bequeath to my son Robert Hitch one year old colt to him and his heirs forever. Also I give and bequeath to my Dearly Beloved wife Sary Hitch all the residue of my personal estate and all my Lands and (?) By her freely to be poss'd and Enjoyed during her widowhood and at my wife's death or marriage day it is my will and desire that all that part of my personal Estate before named to my wife shall be Equally divided between my seven youngest children, that is between all my children except Phillis. Also it is my will and desire that at my wife's death or marriage day that my son Robert Hitch should have three fifths of all my Lands on the East side and my son Severon Hitch two fifths of all my lands on the west side with a division line drawn north and south to them and their heirs forever. Lastly I do ordain constitute and appoint my Dearly Beloved wife and my trusty friend John Dashiell sole Executors of this my last will and testament utterly disalowing (sic) Revoking and disanuling (sic) all and every other former wills and testaments. Ratifying this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of Nov in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven.

Isaac Hitch (seal)

Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Isaac Hitch as his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of Each other have hereunto subscribed our Names.

Ezekiel (X) Jamesson
(his mark)

Robert (X) Hastings
(his mark)


Stepney Parish church records show Isaac Hitch, son of Robert and Eve Hitch, was born Dec 30 1754.


Isaac Hitch's will was written on Nov 5 1797 and probated in Sussex County May 18 1798 (DeW-E:176,177).


Isaac married Sarah Nicholson? about 1778. (Sarah Nicholson? was born in 1750-1755 1 and died in 1831-1832 in Sussex Co., DE.)



1 1820 DE Census, Listed as Sarah Hitch with household 000200-00011 in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex Co., DE.

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