John Watts
(Abt 1605-)
John Watts
(Abt 1635-1680/1684)
Dorothy (?)
(Abt 1640-After 1690)
Capt. John Watts


Family Links

1. Sarah Wallop

2. Priscilla White

Capt. John Watts

  • Born: 1669, Accomack Co., VA
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Wallop about 1695 in Accomack Co., VA
  • Marriage (2): Priscilla White about 1704 in Accomack Co., VA
  • Died: 02 Jan 1725-05 Apr 1726, Accomack Co., VA


Capt. John Watts acquired the land tract "Newport Panell" when he married his second wife Priscilla White, a twin to sister Tabitha White and each daughters of John White. In John White's will written on Jun 1 1685 and proven Oct 3 1685 in Somerset Co., MD (later Worcester) (SoW-EB5:125), he leaves this land to his twin daughters Tabitha and Priscilla White. John White had the land surveyed for him for 700a on Jul 22 1679 and was granted patent on Mar 10 1681/82. Priscilla White had first married George Layfield who ceded the 350a she had inherited in his LW&T proven May 26 1703 (MdW-3:497). Priscilla Layfield then married John Watts sometime before 1719 (probably c1706) when an agreement of division is forwarded in the Somerset Land Records to define the boundaries between the original lands inherited by the White twins. (SoLR-IK:188)

John Watts was deposed in the Somerset Co., MD court on May 21 1690 at age "one and twenty years": "The deposition of John: Watts aged about one and twenty years declareth that about a month agoe One Mr Miner Came to Occoconson to the house where this deponent liveth and took severall clothes from a Nigro which this depont mother (she is identified as Dorothy Watts in other parts of the trial where this deposition takes place) bought of the sd Minor of the sd Miner, that is to say One shert as the sd Nigro declared the sd Minor took of his back in the field severall other clothes the said Nigro was then causd to bring in as a linon Wascoat an old black hatt, an old browne Coat, One shoe with a nail in the toe all which sd these this deponent heard the sd Miner say he would retourne to the Owner againe and further sayth not ------John: Watts
Jurat Coram me Ędibuse Gargaphy & dat Mense May 21th. 1690. - - - - Thomas Wellburn - - (SoJ-1689/90:110)

A case in the Somerset Court of 1708 shows how John Watts and his wife Prisculla had leased 350a of land in tract "Newport Pannell" to a Stevens White in 1706: "Stephens White Lessee of Jno Watts and Priscilla his wife agt Edward Hammond. Edward Hammond of Somerset County Planter was Attached to answer unto Stevens White of A plea wherefore by force and arms into that plantation dwelling house and other Outhouses and Three hundred and Fifty Acres of Land part of A Tract of Land calld Newport Pannell Scituate lying and being in Somersett County aforesaid Which John Watts and Priscilla his wife to him the said Stevens White had demised for A certain term of Years then and yet to come and unexpired entred and him from his farme aforesaid he did Eject expulse and Amove and other harms to him he did doe to the great loss and damage of him the said Stevens and against her Majestys Peace etc. And Whereupon the said Stevens White by Robert Gouldesbrough his Attorney complaineth that whereas the aforesaid John Watts at Somersett County the tenth day of February One Thousand Seaven hundred and Six demised to him the said Stevens While the plantation and Three Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land part of A tract of Land calld Newport Pannell Lying in Somersett County aforesaid To have and to hold the plantation lands and premises with the appurtenances to him the said Stevens White his heires and Assignes from the Tenth day of February aforesaid for and during the full terme of Three Years from thence next ensuing fully to be compleat and ended by Virtue of which demise the same Stevens into the plantation lands and premises with the appurtenances entred and was thereof possessd untill the said Edward Hammond afterwards (that is to say) the Fourteenth day of February in the Yeare aforesaid by force and arms into the plantation Land and premises aforesaid Which the said John Watts and John Watts and Priscilla his wife to him the said Stephens White had demised for A certain term of Years then and yet to come and unexpired Entred and him from his farme aforesaid he did eject expulse and Amove and other harms to him he did do to the great Loss and damage of the said Stevens and against her Majestys peace Whereupon the said Stevens saith that he damage hath sustaind to the Vallue of Two Hundred pounds Sterling and thereupon he brings this Suite." (Proc. of the MD Court of Appeals, 1695/1729:142)

On Oct 19 1724, John Watts of Accomack Co., VA and Priscilla Watts his wife granted to our loving son William Watts of Accomack in consideration of love, good will, and natural affection, 350a of land in "Newport Panell" in Somerset Co., MD John Watts signed and sealed and Priscilla C. Watts made her mark. (SoLR-GH:196)

Capt. John Watts wrote his will on Jan 1 1724/5 and it was proven in Accomack Co., VA on Apr 5 1726:
- To son William Watts, my Island called Wolf's Den Island at Mattapany in Somerset County, containing 90a, also my Island called Temp Island in the same place, containing 725a
- To daughter Easter Watts, my two tracts in Somerset called Smithfield and Farloworth containing 367a
- To daughter Sarah Finney...
- To daughter Mary Selby...
- To daughter Jannat Narn...
- To son John Kendall, negroes for life reversion to Lemuel Kendall, heir of Tabitha Kendall as recited on back of bill of sale endorsed by me to said Kendall
- To grandson Lemuel Kendall, negro to be delivered to him at age 18
- To son William Watts, negro and liberty to get timber on land in Somerset called "Watts Conveniency" for the building of houses on Temp Island
- To daughter Elizabeth Collier, beds and furniture to be divided between wife and six children Sarah Finney, John Watts, William Watts, Mary Selby, Jannet Nairn, Ester Watts
- To wife Priscilla, 1/3 of my estate not disposed of and 2/3rds left to be divided amongst the above six children
- Wife to be executrix and Richard Kitson and Mr. William Tazewell overseers
Witnesses: Solomon Ewell, Comfort Ewell, Sarah Wallop, Charles Littleton, John Wallop
Codicil Dec 9 1725: Appoint my friend Richard Kitson and son-in-law John Kendall assitant executors until my son John arrives at age 20 (AccVAW-1715/29:58)


John married Sarah Wallop about 1695 in Accomack Co., VA. (Sarah Wallop was born about 1675 in Accomack Co., VA and died before 1719 in Accomack Co., VA.)


John next married Priscilla White, daughter of John White and Sarah Keyser, about 1704 in Accomack Co., VA. (Priscilla White was born on 06 May 1677 in Somerset Co., MD and died 07 Nov 1730-05 Jan 1731 in Accomack Co., VA.)


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