Dorothy (?)
(Abt 1640-After 1690)


Family Links

1. John Watts

Dorothy (?)

  • Born: Abt 1640
  • Marriage (1): John Watts
  • Died: After 1690, Accomack Co., VA


In court for Jan 1689/90 in Somerset, we find a case where several accused men George Hinton, Thomas Selby Jr. and Charles Godfrey) face trial for stealing a number of items from Dorothy Watts (widow): "Somerset County Ss The Jurors for their Maties being Sworne upon the holy Evangelists at a Grand Jury held for the body of this County the second tuesday in November last past doe present and find, that. George Hinton, Planter, Thomas: Selby Junior Cooper, and Charles: Godfrey Planter all of this County hath most wickedly and felloniously stolen, and carryed away from of the Island called Mills Island on the sea Side and belonging to Dorothy Watts of the County of Accomack in the Collony of Virginia (Widow) Severall goods and Chattells, viz four hoggs, one Cedar Ladder, three Cutts of Cedar Timber, three Cedar Rafters from the Tobacco house, two hows, one Bed Cord made of a hide, amounting in all to ye value of eight hundred pounds being in or about the Jurisdiction midle of September last past within the Jurisdiction of this Court, and of the propper goods & Chattels of the said Dorothy: Watts, not having any regard to the sacred and divine laws of Allmighty God, or good laws and Institutions of this
Province, and against the publick peace. Their Maties Attorney Craves. Judgment may be entered against the
said George: Hinton, Thomas: Selby Junior, and Charles Godfrey as in Law in that Case provided &c
James: Sangster Clk Indt. - - - - -
The above said Indictmt. being Read before the Prisonrs at the Barr, who pleads not guilty and thereupon put them selves upon tryall to God and the Country. The Evidence being Sworne viz mr Potts his Carpenter, before the Court and Jury. of wch Jury John: King was foreman, all being Sworne upon ye holy Evangelist. do bring in their verdict as follows. Wee of the Jury do find no matter of falt against Thomas: Selby and Charles Godfrey. - - - - Whereupon the Court Orders them to find good Security for their good behaviour dureing pleasure. George: Hinton did not appear. Then Came John: Taylor and John: Patrick and did confess them Selves to be indebted pr Recognizance of ten pounds a peece to our Soveraigne Lord the King, and Court Charges for the good abearance and behavior of Thomas : Selby and Charles Godfrey the defts. likewise bound as above. - - - - - - - - - - - -" (SoJ-1689/90:30)

On Jun 10 1690, there is a case in the Somerset Co., MD court that involves Dorothy Watts and her son John: "Their Maties Somersett County Ss/. The Jurors for their Maties being sworne upon holy Evangelists at a agt County Court held for the body of this County doe present and find that James: Minor Cordweiner. James: Minor of the hundred of Bogatenorton having had one Nigro man Runaway upon the second day of february last past did break into the house of ffrancis Joyce of the same County Taylor and the sd Nigro did then and their wickedly and felloniously steal and carry away out of the sd house one Coat worth 300lb. tobacco price, one shirt 150lb. tobacco price, one Jackett 150lb tobacco, one hatt 45lb tobacco price, one paire of shoos 30lb. tobacco price, one leather bagg of 45lb. tobacco price , one knife 15lb. tobacco price, One piece of bacon 27lb tobacco price amounting in all to seven hundred sixty and two pounds of tobacco, now the sd Joyce being in pursuit of the said Nigro did meete with the sd Minor who said he was likewise looking after the sd Nigro, and then the said Joyce did acquaint the sd Minor, what things the sd Minors Nigro had stolen, the sd Minor did then say, that if his Nigro had stolen his goods, and were found with him he would satisfie the sd Joyce, Now their Maties Attorney comes and sayes and sayes that the sd Minor notwithstanding of his said assumption and promise to the sd Joyce, is not oly accessary, aider and abetter to the foresd fellony but is become principall, in as much as the sd Miner upon pursuit of the said Nigro did find him att the house of Elias Taylor in the County of Accomack, with the foresd goods in his Custody, directly as the sd Joyce had informed him where then and their the sd Nigro did declare that he did take them out of the house of the sd Joyce in manner as aforesd which sd goods the sd Minor did take into possession and the same did sell together with the sd Nigro to Dorothy Watts of Occoconsen in Accamack County in Virginia and upon his returne did utterly deny and peremptorily and audaciously thieflike affirme, that his Nigro was not the thief and had not the sd Joyce goods, but some others of his neighbours had stolen them, with severall asseveration opprobrious scurrulous threatining language, defying either law or government, therefore their Maties Attorney Craves judgment may be entered agt the sd Minor according to law in that case made and provided &c. James: Sangster Clk Indt.
The Indictmt being read, to which the sd Minor pleads not guilty and for tryall putts him Selfe upon the Jury, whose names are as followeth. viz Capt. William: Coulborne. John: Vigerous. Simon Perkins Junior Richard: Tull Richard: Hill. William Bowen. Edward Harper Cornelius Ward. Robert Cattling, Samuel: Shewell. John: Carter, Adam: Hitch. being duely impannelled and sworne, having heard the Evidences, and these following depositions goes forth to consult the matter. - - - - " After these several depositions... (SoJ-1689/90:108)


Dorothy married John Watts, son of John Watts and Unknown. (John Watts was born about 1635 and died 29 Apr 1680-04 Jun 1684 in Accomack Co., VA.)


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