John? Cropper
Maj. Edmond Bowman
Margaret (?)
(Abt 1625-Bef 1662)
John Cropper
Garthaight (Gertrude) Bowman
(Abt 1650-)
Nathaniel Cropper Sr.
(1685-Between 1757/1758)


Family Links

1. Mary Tull?

Nathaniel Cropper Sr.

  • Born: 1685, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Mary Tull? about 1724 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: Between Apr 1757 and 23 Jun 1758, Worcester Co., MD


On May 20 1718, Nathaniel Cropper purchased 200a of tract "Golden Mine" in Somerset Co. (later Worcester) from Lazarus/Sarah Gleen (SoLR-EF:138).

On Apr 29 1723, Francis Hamblin, planter, et ux. Sarah Hamblin sold 125a, all of tract "Providence" to Nathaniel Cropper, planter. (SoLR-GH:21). Nathaniel Cropper has this land resurveyed as "Croppers Discovery" for 466a on Apr 6 1748 and received a patent the same day. Improvements mentioned were 25a cleared land with a very rotten fence, 100 apple trees, 40 very small, rest much upon the decay, house 20x15 very old and rotten.

In the June court of 1725, there was a interesting case involving many locals trying to determine the bounds of Edmund Cropper's Lands "Neighborhood,", Wellbeck," and Tompkins Meadow and Nathaniel Cropper makes a deposition: " Wm Waltom & Edmond Crappar Commission and Depositions Somersett County fs: Charles absolute Lord and proprietary of the provinces of maryland and avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To Robert Martin, John Miller, Richard Hudson & Ephraim Heather all of Somersett County Gent Greeting Know ye that we have appointed you or any three or two of you to be our Commissioners to Examine Evidences on Behalf of a Certain William Waltom and Edmond Crapper both of the County afd Gent in Relation to the Bounds of three Tracts of Land Lying in the County afd the One Called Neighbourhood the Other Welback and the third Called Tomkins Meadow...- Nathaniel Crapper aged forty years or their abouts Being sworn saith That on a Certain Time he was Rideing in Company with Captain William Fassiatt Near Edmond Crappers and he was Blameing him the said Edmond for not setting his Bounder for he Knew ^best^ where it stood and that his Begining or first Bounder stood on a Point Below the Ould Orchard afd and further sath Not." (SoJ-1725/27:38)

In the 1740 Somerset Co. Tax List, Nathaniel Cropper Sr. is listed in Baltimore Hundred as head of household with Vincent Cropper as dependent. He is near to the households of Edmund Cropper Sr., Edmund Jr. and Nathaniel Jr.

On Nov 30 1751, Ebenezer Cropper Sr. and wife Elizabeth sold land in "Hog Quarter" (as "Edmunds Purchase") to Edmund Cropper Jr., son of Nathaniel (WoLR-B:390). On Mar 6 1754, Edmund Cropper Sr., son of Nathaniel, and wife Sarah, sold land in "Hog Quarter" (as "Edmunds Purchase") to Edmund Cropper, son of Ebenezer (WoLR-C:120).

Nathaniel Crapper wrote his will on May 5 1756 and it was probated in Worcester Co., MD on Jun 23 1758. The record is very light and hard to read but it names sons Solomon, Edmond, John, William and Nathaniel with wife Mary (MdWills-30:554).

Nathaniel Cropper
05 May 175623 Jun 1758
To wife Mary Cropper - third of personal estate, dwelling house, third of land on the east side of the main road down to South Point for her life time
To sons Solomon, Edmund, John, William Cropper - tract on the south side of Indian River called LADYS DELIGHT containing 1000 ac which was formerly taken up in "Pensilvania"
To son Nathaniel Cropper - tract where he now lives
To son Edmond Cropper - part of tract where I now live beginning at the bayside and running the course between Thomas Purnell and myself until it intersects the main road of Senepuxon that leads to South Point
To son Vincent Cropper - dwelling plantation except the land given to Edmond and if Vincent dies without issue then this to go to sons Edmond and William Cropper
To sons Solomon and William Cropper - GOLDEN VALLEY
Executor: sons Edmond and Vincent
Witnesses: William Bowen, Nancy Cropper, Thomas Robins, John Parker
Apr 1757 Codicil:
That land given to son Edmond be revoked and now to go to son William
To grandson Edmond Cropper - that part that was given to son William
Witnesses: Capt. Thomas Robins, Jr., William Smith, Jr., Reuben Cropper


Nathaniel married Mary Tull? about 1724 in Somerset Co., MD. (Mary Tull? was born about 1685 in Somerset Co., MD.)


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