John? Cropper
John Cropper


Family Links

1. Garthaight (Gertrude) Bowman

John Cropper

  • Born: 1645-1648, Accomack Co., VA
  • Marriage (1): Garthaight (Gertrude) Bowman about 1665
  • Died: 25 Sep 1686-14 Dec 1688, Somerset Co., MD


John was born 1645-1648 as, in Aug 1663, John Cropper gave his age as 18 in a deposition in Accomack Co. but, in Feb 1683, he is listed as age 35 in Somerset Co., MD

On Apr 20 1680, John Crapper purchased "Assateague Fields" in Somerset Co., MD from Edward Whaley (as Wale) and his wife Elizabeth (SoLR-MA:264). On the same date, Cropper purchased land "Charles His Choice" from Charles and Elizabeth Rackliffe (Ibid:321). John Cropper had 200a of land "Hog Quarter" surveyed for him on Feb 20 1681/2 and received a patent for it on Aug 10 1683. He also had tract "Sturbridge" surveyed on Feb 20 1681/2 for150a - it was granted patent on Aug 10 1683. He had the tract "Point Lookout" surveyed on Dec 6 1683 for 150a but it does not appear he ever took possession or was granted patent for it.

John Cropper listed his cattle marks in the Somerset Co. records as: "John Cropper his marke vizt Cropt of the left ear one slitt in the Crop & underbitted of the Said ear: The right ear underbitted & overbitted & one slitt entered the 10th day of June Annoq Dom 1681." and "John Cropper his marke vizt Cropt of bothe ears and underbitted of both ears entered the 10th June 1681."

In the court of Mar 13 1689/90, we find out about a transaction of John Cropper from Jun 14 1682: "Capt Henry Smith Plt Issue joynd. by way of Petion. and being on ye Docket agt John: ffranklin Defendt. To the Woll the Comissioners of Somerset County the humble Petion of Henry Smith Mercht sheweth that John Cropper was indebted unto your petioner the just sum of 2444lb and Caske as per anote ampled by him charged upon him by John Roads ye petioner craveth an Order against the sd John: Cropper for the above sd Sum of two thousand four hundred fourty and four pounds tobacco and Caske and yr petioner shall pray &c. Mr Cropper Sir. pay unto Henry Smith or Order two thousand four hundred fourty and four pds of tobacco and Caske it being the ballance of an Order Court obtained agt the estate of Ambrose White; your Loving friend John: Roades. -----
14th. June 1682: - - - - Accepted pr me John Cropper.
Received of John: Cropper the sum of twenty one hundred and Seventy pounds of tobacco upon the accot. of mr John Roades I say recd this 3th. of ffeb. 1682/3: Henry Smith, Thomas: Pool Senior made Oath in Open Court that the said John Cropper did assume payment after date of this last receit of the above sd Sum of 2444lb of tobacco; which by the Court was weighed and considered to be justly due to the sd Smith and the thereupon, the Court Orders the said Admr. of the sd Estate of John: Cropper to pay the same. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Capt Henry Smith requires a Coppie of the order of Court agt the sd Admr to be drawn out and sent him. upon Court day which was done which proceedings in Short are as followeth. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maryland Somerset Ssc.Att a County Court held by their Maties Justices of ye peace the 13th day of March Ano Dom 1689/90 --------- Capt Henry: Smith in propia prsona per petion Sues to the Worll. Court for an order agt the Admr of John Cropper deceased for 2444lb. of tobacco and Caske, which Sum aforesd the said Smith makes appear to be just and due, both by Oath and under the sd Croppers hand as upon Record doth more amply appear, and therefore the Court having Considered ye psrmses doe order the sd Admr to pay the abovesd Sum viz 2444 pounds of tobacco and Caske to the sd Smith Their Maties agtVera Copia pr John: West. Dept. Clk. Cur Count Somerset." (SoJ-1689/90:57)

In the February court of 1683 John Cropper sued Oliver Berry for security he put up in a bastardy case against Berry where we find Cropper's age was 35 on Feb 5 1682/3: "John Cropper plt agt Oliver Berre deft Somersett County Ss Oliver Berry Late of this County Marriner was Summoned to answr unto John Cropper in a plea of Trespass upon the Case &c And where upon the plte by Thomas Poole his attorney Comes & Saith That he the Said Oliver in the month of ffebruary last became indebted unto y plte the full & Just Summ of Two Thousand one hundred & Seaventy pounds of good Sound marchantable tobacco & in order to y payment of y aforesaid Sume of 2170lb of Tobacco unto y plte he the Sd Oliver did Charge A note upon Collo: Wm: Stevens wch note wee have here in Cort to produce but he the Sd Oliver fraudulently intending the plte to deceive of the Summe aforesaid (meeting) with Collo Stevens ordered him not to except the note aforesd wch he the Sd: Oliver had Charged Soe yt the plte is Still unpaid or Satisfied y Summe of 2170lb of tobacco although often there unto required by the plte whereupon the plte Saith he is amnified and hath Damadges to the vallue of 2400lb of tobacco and thereupon brings this Sute Jno: Doe pr quer Tho: Poole Ple de Po Richard Roe ffebry y first 1682
Collo: Stevens So be pleased to pay mr: John Cropper twenty one hundred and Seaventy pounds of tobacco upon my accot: and I will pay you the Same or in any thing else that you Shall require your Servt: to Command Oliver Berry These Presents Witnesseth that if Oliver Berre Doth pay unto Henry Smith the sume of Two Thousand one hundred & Seaventy pounds of tobacco the remainder of Two Thousand and five hundred pounds of tobacco that the Said Berry did agree for to give unto Jno: Cropper for his Damages yt he the Sd Jno: Cropper
Shoulld Sustaine by Joane Garretts being with Child the wch Chilld the Sd Joane doth Charge the Sd Berry to be the father thereof that then this presents Shall witness that I the said John doth Clearly acquitt and dischardge the Sd Oliver Berry from all Damadges yt I Shall Sustayne by the Sd Joane being with Child as witness my hand & Seale this 5th febry 1682/3John Cropper Testes John Townsand Darnell Quilland
Sommerset Ss: The Deposicon of John Cropper aged 35 years of thereabouts Saith yt upon Thursday last the first day of february Oliver Berry did voluntaryly of his owne accord after my demanding Security or the Leaving of an Attorney to answr for him at this County Court about getting of Child of Joan Garrett Servant unto y Sd John Cropper Did proffer & agree with the said John Cropper to pay him in hand the Sume of Two Thousand and five hundred pounds of tobacco for what Damadges the Said John Shoulld Sustaine by the Said Joans being with Chilld the which Sume of tobacco the Sd Cropper did except to Say three hundred pounds of tobacco to be pd in Goods & the remainder being Two Thousand one hundred and Seaventy the Sd Berry did Chardge a note upon Collo Wm
Stevens to pay unto the Sd Cropper : / : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ John Cropper
William Browne aged 31 years of age or thereabouts doth swear yt what is above written he knoweth to be True ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wm Brown 5th ffebruary 1682
Then John Cropper & Wm Browne made oath to the truth of y Above Mentioned Be fore us William Stevens: Henry Smith Plea Cropper plte Berry deft And: Whereupon the deft Comes & Saies by his Attorney James Langster that he the Said Cropper Judgemt: ought not to have agt: the deft because the deft was no waies indebted to the plte y foresaid Summe of Two Thousand one hundred pounds of Tobacco but that the defendt: did pass a note to y plte charged only on Collo Stevens and afterwords did forbid y paymt thereof because fraudulently gott by threatening to Stopp y vessell and without any Consideracon from the plte but the plte in y defendts: debt the deft Craves Judgemt whith:o the plte ought to have this sute Langster pro defendant The Courtt Commands the Sherife to bring here 12 good & Lawfull Men of his Baliwick that the truth of y matter in question may the better be made known who are sworne vizt Robert Glessell foreman Thomas Bird Wm: ffenton: Henry Lynch Edward Day:John Evans: Wm Piper: George Goddard: Henry Hayman, Wm: Scott: Thomas Horssman: ffrancis Martin: the Jury having recd
theire Chardge & Wm Browne Sworn on part of the plte before the Cort & Jury: goe forth on the Cause depending and this day to witt y 5th: day of ffebruary Annoq Dom: 1683 Came John Cropper by his attorney Thomas Poole as well Oliver Berre deft by his Attorney James Langster And the Jurors to witt Robert Glessell Thomas Bird: Wm: ffenton: Henry Lynch Edward Day: John Evans: Wm: Piper George Goddard: Henry Hayman: Wm: Scott: Thomas Horssman & ffrancis Martin who to Say the truth being Summoned Impanelled & Sworne upon there oaths Say they finde for the plt Two thousand one hundred & Seaventy pounds of tobacco with Cost of Sute provided the plte indempnifie y defendt from all Cost & Charges yt Shall or may attend upon the Sd defendt according to Composicon upon the Deft being Charged with a Chilld begott upon the body of Joan Garrett Servant to the plaintiff
Robert Glessell foreman This Court ordrs the verdict to be entered & that the deft: Oliver Berre pay the sd: Two thousand one hundred & seaventy pounds of tobacco with Cost accordingly to y plte John Cropper alias execucon." (SoJ-1683:21-22)

There is a case in the Somerset Co., MD courts in 1690 that that is interesting involving John Cropper and his business from Aug 14 1685 into the year 1686: "Maryland Ssc. Know all men by these prents that I John: Cropper of Somerset County in the Province aforesd, am holden and firmly bounded unto ffrancis Jenkins of the County aforesd Gentl in the full and just Sum or Quantity of Eleaven thousand One hundred fourty three Pounds of good sound Merchantable bright and large tobacco in Caske to be paid upon demand at some one Convenient Towne in the County aforesd it being for a valuable Consideration in hand already to the true performance whereof I bind my Selfe my heirs Execcutors and Admrs firmly by these presents to the sd ffrancis, his Heirs Execcutors Admrs Assigns or lawfull Attorney in the penalle of twenty two thousand two hundred Eighty Six pounds of like tobacco in Wittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal this 4th day of September Ano. Dom. 1685John: Cropper. Sealed. Signed Sealed and delivered in presents of us John: IPI Petty John. his marke James: I Phillip his marke.
Jno: Cropper Contr.--- Cr
Anno. 1685
to 3 taxes. Peter.Jno.& Phillips120
to 200ars Racliffs Adventure 1 yr- 24
to 250ars Golden Valley. 1 yr. - - 60
to 200ars Hogg Quarter. - 1 yr- - - 48
to 150ars Sturbridge. 1 yr. - - - - 36
to 1200ars. Wrixam. - - - 1.yr. - 144
to 150ars Poynt look out - - - -18
to 200ars. Hoggs Norton - 1.yr - - 24
to 300ars.Linneeth: 1 yr. - - - 36 12586
to 525ars pt. of 1050ars Basing.1 yr - 63
to yor. Bill ballance of ano.84.- 11143
to Caps.Contra Talbott - - - - - 35
to Caps.Contra Cockshell. - - - - 35
to paid mr. Davies for you - - - - 100
to Caps. Contr. Cockshell & a Jury 155
to amercment by Cockshell - - - 30
April 8th 86,
to to 2000 of 6d.nailes Lent or - - 120
to a Caps.& a N:E:I Contra yr Selfe
gt the Lord Propryry ----------------- 55
to forb of 4250 Tob at 8 pr Cent C 340
By Thomas Morris his Bill 07000
By 1 hhds tob. pd Jno. Smock - 00498
By 1: hhd tob pd John. Smock - - 439
Ballance Due. - - - - -4649

Jno. Cropper ---- Dr pr ContrCr.
to 5 taxes. ffoster Philips Scallaepers
and One Negro. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -365
to 200ars. Ratcliffs adventure. 1. yr.24
to 250ars Golden Valley 1:yr. - - - - - - - - 60
to 200ars. Hogg Quarter - - 1.yr. - - - - - - 48
to 150ars Sturbridge - - 1.yr. - - - - - 365778
to 1200ars. Wrixam. 1. yr - - - - - - - 144
to 150ars. Poynt Look out. - 1.yr. - - - 18
to 200ars. Hogg norton. 1-yr. - - - - - - 24
to 300ars. Linneeth. 1. yr. - - - - - - - - 36
to Ball of ano. 85. as abovsd. - - - - - -4649
to forb. of 4673. at 8 prct. - - - - - - - -374
Jno: franckland in Open Court Confesseth Judgment to This Ballance
5778 viz. 5046
Errors Excepted
pr me ffra Jenckins
By 2 hhds of tobacco containing neat 732
Ballance Due: 5046
5778" (SoJ-1689/90:161)

In the Somerset court records, we find the following suit for 1690 for a debt owed from Apr 28 1686: "March: 13th:1689/90 Mr. Thomas Jones Plt agt John Cropper Deft This Bill bindeth me Jno Cropper of Somerset County my Heirs Executors and and Admrs. to pay or cause to be paid unto John Woodside Master of the shipp Robert of Larne in the Kingdome of Ireland or to his --Certain Attorney the full and just. Sum of four hundred pounds of good sound Merchantable tobacco in Caske in some convenient towne in the County aforesd according to Act of Assembly to the which be well and truely made and done at or before the tenth day of october next ensueing the date hereof. I bind my selfe my Heirs and Executrs firmly by these presents in Wittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal this twenty eight day of Aprill 1686.John: Cropper. Wittness present Thomas: Poynter, Samuel Cooper. Pay the Contents of the above Bill to mr Thomas Jones this is mine" (SoJ-1689/90:59)

John Cropper wrote his will in Sep 25 1686 and it was proven in Somerset Co. (later Worcester) on Dec 14 1688
- To John Fassitt (as Fossitt), 200 of 300a of land in tract "Linneath" if Fassitt makes over 200a of "Rackliffes Adventure" to Thomas Osborne. If not, Osborne to get the 200a of "Linneath"
- To Thomas Morris, the 100a balance in "Linneath" (land is near "Hogs Norton" given me by John Fassitt)
- To son John Cropper, 700a of land being the plantation I dwell on, part of 1200a called "Wrixham" (as Rxsome; NOTE: = "Assateague Fields") with all the houses, orchards and other things on it
- To son Ebenezer Cropper, 500a of land the balance of "Wrixham", division line is a line running from the bay side to "niehead thereof Sea ye aforesaid John Cropper"
- Next, if either of my sons aforesaid will (not) live on their share of the 1200a, they shall not dispose of their part but it will go to the other brother
- To son Edmund Cropper, 400a of land on the Indian River and Rehoboth Bay (as Rehono) in ye County of Sussex in ye territory of Pennsyvania (later Sussex Co., DE), it being part of a 1000a patent
- To son Nathaniel Cropper, 500a of the above patent mentioned called "Ladys Delyts"
- To Elizabeth Cropper, 300a of land in 'Asshasnecon' over aginst Houfford Town in Somersett County upon ye Pocomoke River called Indian Landing
- To daughter Sarah Cropper, 150a of land near ye head of Pocomoke River called "Sturbridge" (as Sturbredge)
- To sons John & Ebenezer, 200a of land at ye head of John Rounds land that he now dwellath called "Hig Quarter"
- To friend Rhoda Fassitt (as Roderah Fossett), 250a of land in ye woods near 'gepomcoe' called "Golden Valley"
- To son John, ye 4th part of my cattle, sheep, horses, gun by the name of "tucker", piece of briefs pistols and holster, my riding saddle & bridle, also a young black horse all to be immediately possessed except the cattle which he will get as soon as he attains age of 18
- Son John to also get all my evening clothes, duck tene chest, pughling desk, feather bed and bolster "spring of Cleinbeatts" and rug and face of curtains, iron pot and pot hooks. Also, negro girl after his mother's decease. All above should have a child of my negro wench if she has children. John also to have handmill, a large file and all my books
- To son Ebenezer, 1/4th part of my sheep, horses and cattle, a gun standing in the outward room, a bed and blankets and the foot and pot hooks
- To son Edmund, 4th part of sheep and horses, a small chest and small gun, iron pot and pot hooks
- To son Nathaniel, 4th part of cattle, sheep and horses, chest and one gun/pad
- To Rhoda (as Rodea) Fassitt, one spread mare and male creatures to come from any of my 'feansco' cattle and female sheep and mares likewise - if she dies or marries, then these to be divided amongst my children
- To daughter Elizabeth Cropper, one feather bed and bolster and 3 pewter dishes
- To wife Garthaight Cropper's children not nominated in this LW&T, one shilling sterling money and no more
- To Beloved friend Rhoda (Rodea) Fassitt my sole executrix to receive and pay my just debts
- James Round and Charles Rackliffe to be executors-in-trust to assist executrix in settling and delivering all the above to my said sons both real and personal as soon as they reach age 18.
I give to Thomas Erlines my brother his three children any snow colts and of my mares shall yield.
Witnesses: John Cole, John Vigerous, Thomas Bromly, Thomas Osborne, William Fassitt (MdW-16:33 )

We see in this record that he picks his "beloved friend" Rhoda Fassitt to get some livestock and, more importantly, to be his sole executrix. Cropper's wife seems to have died by the time he wrote his will but the relationship to Rhoda Fassitt is intriguing. Rhoda married John Franklin after some of the court cases began showing up in refernce to Cropper's estate on Jun 12 1689 and when she is listed as Franklin's wife on Aug 14 1690. She is listed as "Widdow ffossett" in one record from Jun 12 1689. (see above/below).

On Jun 12 1689, we find two court cases in the records relative to John Cropper's estate: "The Peticon of Thomas Poole att: the Widdow ffossett as admrx: of the estate of Jno: Cropper deced That Whereas the sd: Jno: Croppoer in his life time because indebted to the Peticoner the sume of 1700lb: of Tobao: as pr accot: for wch: your peticoner humbly Craves order agt: Rodiah ffossett as admrx: of the estate of Jno: Cropper aforesd: now deced for the sd: 1700lb: of Tobacco &
Augst: 19th: 1684lb tob
John Cropper Dr: ffor ffetching Richd: Talburt & his wife & Child from St: Maries 1000
To 1 hhd paid mr: Underwood - - - - - - - 400
To 3 ffees agt: Talburt - - - - - - - - - 300
= Due Tho: Poole - - - - - - £ 1700
This Court haveing taken the premisses into Consideracon and after heareing the aforesd: Peticon of Thomas Poole read - - Ordered that Rodiah ffossett admrx: of the estate of John Cropper aforesd: deced pay Unto the aforesd: Thomas Poole the Sume of Seaventeen hundred pounds of Tobacco & Cake
The Peticon of James Round Craveing an order agt: Rodiah ffossett as admrx: of the estate of John Cropper late of this County deced for 399lb: of Tobacco due to him upon Ballance of accot: as it may & doth appeare pr accot: here in Court to be produced Viztt: =
March 31 John Cropper Dr:lb Tobo:Per ContraCredtr:lb Tobo:
pr your Note to pay John More . .040
:paid to mr: John Taylor - - - - -552 pr one Cow & Calfe - - - -500 =
Janr 21thTo Two galls: of Rum - - - - -100
To 1 lock key & hinges - - - - - 045 Due to Ballance to James Round 399
To 1 gall rum 50 1 qt: rum to ye man 13 063 Errors: Excepted899 =
To 15lb: of porke due to ballance on porke accot 022
1 bottle spiritt 12 steeling an ax 15027: Per James Round - - - - -
pr his Subscription toward building ye Church -050:

Upon heareing the aforesd: peticon it was Ordered by this Court that Rodeyah ffossett as admrx: of the estate of John Cropper deced pay unto the aforesd: James Round the said Ballance of his accot: being Three hundred Nynety and Nyne pounds of Tobacco as prayed." (SoJ-1687/89:123-124)

On Jun 13 1689, we find a case in the Somerset Court regarding John Cropper's estate: "James Sangster plt: Sumrsett County Ss Rodeyah ffossett admrx: of the agt: Estate of Jno: Cropper late of this County deced was attached. Rodeyah ffossett admrx:&t:deft: To answer unto James Sangster of the same County in an accon of the Case &t: And Whereupon the plt: by himselfe Comes and Sayes that he the Said John Cropper deced was indebted unto the plt: in the full and just Sume of Six hundred pounds of Tobaccoe for Certaine ffees as doth and may appeare pr accompt here in Court prduced which said Sume the said Cropper deced did assume and prmiss to pay the same to the plt: or Order whereupon the plt: did order 400lb: of Tobaccoe to mr: James Round for plts: use & Thereupon did draw A Note upon Edmund Beauchamp for the said Sume which was prtested by The said Beauchamp and not as yett paid to the plts: greate Losse to the vallew of Twelve hundred pounds of Tobacoe and Thereupon brings this Suite
Jan 12th: 1685 John Cropper Dr:lb tobo:
To ffees Cropper by Richd: Talbott 3 accons 300Pr Contra Cred: lb. tobo:
To ffees Cropper by Richd: Cockshell 2 accons200by Two small primers . . .15
To advice - - - - - - - -100Due to Ball - - - - - 585
600600 =
Came Rodeyah ffossett in her prper prson and prayeth Liberty to imparle hereunto until the Next County Court and it is granted her the same day is granted to the plt: alsoe - - - - - At which said County Court to witt the 13th: day of June in the xiiiith: yeare of the Domion of The Rt: honoble: Charles &t: Annog Domi 1689 Came the said parties and the said Rodeyah sayth Shee knowes nothing in barr or avoidance of the accon aforesd: Whereupon it is Considered by this Court here that the said James Sangster Recover agt: the said Rodeyah ffossett admrx: aforesd: the full sume of ffive hundred Eighty ffive pounds of Tobacco Debt and the Deft: in Mercy &t:" (SoJ-1687/89:132"

On Jan 16 1689/90, we find the following in the court records relative to John Cropper's estate: "Henry Lynch Mercht. Petiond Janry 16 Ano 1689 To the Worll. Comrs. of Somerset The humble Petition of Henry Lynch Merht.humbly sheweth That whereas John: Cropper late of this County Deceased in his life time stood indebted to your petionr. the just Sum or quantity of four hundred thirty seven poounds of pork which he hath not paid whereupon your petioner humbly craveth Order against Jno: ffranklin who marryed the Administratrix of the goods and Chattels of the aforesaid John: Cropper deceased. And as in duty bound shall pray . - - - - - - - - - - - - -Then was this following accompt produced in Court.
John Cropper - - is Do.Tobo.
1686 PorkePer - - Contra - - - Cr
to 2. galls of Rum - - - - - - - 80
to 10lb. of Suger at. - - - - - - 50
to 10lb. of Suger and 2 galls of Rum -130
to 5lb. of Suger - - - - - - - - 025
to 1 gall of Rum - - - - - - - 40
to 52lb. of Suger - - - - - - - - 27
to 1: gall Rum - - - - - - - - - 40
to 32lb. of Suger - - - - - - - 15
to 6lb. of ditto - - - - - - - - - 30
Errors Excepted pr me this 0/2 day of May 1689. Henry Lynch
This day being ye 2d of May 1689 mr Henry Linch being duely Sworne doth declare the 9, 0S 437lb. of Tobacco to be justly due by Jno: Cropper Before me, Robt. King
Nota Bene, The originall of the above said Petion was mentioned tobacco according to oath made before Mr. Robert: King, and Order was likewise granted for tobacco:
But wythin halfe an hour Comes Thomas Pool with the aforesaid Petition which he had altered, and turned the word tobacco, into porke, by interlineing in the sd petition. Likewise, Henry: Lynch in persona affirms that the above said accompt was porke due to him. and that the mistake might probably be in mr. King, and therefore humbly prayes the Courts Consideration for the same. --- likewise the said Lynch offers to Swear the same: viz that every perticular article in ye abovesaid accompt was due him in porke, and that he had not recd any part or parcell thereof. which Oath was to the said Lynch Administred. And therefore Ordered that the above said Sum in the fa-
said accompt be only paid in Porke viz four hundred thirty Seven pounds to be paid by John ffranklin." (SoJ-1689/90:39)

On Aug 14 1690, we find the following in the court records regarding Cropper's estate:
"August 14th. 1690 --- - - - - - - - - - Somerset County Ssc.
To the worshipfull their Majesties Justices for the foresd County. William Anderson Admr of the Estate of Abell: Porter Decd. Sheweth That the Estate of mr John: Cropper Late of this County Decd standeth Indebted to the
foresd Porters Estate in the sum of Sixteen pounds fourteen shillings and seven pence Sterling as pr Croppers Subscriptions may appear Wherefore yor Petioner in Capascity aforesd prayeth yr Worships order against mr John ffranklin who hath intermarryed with mrs Rhodiah ffaasett the Executrix of sd Croppers Estate for the foresd Sum of 16:14:6d. with Cost and he will pray. &c. ------------
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Somerset County Ssc. To the worll. their Maties Justices for the sd County. William Anderson humbly sheweth
That the Estate of mr John: Cropper late of this County Decd Standeth Indebted to your petioner in the sum of four thousand two hundred eighty five pounds of tobacco and Caske as pr his Subscriptions may appeare also two thou hundred seaventy eight pounds of porke. for both which Sums yr petioner prayeth your worships Order against mr John: ffrankling who hath intermarryed ffaasett the Extrx of the sd Cropper with Cost, or as in yor Province is Customary in the like Cases & he will pray &c.--

The above sd two Petions being read in Court But no Order past. upon either." (SoJ-1689/90:170)

We find an inventory of Cropper's estate in the Somerset Judicials on Nov 15 1690:
9ber. 15: 1690
- - - - - - - -
Inventory of the Estate of John: Cropper lately of Somerset County deceased
Imprmis - - - - - - - - - - - , s d
To a Servant woman for two years - - 4 10 00
To a Servant woman for 14 months - - 2 05 00
To a Servant man for 22 years. - - - 6 00 00
To a Nigro woman. - - - - - - - 14 00 00
To two Cows and Calves. - - - - - 03 00 00
To 4: Stears 4: yrs. each . - - - - - 05 00 00
To 8 barren Cows . - - - - - - - - 08 00 00
T 9: yearlings - - - - - - - - - 05 08 00
To one bull - - - - - - - - - - - 01 00 00
To a Cow and Calfe - - - - - - - 01 15 00
To a Mair and yearling - - - - - - 04 00 00
To an Old Mair - - - - - - - - - 02 10 00
To a gelding . - - - - - - - - - 06 00 00
To a very old horse . - - - - - - - 01 00 00
To a Mair - - - - - - - - - - - 05 00 00
To a horse - - - - - - - - - - - 03 00 00
To 2 young horses . - - - - - - - - 03 00 00
To 13 Sheep . - - - - - - - - - 06 10 00
To a feather bed and furniture. - - - 03 00 00
To a percel of Servants bedding - - - 01 05 00
To a percel of pewter . - - - - - - 00 10 00
To a pair white milstones - - - - - 00 12 00
To 4: guns unfixt - - - - - - - - 02 00 00
To 1: pr pistols and sword - - - - - 01 06 00
To 3: old chests . - - - - - - - - 01 02 00
To an old sadle . - - - - - - - - - 00 04 00
To a bed tick - - - - - - - - - - 00 16 00
To a pcel Carpenters tools. - - - - - 00 13 06
To 1 pr pot hooks . - - - - - - - - 00 06 00
To a horse. - - - - - - - - - - - 03 00 00
To a grinding stone & furniture for a horse 00 07 00
Tobacco due96 19 06
By Capt. Ratclife 750
By Wm. Browne. 125
The above Inventory taken the 14th. day of decembr 1688: as witness our hands and Seals C
Matthew: Scarbrough v sealed
Cha: Ratclife - - - - v Sealed.
9ber Court 1690 A just and true accompt of debts Administred out of the Estate of Jno: Croppoer late
of this County decd, by Jno: ffranklin & Rhodiah his wife, Admrx of the said Estate .
Imprimis - - - - - Tobacco Porke
To John: Cole of Accomack in Virginia - - - - - - - - 4 00
To James: Sangster. pr Order of Court . - - - - - - - - ----- 5 85
To James: Sangster Attorneys fees . - - - - - - - - - - --- 4 00
To James: Rounds pr Order of Court. - - - - - - - - - ---- 3 96
To John: Vigerous Chirurgeon pr Order of Court - - - - - +1 0 00
To Thomas: Poole pr Order of Court . - - - - - - - - - +1 7 00
To Elias Coleman . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0 3 00
To Wm: Anderson of Accamack Virginia - - - - - - - - + 4 2 85 ------- 275x
To Andrew Whittington pr Order of Court . - - - - - - - + 1 0 95
To Thomas: Jones pr Order of Court. - - - - - - - - - + 0 4 00
To ffrancis: Jenkins pr Order of Court . - - - - - - - - - + 5 0 40
To John: Webb pr Order of Court . - - - - - - - - - - + 0 5 71
To Henry: Lynch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + 0 4 40 ------- 437
To Samuel Sandford Mercht. - - - - - - - - - - - - - + 0 0 00 ------- 268 money
To Capt. Henry: Smith pr Order of Court - - - - - - - - + 2 4 44 , s d
To Thomas: ffenwick 2 Cowes & Calves 2 heifers 2 yrs.old - - - - - - - ------ 000 ---3: 0: 0
To the Minister funeral Sermon . - - - - - - - - - - - + 0 5 00
To funeral: Charges . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + 1 0 00
To Matthew Scarbrough for procureing letters of
Admrn from y Secretaries Office when ye will was lost 2 0 00
To one Servant Sold for land & not complyed with + 3 0 00
To four Rights . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + 0 6 00
To my owne Charges in Admring . - - - - - - - - - - + 1 0 00
To Rent, Secretaries fees, & other charges unknown
To 3 Servants Rights due to ye Admr - - - - - - - - - - + 0 4 50
To mr ffrancuis Jenkins upon Saml. Coopers accot. - - - - + 0 1 70
30 4 46
--John: ffranklin.
--Rhodia RF. ffranklin
Sworne to in Open Court ye 15th. day of November Anno Dom 1690.
by Rhodiah: ffranklin to the truth of each perticular article
above inserted. Signed pr Jno West Dept Clk Cur. Comit Somerset" (SoJ-1690/91:7-8)

Finally, on Dec 10 1690, we find the following in the records regarding John Cropper's estate:
" xber. 10th. 1690 Maryland. Ssc. Know all men by these prsents that wee John: ffranklin of Somerset County who inter married wth Rhodia ffauset Executrx of the last will and Testament of John:Cropper decd and Samuel:Hopkins and James: Sangster of the same County Gentm are holden and firmly bounden unto the Right Honrble the Lord Propry in the just quantity of fourty eight thousand two hundred ninety eight pounds of tob. to be pd to the sd Lord Propy his Heirs Successors or Assigns, to which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind our Selves, our Heirs, Execcrs and admrs. Joyntly and Severally firmly by these presents Sealed with our seals and dated this 20th day of 9ber 1690. The Condition of the above sd Obligation is Such that if the above bounden John:ffranklin shall well and truly Administer all and Singular the goods chattels and Creditts of John: Cropper late of this County decd according to the letters of Admrn granted and shall well and truly satisfie and pay or cause to be well and truly satisfied and paid the debts of the said deceased so farr forth as the Estate of the said deceased will extend, and also a true & prfect Inventory of the Estate of the said deceased shall Exhibit when lawfully called, and shall in all things well and truly behave and demean himselfe in the said Execcutorship, then this Obligation to be void and of no effect else to be in force and virtue.John:ffranklin. Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Samuel: Hopkins James:Sangster James: Round Peter: Dent." (SoJ-1690/91:21)

Well posthumously to John Cropper's decease, there is a rather confusing land transaction on Nov 15 1718 in Somerset Co. where it mentions that Sebastian Cropper was only legitimate son of John Cropper et ux. Garthight Cropper, inheriting the lands in "Charles His Choice". So, we know John Cropper had a son Sebastian but maybe he came from a different wife than with Gertrude (Bowman) Cropper? Or is "Garthright" a corruption of Gertrude and this record is in error? By that time, it was was more than 30 years after the death of John Cropper. It is on this date that Sebastian Cropper et ux. Rachel Cropper sold the land to Price Collins (SoLR-AZ:047).


John married Garthaight (Gertrude) Bowman, daughter of Maj. Edmond Bowman and Margaret (?), about 1665. (Garthaight (Gertrude) Bowman was born about 1650 in England.)


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