John? Cropper
Maj. Edmond Bowman
Margaret (?)
(Abt 1625-Bef 1662)
John Cropper
Garthaight (Gertrude) Bowman
(Abt 1650-)
Ebenezer Cropper
(Abt 1677-Bef 1753)


Family Links

1. Elizabeth (?)

Ebenezer Cropper

  • Born: Abt 1677, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth (?) about 1715 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: Bef 07 Jan 1753, Worcester Co., MD


Ebenezer Cropper is listed in the Somerset Tax Lists from 1723-1740.

In the June court of 1725, there was a return from a Mar 20 1724/5 order to determine the bounds of a land tract called "Rackliffes Adventure." For that case, John Cropper made a deposition that mentions Ebenezer Cropper as follows: "The same day on the said Land Came John Cropper an Evidence aged 26 years or thereabouts and being Examined as afd saith that when Ebenezer Cropper settled his bounds of assateague fields that Capt William Fassitt was then there standing at the said settled bounds and said he wondered people did not take more Care to settle their bounds for says he they that have no bounders have no Land asking who owned that Land Over there pointing over to one of the Points of Land at the bottome of the afd tract Called ratcliffs adventure and the said Capt Will.m Fassitt said if he Could remember any thing about the bounds of the said tract Called Ratcliffs adventure it stood on the ^point^ afd further Saith not." (SoJ-1725/27:37).

On Mar 11 1737, John et uxor Elizabeth Cropper and Bowman et uxor Tabitha Cropper (of Accomack) sold part of tract "Hog Quarter" to Ebenezer Cropper. (SoLR-EI:177)

In the 1740 Somerset Co. Tax List, Ebenezer Cropper is listed as head of a household in Bogerternorton Hundred that also includes dependent Edmund Crapper. He is near to John, Ebenezer and Nehemiah Cropper.

On Nov 30 1751, Ebenezer Cropper Sr. and wife Elizabeth sold land in "Hog Quarter" (as "Edmunds Purchase") to Edmund Cropper Jr., son of Nathaniel (WoLR-B:390). On Mar 6 1754, Edmund Cropper Sr., son of Nathaniel, and wife Sarah, sold land in "Hog Quarter" (as "Edmunds Purchase") to Edmund Cropper, son of Ebenezer (WoLR-C:120).

Ebenezer Crapper wrote his will on Jan 26 1743/4 and it was proven on Jan 7 1752/3:
- To son Edmund Crapper, the plantation whereon I live, 250a of tract "Assateague Fields" but by resurvey called "Wrixham"
- To son Ebenezer, remainder of said tract 250a whereon he nows lives
- To son William, 200a, tract called "Hog Quarter"
- To wife Elisabeth, the bed on which I now lie
- To granddaughter Mary Crapper, one yearling
- To daughter Comfort Crapper, trundle bed, etc.
- To grandson William Teague, one yearling heifer
- To granddaughter Sophiah Crapper, two year heifer
- Appoint son Edmond to be sole executor
Witnesses: Parker Selby, John Smith, Ed Rownd, Henry Smock, Joseph Porter (WoW-1742/59:98)


Ebenezer married Elizabeth (?) about 1715 in Somerset Co., MD. (Elizabeth (?) was born about 1693 in Somerset Co., MD and died after 1753 in Worcester Co., MD.)


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