John Kibble
(Abt 1650-Bef 1675)
Abigail Horsey
(Abt 1650-Bef 1727)
(?) Stevens?
William Kibble
(Abt 1670-Bef 1734)
Ursula (Ersley) Stevens?
(Abt 1680-After 1734)
William Kibble


Family Links

1. Sarah Christopher

2. Hannah Stevens

William Kibble

  • Born: 1714-1716, Somerset Co., MD
  • Partnership (1): Sarah Christopher
  • Marriage (2): Hannah Stevens about 1742 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: 28 Jun 1770-04 May 1771, Somerset Co., MD


William Kibble first shows up in the Somerset Tax Lists in 1731 but there were no Kibbles in 1729 or 1730 and this researcher thinks they were missed then. We might conclude that William reached age 15 in the years 1729-1731 making his birth year 1714-16.

Somerset Judicials Page 155 June Court 1734
His Lordship @ William Kibble Somerset County
The Jurors for the Right honrble the Lord proprietary that now is for the body of Somerset County upon their Oath do present that William Kibble late of Stepney parish in the County afd planter the Last day of February in the Year of Our Lord God One thousand seven hundred and thirty three at the parish afd in the County afd within the Jurisdiction of this Court did Committ fornication with a Certain Sarah Christopher and of her body then and there had Carnall Knowledge and a bastard Child on the body of her the said Sarah then and there did begett to the high displeasure of almighty God and to the Evll Example of all Others in Such Case Offending Contrary to the peace of the said Lord Proprietary that Now is his Good rule and Government and against the form of the act of assembly in Such Case Lately made and provided &a Testis Sarah Christopher

On the backside of the foregoing bill of Indictment it was thus Endorsed viz.t Bella vera Nicholas Fountain Foreman thereupon Command was given to the sherriff of Somerset County that he should take the said William Kibble if &a to answer &a and afterwards in the Same Court (to witt) the Eighteenth day of June anno Dom One thousand Seven hundred and thirty four before the Justices thereof Att dividing Creek Came the afd William Kibble in his proper person and being Instantly how he would acquitt himselfe of the premisses afd above upon him Imposed says that he is Guilty thereof and is willing to pay his fine for the fact afd whereupon all and Singular the premisses by the Court here seen heard and fully understood.

It is Considered by the Court here that the afd William Kibble pay unto his Lordship the Lord proprietary for her fine by the Court hereupon her Imposed for and by Occasion of the premisses afd whereof in form afd he is Convict thirty shillings Currant money of Maryland for the Use of the County afd and that the said William Kibble be taken to Satisfie his said Lordship of the fine afd &a

Whereupon the said William Kibble is ordered to give Security for the payment of the Severall Officers their Fees due by Occasion of the premisses afd Thereupon George Dashiell of Somerset County Gent present here in Court undertook for the said Will.m Kibble for to pay the Severall Officers Fees due as afd upon the Indictmt afd &a Likewise the said William Kibble is ordered by the Court here to give Security for to Save and to keep harmless as well the Justices of Somerset County Court and their Successors for the time being as also the Inhabitants of the Same Court from all Costs Charges ^and^ troubles by reason of the birth maintainance Nourishing and bringing up of the said Child Lately begott on the body of the said Sarah Christopher &a

Whereupon the said William Kibble with Clement Christopher his security both present herein Court in their proper persons acknowledged themselves Indebted unto his Lordship the Lord Proprietary in the sum of twenty pounds Sterling Each of their severall goods and Chattells lands and tenements to the use of his said Lordship his heirs and successors to be made and Levied if it Happen that the afd William Kibble do not from time to time and at all times hereafter acquitt discharge and save harmless as well the Justices of Somerset County Court and their Successors for the time being as also the Inhabitants of the Same County ^of &^ from all all Costs Charges troubles and Burthens whatsoever for and by reason of the birth maintainance Nourishing
and bringing up of the said Child and from all suits troubles Charges and demands whatsoever touching or Concerning of the same &a (SoJ-1733-35:155)

William Kibble Sr., planter, wrote his will on Jun 28 1770 and it was proven in Somerset Co., MD on May 4 1771 as: - To son George Kibble, all my lands and the lands that back up to Joseph Morris and Thomas Collins and if he dies w/o issue, this to go to youngest son John Kibble - lands I had by my wife with remainder of lands to son William Kibble - To have personal estate appraised by my friends George & Thomas Dashiell and divided between sons William, George and John Kibble and daughters Ann Malone and Sarah Kibble with one thirds reserved for my beloved wife Hannah Kibble. Witnesses: Henry Lowes, Ann Stewart, Mary Biglands (SoW-EB5:29)

An inventory of his estate was taken on Jan 17 1772 by George Day Scott and James Bounds for 200.11.9 1/2. Largest creditors were James Bonds and John Newman and nearest kin were William Kibble and George Parsons. Admin was George Kibble who made oath on Jul 30 1772. (MdInv-106:265) His account was disbursed on Apr 22 1772 to pay debts then to heirs; fifth part to Sarah Kibble, part to Robert Malone in right of his wife, part to William Kibble paid to his Administratrix Elizabeth, part to George Kibble and part to John Kibble. (MdAcc-66:310) (SoAA-EB10:176)


William had a relationship with Sarah Christopher.


William next married Hannah Stevens, daughter of John Stevens and Ann Horsey, about 1742 in Somerset Co., MD. (Hannah Stevens was born on 25 Feb 1722 in Somerset Co., MD.)


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