William Miles Sr.
Mary (?)
(-After 1746)
William Miles Jr.
Elizabeth Stewart??
(Abt 1715-1800/1803)
Mathias Miles Sr.
(Abt 1740-Between 1818/1821)


Family Links

1. Nancy Matthews??

Mathias Miles Sr.

  • Born: Abt 1740, MD
  • Marriage (1): Nancy Matthews?? in Somerset Co., MD 1
  • Died: Between 04 Jul 1818 and 15 Aug 1821, Somerset Co., MD


In 1798, Mathias Miles is listed in Manokin Hundred with a dwelling house of wood 56' x 18' one story with 15 windows, cookhouse 15' x 15', cider house 18' x 16', milk house 10' x 8', smokehouse 10' x 10', stables 10' x 10', stables 16' x 14', 80 perches, $600. He also had land "Four In One" 739a, "Miles Chance" 23a, "Meadow Land" 120a, "Come By Chance" 45a, "Great Hope" 767a, "Fair Meadow" 24a, "Georges Fortune" & "Addition To Meadow Land" 111.75a, "Addition" 174a, "Prevent" 32.25a, "Nothing" 4a, "Prevention" 7a, a barn 32' x 32', barn 20' x 20' with 10' sheds all around, flour house 10' x 8', (slave) quarters 24' x 16', corn house 20' x 8', out house 8' x 8', 2067a, $5165.00. He has 18 slaves of which 8 are age 13-49.

Mathias Miles wrote his will Jul 4 1818 and it was probated Aug 15 121 in Somerset Co.:
-To grandson Mathias Miles of George, then afterwards the grandson Robert Miles of Matthias a part of land tract "Knights Success" containing 93a, land I bought of Denwood Matthews. If there is any dispute of my title to the land by Levi Matthews, I empower my Son Mathias with my grandson Mathias to bring suit. Also, I give these two in succession land at the 4th corner of a tract called Ridge (many dimensions given) and Levin Miles must give a deed for a string of land called "Addition"
-To nephew William Miles, 97.5a part of "Friends Assistance" where Stephen Heath formerly lived and adjoining land per the plat John N. Bowland made for me and a small tract of 5.75a called "Loss and Gain" by his gate to exchange with him William Miles and his heirs for all that part of "Knights Success" that his grandfather left him conveyed by William Bouston and James Knight unto his grandfather William Miles adjoining the land I bought of Denwood Matthews at a place called Lewises containing 76.5a. Be if he chooses to exchange for that part of "FA" and "L&G", then I give the two aforesaid parcels to Matthias Miles of George for life then to Robert Miles. He is never to sell any part of these but can sell the whole at no less than $10/acre. If he does, then he forfeits to his brother Edward Miles. If the lands were to get seized by the Sheriff to pay Mathias' debts, the devise to Mathias is void and the land to go to Robert Miles and I empower son Mathias to see that it is done aggreeable to my will on behalf of his son Robert and I empower my son Mathias to give William Miles a deed agreeable to John N. Bowland's plat
-To grandson Mathias Miles, half of two parcels, one called "Ridge" and the other "My Own" that lie between the homeline of "Rodge" and "Cold Rain" and joins the easternmost side of the previous lands I give to Mathias and then Robert Miles next to Lewises conditionally if I don't get the land I bought of Denwood Matthews. The land is not to be seized to pay Mathias' erroneous debts, if so, then this land to go to Levin D. Miles. The other half of this land to go to Levin D. Miles. I also give Mathias and Levin D. all the accounts I have against them on the condition that Levin D., Mathias and John Miles never call upon me or my heors for any part of their father's estate. If they do, all of this land to go to my son Mathias Miles.
-To Levin D. and Mathias Miles the part of "Friends Assistance" that I have not yet given containing 80a on the north side and adjoining "Warwicks Discovery" on the provision Levin D. and Matthias pay their brother John Miles $200 within 2 years of my death, if they do not, then the land to John Miles along as John never claims any more right of me or my heirs of his father's estate. If he does, then the land and money to Levin D. and Mathias Miles.
-To my wife Nancy Miles, negro named Spencer, Sary (also Sarah) and her 2 children now with her at Levin Miles during her widowhood then to Levin D. and Mathias Miles, they never to sell them or be seized to pay their debts. If so, then they to go to grandsons Tubman and John Jones.
-To wife Nancy, all that part of my dwelling plantation lying on W-most side of a big ditch and fence that leads through and from the SE of my gum swamp field to the first bays? of Savages ....(more dimensions).... and she to have right to cut any timber on any of my land to support the plantation excepting the tobacco ground that is between my orchard and barns. Also one half of my big barn and all my young orchard (only two rows). The rest of the orchard and tobacco ground and half of the barn to son Mathias. During her widowhood, this supposed to be 200a and my daughter Molly Miles to have her home there as long as my wife lives.
-Give wife Nancy 1/3rd of my grist mill during her widowhood and liberty to saw my plank she wants for her own to raise money to pay taxes at the saw mill and to get stock from anywhere on my lands. She also to have my Chaar? and the black chaar? horse, a sorrel horse, gray horse, live yoke of oxen and ox chain, my wheels and cart bought at Porters?, all my plows/harrows, hoes, axes, iron wedges, and my hand mill during her widowhood then to Molly Miles as long as she lives upon my land. Afterwards, the hand mill to son Mathias.
-To wife, negroes Harry, Mitchell, Jess and afterwards Jess and Harry to son Mathias, also negro woman Fab and her foolish son Joe must stay with her, negro Hanner, negro woman in town named Hanna, negro Rose, and girl Anna (afterwards Rose and Anna to Molly Miles), also Grace (afterwards to granddaughter Nancy Irving).
-To wife all my hogs, bacon and pork, half dozen walnut chairs, walnut table, corner cupboard (after to son Mathias), case of drawers & looking glass (after to Molly Miles), and liberty of 1/3rd of all my houses at John Jones' and liberty to sow 4 or 5 bushels of wheat per year in the lot before the barn and the lot back of the garden and liberty of pasture to raise sheep. Also half of my corn in the house or in the ground and at fodder
-To daughter Molly Miles, tracts and parts of tracts "Cold Rains" containing 47a, "Miles Choice" 26a, "Come By Chance" 26a, "Georges Fortune" 5a, "Addition" 164a, "More & Gain" 16.75a, "Four In One" 44a, "Bears Den" 16a and the right of a bond from the Goldsmith heirs for the same, in all totalling 344.25a. (metes and bounds given in detail). If she has no heir of her body, then the lands to revert too son Matthias.
-To Molly Miles part of tracts "Great Hope" adjoining William Pollitt's land, "Haymans Savannah" on the NW of "Hopewell" in possession of John Hayman and to W of "Margarets Purchase" containing 578a of land, all that tract "Fair Meadow" 24a adjoining "Great Hope" partly in the savannah, "Conclusion" 138a, "Friends Advice" 123a (said 2 tracts "Hopewell" was resurveyed from), "Prevention" 7a, "Margarets Purchase" 15a, "Addition to Margarets Purchase" 23a (to son Mathias, the stock pines on the 23a), all told 647a
-I further give Molly Miles 1/3rd of my grist and saw mills and 1/3rd of all my lands that lie in Worcester Co. that I took up for use of the mills, alsoo negro Denwood in lieu of Leah who I sold, also Rose and Anna after wife's death, negro Abraham never to be sold out of the family as he has been faithful to me, negro girl Alse, 2 beds/furniture, half dozen Windsor chairs, walnut table, my black mare and her 2 year old colt after wife's death
-Also to daughter Molly Miles all of tract "Four In One" being the houses and lands where son Mathias now lives (many dimensions) containing 25a then to Edward Miles of Matt. if she has "nary lawfull heir of her body." Also my gum swamp field over the road about 12a for 7 years after my death until she may clear some land on the same field. Also her tables and bureau and anything else in my house that the family knows to be hers, 2 young steers or bulls if they are not cut to make a yoke of oxen, ox chain, 1/4th of my corn
-To son Matthias at wife's death, my dwelling plantation and all the land I shall hereafter mention except what I have given to Molly Miles, "Four In One" (except 69a) 670.5a, "Meadow Land" 120a, "Conclusion" 19.75a, "Bears Den" (except 16a) 84a, "Outlet" 50a adjoining old plantation, "Addition To Meadow Land" 111.75a, "Come By Chance" (except 26a) 19a, "Georges Fortune" (except 5a) 3a, "Prevent" 32.25a, "Nothing" 4.75a, "Addition" (except 164a) 10a, in all contains 1124.25a. Including 4 tracts "Desert", "Briars Ridge", "Fair Meadow", "Recovery Discovered" that "Four In One" was resurveyed on, part of "Last Chance" I bought of Levi Ward 40a by Plunkets Bridge. Also "Philips Conclusion" that lies by Morris Mill part in Pierce Riggin's plantation that I did not sell to him 16.75a, "Addition To Lot" adjoining Mr. Slemons' land in Bells Swamp 16.5a, part of "Winter Harbor" 36.75a, part of "Great Hope" to the S-ward of Great Hope" tract possessed by John Hayman 209a, "Good Luck" where Savage lived, "Slipe" 12a on Deep Branch by Parker Pusey's mill, "Support" 112.25a mostly in Somerset and a little in Worcester on the road from Stevens Ferry to Salisbury by John Hayman's part in his plantation, "Last Peace" 34a next to John Stewart, "Moores Burrow" near town that lies over the road and fence next to Mrs. Elzey's 12a.
-Matthias to receive 2/3rds of my grist and saw mills in Worcester and supporting land I purchased, half dozen bif silver spoons, surveying compass and assoociated instruments, gold sleave buttons, and all my wearing apparel, young yoke of oxen, little sorrel mare, half dozen walnut chairs, my still, bed/furniture, walnut corner cupboard, negro man Tom, Harry, pair of hand irons, 2 big looking glasses in the new hall, new desk, 1/4th part of my barn, $100 to help school his children that is a trifle to what I have done for my other grandchildren, raised them, schooled them, clothed them mostly. I have given Nancy Irving, Mary Ann Jones some money.
-To grandson John Jones, "Moores Burrow" at town I bought of Thomas Curtis, trustee, except what I have given Matthias Miles 197a, "Advice" 10a, "Stitchill" 76a part in dispute, negro man Cesar, the hand mill at town, drag harrow, all the rest of farmer's utensils. 1/3rd of the wheat and the other 2/3rds to be sold by my executors to help pay my debts. To granddaughter Mary Ann Jones, his sister, a home in the houses on the plantation as long as she lives single. John Jones to pay rent to Eleanor Jones for his land and he must convey all the land that fell to him by his mother to Tubman Jones, if he refuses, the above shall go to Tubman Jones
-To 5 grandchildren, John Jones, Nancy Irving, Tubman Jones, Thomas H. Jones, and Mary Ann Jones, all household furniture that I got from the town place equally. To John Jones, all the sheep in town that he mosly raised and ____ except cow/calf to Mary Ann and one steer to Tubman
-To grandson Tubman Jones, land I purchased in Chancery of Thomas Jones "2nd Addition To Hog Quarter", part of "Dentry" of which Thomas Jones possessed at his death except part to Randall Hayman and Benjamin Simpson. John Jones, Nancy Irving, Thomas H. and Mary Ann Jones must convey all their right of their mother's land to Tubman Jones
-To grandson Thomas H. Jones, "Chance" 74a, "Phillips Conclusion" 138.75a near Levin Miller and Pierce Riggin's "Rowdy Hill", "Addition To Chance" 114a adjoining "Chance" as long as he makes over his right to his mother's land to Tubman Jones.
-To granddaughter Nancy Irving, negro woman Grace, to granddaughter Mary Ann Jones negroes Charlotte and Suda and $150. To both a note from Whittington King and a bond from Benjamin Simpson
-To Levin D. Miles and his brother Matthias Miles 4 2 year old cattle, 6 head of sheep. To son Matthias Miles' 5 children, $30 each
-To wife Nancy, all dwelling house and kitchen furniture to be equally divided between her and daughter Molly Miles and my sheep and cattle and to wife my saddle and bridle
-if I cannot get a decree for "Phillips Conclusion" in Chancery Court on the bond to my father William Miles for between £600-700, (he makes provisions of everyone here in the will)
-Note of Pierce Riggin to gs Robert Miles of Matthias, son Matthias to carry on suit against Pierce Riggin, to son Matthias and daughter Molly, my timber wheels and chains
-I filed a bill in Chancery for "Friends Assistance" which I have a bond in my own name, none of the 16 heirs of Phillip's never disputed anything. (Empowers son to continue that cause and a lot of other explanation)
-Wife Nancy and son Matthias to be executors
Witnesses: William Stewart, John C. Stewart, Samuel Polk. (SoW-JP4:018)

SoAA-JP5:147 shows the HUGE distributioneffects of his estate.


Mathias married Nancy Matthews?? in Somerset Co., MD.1 (Nancy Matthews?? died before 09 Jul 1824 in Somerset Co., MD.)



1 Somerset Co., MD Marriage Records.

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