Thomas Waller Sr.
(1696-Bef 1767)
Mary (?)
(-After 1767)
Richard Waller
(Abt 1716-Bef 1784)
Ann Simmons Cottmam
(Abt 1720-Abt 1768)
George Waller
(-Bef 1806)


Family Links

George Waller

  • Died: Bef 10 Nov 1806, Sussex Co., DE


F:253 GEORGE WALLER 10/06/1806 11/10/1806

"being weak & Sickley in body & in a low State of health . . ."

Bequeaths to:

1. George Waller --grandson (son of James Lowe Waller)

-to have 50 acres of land the testator purchased from George Martin called "Small Hope"

and also 13 acres of land that the testator purchased from William Martin being part of

a tract "The Whole of Fortune" and also 19 acres wich the testator purchased from

Thomas Culver being part of a tract of land called "Stepney" which the testator has

Jonathan Waller's conveyance for --to have and no more of the estate

2. Nancy Waller --daughter

-to have the sum of $50.00

3. Richard Waller --son

-to have 27 acres of land being a tract of land called "Parris's Choice" lying in

Somerset County adjoining where Leah Waller now lives and also to have 5 acres of

land being part of a tract of land called "Wheel of Fortune" which the testator purchased

from Ezekial Bell and also the sum of $200.00 to be paid to him out of the estate

-to have Negro woman "Leah" and Negro boy "Levin"

4. Ebenezer Waller --son

-to have 50 acres of land being a tract the testator purchased from Thomas Mithvin

and also all the land on the east side of a line beginning on the division state line near

where James and John Waller formerly lived so as the said line to run due north close

to the westernmost side of the apple orchard where the said James and John Waller

formerly lived the said line to extend north until it strikes the out line of the testator's

land called "Addition to Stepney"

-to have Negro boy "Birstor"

5. George Waller --son

-to have part of 2 tracts of land called "Stepney" and "Addition to Stepney" beginning at a marked white oak standing on the state line near a small branch being the 1st bounder

of the testator's part of the tract called "Addition to Stepney" and thence. . . .with the

state line easterly until it extends to the east side of the testator's plantation and thence

north until it strikes the out line of the testator's land and thence. . .to the 1st beginning

-to have Negro boy "Samson"

6. Thomas Waller --son

-to have part of 2 tracts of land called "Stepney" and "Addition to Stepney" beginning

at the east side of the testator's plantation whereon the testator now lives and on the

state line and thence west with the said line until a due north line drawn will run close

to it and clear of the westernmost side of the apple orchard on the farm where John

and James Waller formerly lived and from thence to the out lines of the testator's lines

and thence until it intersects the part of the land that the testator has bequeathed to

George and thence. . .

-to have Negro boy "Will"

-to have the sum of $100.00

7. Patty Waller --daughter

-to have Negro boys "Jack" "Jerry" and Negro girl "Nancy"

-to have the sum of $400.00 out of the estate

8. William Waller --son

-should he return from the voyage that he has taken the to have a piece or parcel of

land being part of a tract of land called "Crawlet" which the testator purchased from

Esmea M. Waller cont. 20 acres

-to have the sum of $150.00 to be paid out of the estate

9. Elenor Waller --wife

-to have the peaceable and quiet possession of the testator's dwelling house and such of

the houses that is on the farm whereon the testator now lives with the 2 of the orchard

during her natural life

-to have Negro boy "Charles" and Negro woman "Sarah" during her life

-to have the remainder of the estate during her natural life and at her death to be divided

among all of the testator's children

-named executrix with testator's son Ebenezer and instructed that his part of the mill that

he purchased from William Horsey which was formerly the property of Denwood

Turpin to be sold and the money applied to the discharge of the testator's debts.

Witnesses: Jonathan Waller

James Pritchard

William Elzey

Then came: Jonathan Waller and William Elzey

Note: the testator signed the will in his own hand


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