Elgate Ruark
Not much is known of Elgate Ruark but this compiler feels he should reside here in the family tree.
28 Dec 1792 Worcester Co, Maryland, It was on this date that Elget Ruark and Peggy, his wife, Kitty Drummond and Rosey are bound unto Naomi Drummond and Parker Drummond and Polly and Elizabeth Drummond for the sum of 300 pounds to be paid to the said Naomi, Parker, Polly and Elizabeth Drummond. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound will make over a deed to all the lands that formerly belonged to Stephen Drummond (now deceased) that is on the east side of the County road that leades from Snow Hill to Salisbury on Turner's Branch on Nassawango Creek upon the arrival of Parker Drummond at the age of twenty-one. If Naomi marries again, she may possess the said land until Parker is of age and if she does not marry, she may possess the land for her lifetime.