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?? William Or John ?? Hitch
(Abt 1630-)
William Elgate Jr.
(Abt 1660-Bef 1738)
Sarah Keene
(Abt 1662-After 1740)
Adam Hitch
Hannah Elgate
(Abt 1682-1715/1716)
Elgate Hitch


Family Links

1. Elizabeth M. (Betty) Caldwell

2. Rachel (?)

Elgate Hitch

  • Born: Jul 1712-Jun 1713, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth M. (Betty) Caldwell before May 1735 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (2): Rachel (?) in 1759-1761 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: 19 Mar 1772-09 Feb 1773, Somerset Co., MD


From A Hitch Orchard compiled by Daisy Hitch Davies, 1931: "The name 'Elgate' is spelled in various ways, Elgate, Elgit, Elget, Elgatt, etc. It was a surname and the compiler is inclined to think a corruption of the 'Felgate' name of early Virginia. It was the maiden name of the mother of Elgate Hitch. This name carries on in the family."

Elgate Hitch, son of Adam Hitch appears in the records as follows:

He first appears in the 1727 Tax List of Somerset County, MD in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as Adam Hitch, Isaac Highway, 3 negroes. Also next to households of Wm Hitch, Saml Hitch, and Jno Hitch. He is listed in the 1728 Tax List in Wicomico Hundred in same household as Adam Hitch, Jacob Crouch, negroes Tobe, Hannah, Donnuda. On Jan 16 1730/31, Elgate Heatch received a deed of gift of "one negro woman called Conounder" from his father Adam Heatch (SoLR-SH:296). He is listed in the 1730 Tax List in Wicomico Hundred in same household as Adam Heatch and slaves Toby, Frank, Hanna, Mow, and Cannador. Elgate Hitch is listed in the 1731 Tax List with slaves Toby and Cunnoodah.

In the Mar Court of 1732/33 for Somerset County, Elgate Hitch is discharged of security for which he was bound. (SoJ-1730/33:282). In the 1733 Tax List for Wicomico Hundred, Elgett Hitch is listed with slaves Canowndow and Hannow. In 1734, Elgate Hitch is listed in a household in Wicomico Hundred with Elix. Price and slaves Canuna and Hannah. In the Mar Court of 1733/4, he is listed as a "Planter" and Alexander Price chose him as guardian. He, Joseph Wailes, and William Langsdale put up £50, £25 & £25 respectively. James Smith was mentioned as Alexander Price's father-in-Law. (SoJ-1733/35:111). Also, in Aug 1734, he was appointed guardian to Rachell Price & Eve Price (both under age 14). (Ibid:181/182). In Nov 1734, he was appointed Constable of "Wickocomoco Hundred" for the ensuing year "instead of Timothy Adkinson." (Ibid.:213).

On May 1 1735, regarding the case John Handy versus Elgate Hitch, et uxor: "Elgate Hitch late of Som. County planter and Betty his wife lately called Betty Handy of the same county widdow... executrix of the testament and last will of Ebenezer Handy." John Handy contested and won £21.0.5, plus 337 lbs of tobacco as court costs. (SoJ-1737/38:11, [From Mar 1736 Court]). In the 1735 Tax List, Elgate Hitch is living in Wicomico Hundred and listed in a household with Archibald Smith, James Berrey and slaves Conounder and Hannah. In Nov 1735, Elgate was again appointed Constable of Wicomico Hundred for the ensuing year. (SoJ-1735/37:87). In the 1736 Tax List, Elgate Heatch was listed in Wicomico Hundred with Wm Bird, Samll _ent_ace and 3 slaves.

In Nov 1736, he petitioned to the court for his negro "Hannah so disabled in her limbs and age together that she can scarcely walk." She was ruled free of taxes from that time on. (Ibid:262). Also, in Nov, he was replaced by Thomas Winder as Constable of Wicomico Hundred for ensuing year. (Ibid:264). The court records also then show that Solomon Hitch was "guardian to Solomon Price whose brother Alexander Price chose Elgate Heatch as guardian " and Alexander is now dead. The court transferred the estate of Alexander Price to Solomon Price under guardianship of Elgate Hitch. (Ibid:264). In 1737, he was listed as debtor to estate of Mathias Gale (for "corn").

In the 1737 Tax List, Elgit Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred with slaves Camnundah, Bonney, and Amey. In the 1738 Tax List, Elgate Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred with Joseph Piper and 2 slave women. In the 1739 Tax List, Elgtt Heatch is listed as head of household with Thomas and Alexander Prise and slaves Bony and Conuda. In Jun 1739, Elgate Hitch and George Vinson were witnesses in case James Collett vs. Hugh Caldwell for owing "36 bushels of Indian corn." (SoJ-1738/40:142). In the 1740 Tax List, Elgatt Hitch is listed as head of household 1758 with slaves Bonny, Connundo, and Amey. In Jun 17 1740, in the case of His Lordship versus Elgate Hitch, Robert Caldwell & Wen Coda. Said Elgate Hitch, planter, with the others did "assemble and beat wound and Evilly treat" Matthew Doorman. They pleaded innocent but were forced to pay fines of £0.2.6 each (Ibid:300/302). In the Nov 1740 Court, Elgate Hitch, "...planter, appointed Constable of Wickacomoco Hundred for ensuing year." He took the oath of that office in Dec 1740. (SoJ-1740/42:32,90)

In Mar 1740/41, he was mentioned in the case of His Lordship vs. Negro Jack, the slave of Samuel Hitch (spelled Hit) "late of Stepney Parish" where on Dec 31 1740 he went to the house of Elgate Hitch "about the eleventh hour and feloniously and burglariously did break and enter with intent to steal the goods and chattles." In the house were Rachell Price and "others of the family." She and Negro Bonny testified for the prosecution. (Ibid:64/65). Also in the Mar 1740/41 court it was reported that Elgate Hitch took the oath of Constable in Dec 1740. (Ibid:90) In the Somerset County Rent Rolls, he was listed for a tract called "Maiden Choice" (total 100a, yr. rent £0.4.0) surveyed Sep 9 1717 at North side of a branch called Warrington branch which makes out of Nassawango Creek. Elgate bought 100 acres from Dingley Gray on Feb 19 1741. (SoRR-10:309) Elgate Hitch was appointed Constable of "Wiccocomico Hundred" for the ensuing year in Nov 1741. (SoJ-1740/42:179) In the Somerset County Tax List for 1743, Elg't Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as Wm. Farlo:? and 3 slaves. In the Somerset County Tax List for 1744, Elg't Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred in the same household with Nohomiah (sic) Hitch and 2 negroes. In the Somerset County Tax List for 1745, Elg't Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as John _____ and Hugh _____ and 2 negroes.

On Jan 3 1746/47, "Elgat Hitch of Somerset County, planter" sold 100 acres of land in "High Suffolk" "taken out of the land" given to him by his deceased father, Adam Hitch in his will, for £60 to John Crouch (Jr.) Beginning at a marked white oak standing in a glade and about 3 yards from a post that is a corner post bounder of land belonging to Francis Lancake, thence S35W 92 poles, thence S12E 196 poles, thence E 70 poles, thence N12W 270 poles to the first bounder containing 100 acres (SoLR-X:230). In the Somerset County Tax List for 1746, Elgott Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as Addam Priste? and John Tolbut and negroes Connoundor and Bonney. In the Somerset County Tax List for 1747, Elget Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as 2 negroes.

In the Mar 1747/48 court, Elgate is mentioned in case His Lordship versus Solomon Hitch where Solomon was charged with "begetting a bastard child on the body of Charity Porter" both of Stepney Parish. "...(Solomon) did commit fornication with a certain Charity Porter." Solomon was fined 30 shillings which Elgate Hitch helped to post. (SoJ-1747/49:49). On May 8 1747, "Elgtt Heatch" signed as witness to note of Joseph Ennalls from John & Thomas Price. (SoCP (loose papers)) He was also listed on a paper entitled "Alowances Wickacomoco" as "Elgt Hitch" along with John Hitch Sr. Finally, Elgate was on "A List of Constables in Somerset County" where he is listed as "Elgat Hitch Constable of Wecomico Hundred - not appear".

On Jun 21 1748, Thomas Price, Elgate Hitch and Christopher Piper confessed judgment to Joseph Ennalls for the sum of £10.19.0 plus 238 pounds of tobacco. (SoCP) And in Nov 1748, Elgate was listed in two entries in rough minutes of the court as "Elgat Hitch for his Negro Woman to be tax free - granted" and "Elgate Hitch Constable of Wickacomoco Hundred for ensuing year". (Ibid.) The latter entry is indicated in the actual judicial records as Elgate petitioned to make "Negro woman Bonne who is so very old past doing any service to the petitioner..." tax free. His petition was granted. (SoJ-1747/49:147) In the Somerset County Tax List for 1748, Elgate Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred in the same household with negroes Conunordor and Will.

In 1749, "Thomas Toadvine, Abraham Heath, Elias Baley & Elgit Hitch confessed judgment to George Gale, £9.5.3 plus 292 pounds of tobacco. (SoCP) Later that same year, Elgate Hitch was a witness to the will of William Evans where the Nanticoke River was mentioned (SoW:38,39). He was also listed as, "Elgat Hitch Constable of Wecomico Hundred ret. his List of Taxables". (SoCP-1747/52, MdHR 7266-34-8) In the 1749 Tax List for Somerset County, Elgate Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred as in the same household as John Bostuh? and negro Connondor. On Jun 21 1749, he was the appraiser to the estate of William Bready (Brady) valued at £119.15.9. (MdPrI Abstracts-1748/51) In Nov 1749, he was appointed Constable of Wicomico Hundred for the ensuing year. (SoJ-1749/51:42) In the same record, he was listed as a "Gentleman" who took a deposition from John Tatum (age 55) in Archibald Smith case. (Ibid:39)

In William Evans' will written on Feb 18 1749 and probated Jan 27 1750, Elgate Hitch was a witness. The Nanticoke River was mentioned in these records. (SoW-1748/49:38,39). In the 1750 Tax List for Somerset County, Elgett Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred as in the same household as Sam'l Doyle and negroes Will and Connondor. He is also compiler of the list that year. In the Nov Court of 1750, the records states, "Elgat Hitch of Somerset County is appointed as Constable of Wecomoco hundred for the ensuing year" (SoJ:1749/51). On Mar 22 1750/51, the following record was before the courts: "Samuel Hitch his administration bond in common form by Rachel Hitch his administratrix with Elgitt Hitch &c Thomas Stanford of Somerset County for sureties in sum of 400 pounds sterling" (MdTP-34:125).

On Jun 27 1751, Elgate Hitch was a deponent in the case of Caldwell vs. Caldwell. It states that "Elijah* Hitch of Somerset County, Gentleman, aged Thirty Eight years or Thereabouts. . ." was ". . .at the house of Robert Gidds commonly known by the name of the Sign of the Crown and Thistle. . ." on Tuesday, Jun 27 1751 in Princess Anne Town. *Note, the court transcriber writes "Elijah" however, the deposition was definitely signed "Elgt" Hitch. This record undoubtedly refers to Elgate Hitch and places his birth year at 1712 or 1713 (MdCC-9, BT1:73). In the 1751 Tax List for Somerset County, Elgett Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred as in the same household as negroes Will and Cannuda. On Mar 3 1752, Elgate Hitch is listed as appraiser of estate of Daniel Stoot valued at £79.3.0. (MdPrI Abstracts-1751/56)

The Somerset County Tax List for 1752 was compiled by Elgate Hitch and he was listed therein in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as Samuel McCall and negroes Will and Canoundy. On Nov 23 1752, he was mentioned with Thomas Standford and "Zakerriah" Read as bound to orphans of Obediah Read for the amount of £159.12.2. He was also appointed Constable for Wicomico Hundred for the ensuing year. (SoJ-1752/54:20,22). The Somerset County Tax List for 1753 was compiled by Elgate Hitch and he was listed therein in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as negroes Conoundo and Will.

On Sep 15 1753, Elgate Hitch, Benjamin Venables, Thomas Bird, Ann Hall, Rebecca Evans and Moses Driskill gave deed of land to Jonathon Stock (SoLR-B:17). This records mentions William Elgate who received the land via Dec 16 1681 patent for 25 acres of land called "Supply" on the north side of Rokewakin River back in the woods beginning at a corner tree of land formerly surveyed for William Keens thence NW 20 perches, thence SW 200 perches, thence SE 20 perches, thence line to the beginning. Another tract granted to William Elgate called "Blackwater" on the north side of Rokewalkin being a point of marsh between Keens Creek and Elgate's Creek bounded beginning at a white oak on the western most side of Elgate's Creek beginning at a corner tree dividing between the land formerly surveyed for the said Elgate and a tract surveyed for Robert Handy thence ExN 115 perches to the side of Keen's Creek near the mouth, thence bounded down the westernmost side of that creek to the mouth and the southernmost bound from the mouth of the creek down the river side to the mouth of Elgate's Creek, thence bounded by this creek from the mouth to the first bounder containing 25 acres. Another tract granted to William Elgate called "Dear Lott" beginning at a marked white oak standing on the easternmost side of Keen's Creek being a corner tree of a tract formerly surveyed for William Keens, thence WxS down the said river 125 perches to a marked white oak standing on the westernmost side of a small creek being a corner tree for a tract formerly surveyed for Robert Handy, thence N up a line of marked trees dividing it from the land of Robert Handy 160 perches to a marked Spanish oak standing on the edge of a branch being a corner tree dividing it from the afsd Handy's, thence SWxW 77 perches to a marked pine being a corner tree dividing it from the land of the said Handy, thence N½ ptE 125 perches to a marked red oak standing in a line of marked trees dividing it from the land of William Keene, thence a line to the first bound containing 96 acres. Another tract called "What You Please" on the Wicomico River, northernmost side begin at a marked white oak standing by Micheller's Branch near its mouth on the said river. Thence a straight line 150 perches to the mouth of Keen's Branch, thence NW Westerly 320 perches, SW 150 perches and for length with a line for Alexander Micheller, thence running down the said line to the first bounder containing 300 acres. All this tract minus 25 acres conveyed by Benjamin Venables to John Handy and 50 acres to John Goxling.

According to the Somerset County Rent Rolls, this was for a tract called "Dear Lott" (total 160 acres, yearly rent £0.6.4¾) surveyed 11 Sep 1701 "lying back in ye woods in the Peqriorson". Elgate Hitch, et al, sold 96 acres to Jonathon Stott. (SoRR-9:205) In the 1754 Tax List, Elgate Hitch is listed in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as negroes Conoundo and Will. He was also compiler for that year.

In Nov 1754, Elgate Hitch was involved in yet another court records in the case of George Gale vs. Richard Waller, Jos Callaway, and Elgat Hitch over the sum of £30. (SoJ-1754/57:10) In 1755, Elgate Hitch, with Thomas Dashiell, received a Bill of Sale from Samuel McCaul who was paid £5 for "one gun and ½ crown bill" (SoLR-B:98). On Mar 3 1755, a case was entered in the court for Elgat Hitch versus Joseph Callaway and George Bennet over the sum of £13.8.0. It was ordered that Elgate to recover the money. (SoJ-1754/57:150) In May/Jun 1755, Elgate was listed as the appraiser of the estate of Joseph Humphris valued at £694.5.6 (MdPrI Abstracts-1751/56). On Aug 30 1755, the case Elget Hitch versus Aaron Spears was entered over the sum of £10. It was ordered that Elgate recover the money. (SoJ-1754/57:187) and, in Nov 1755, he was appointed Constable of "Wacomoco" hundred. (Ibid:139).

On Feb 11 1756, Elgate, with George Baily, received a Bill of Sale for "negro boy named Simon" for which they paid £10 to Abraham Hath (SoLR-B:113). In the Aug 1756 court, John Barrett was bound as an apprentice to Elgat Hitch until he is reaches age 21. Elgate Hitch, Day Scott, Joshua Hitch of Som. County "Gentlemen" gave security of £30. (SoJ-1754/57:202). In the same court, Benjamin Venables, William Venables, Elget Hitch and Benjamin Bird confessed judgment to Christopher Piper, administrator of estate of George Parris for the sum of £100 and 314 lbs. of tobacco. (Ibid:216)

The Somerset County Tax List for 1756 was compiled by Elgate Hitch, constable, and he was listed therein in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as negroes Conader and Will. On Nov 1756, he was appointed Constable of "Wecomoco" hundred. (Ibid.:221) In Jun/Nov 1757, Elgate Hitch was listed as next-of-kin along with William Byrd in estate of Thomas Bird valued at £276.4.0 (MdPrI Abstracts-1755/60). The Somerset County Tax List for 1757 was compiled by Elget Hitch, constable, and he was listed therein in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as negroes Will and Conunder.

In 1759, the court presented "A List of the Caridges of Pleasure in Wicomoco Hundred taken in by Elgate Hitch Constable in the year 1759 ----- The Reverend Allexander Adams 1: Two wheel Chair; Capt William Winder 1: Two wheel Chair; Capt Henry Lowes To 1: Ditto; William Allen To 1: Ditto; Thomas Holbrook To 1: Ditto; Sarah Handy To 1: Ditto" (SoCP-1761/64, MdHR 7266-54-41). In Apr 1759, Elgate Hitch was listed as a creditor with John Burk to the estate of Moses Callaway valued at £81.13.2 (MdPrI Abstracts-1755/60).

The Somerset County Tax List for 1759 was compiled by Elgt Hitch, constable, and he was listed therein in Wicomico Hundred in the same household as negroes Grace and Rose. On Dec 10 1759, the court recorded "Elgate Hitch witness to Sarah Lank Charles Nickols father"(?). (SoCP-1761/64, MdHR 7266-54-56) In 1762, Elgate issued a deed for land to Christopher Mathias. (SoLR-E:341) This is confirmed in the Rent Rolls for Aug 2 1762 where he is listed as owner of a tract called "Maiden Choice" (total 100a, yr. rent £0.4.0) surveyed Sept 9 1717 at N side of a branch called Warrington branch which makes out of Nassawango Creek. He sold 100 acres to Matthias Christopher. (SoRR-10:309). On Sep 20 1762, he was listed as an appraiser with George Handy of the estate of Mary Collins valued at £38.12.8 (MdPrI Abstracts-1760/63) Also, on Jan 26 1763, he was again listed as an appraiser, this time with Thomas Humphris, for the estate of John Stabelford valued at £64.2.3 (MdPrI Abstracts-1763/66) In 1769, Elgate Hitch granted "to my beloved grandson William Elgate Hitch, son of my son Joshua" one negro called Bett, age 8 and one negro boy called Eli, age 4. (SoLR-D:264)

In his will written on Mar 19 1772 and probated Feb 9 1773, he leaves ·To wife, Rachel, all the houses wherein I now live with the liberty of my garden during her natural life and 1/3 of my moveable estate.
·To grandson, William Elgate Hitch when age 21, all lands eastward of a line beginning at a marked crooked white oak which is northwest bounder of William Handy's lands that his father gave him and standing near the county road and thence to a "black oke" which we usually work under near the west end of the house that I built for son Joshua to live in and thence to a marked white oak standing by the road near the wading place and thence a north line till it intersects the land my son Joshua bought of William Lank and if he dies without issue this to go to son Robert Hitch.
·To Robert Hitch to use these lands until William Elgate Hitch is age 21 ·To Robert Hitch all other lands to the westward of the afsd line
·To Robert Hitch all my personal estate
·To William Elgate Hitch and 3 year old mare and heifer when he is age 21
·To granddaughters Mary and Elizabeth one 3 year old heifer when they reach age 16 or "gits married"
Witnesses were Stephen Garland, Joshua Byrd, Thomas Byrd (SoW-1750/72:172,173; also SoWorig-B11-F34).

On the date Feb 9 1773, the Maryland Prerogative Court Testamentary Proceedings (original manuscript) state, "Elgate Hitch his will & Testamentary Bond by Robt Hitch his exec with Thos Byrd his sureties in the sum of £400 sterlg dated 9th Feb 1773." (MdTP-45:633) Elgate Hitch's estate was inventoried between Feb 19 1773 and Apr 12 1774 at a value of £326.13.9. Appraisers were Esme Bayly and Thomas Stanford; Creditors were James Bounds and George Handy; Next-of kin were Joshua Hitch and Thomas Byrd with Adm/Exec as Robert Hitch. (MdPrI-115:297)


Elgate Hitch was a deponent for a case involving Rachel Caldwell versus James Caldwell when he made a deposition indicating that he was age 38 on Jun 27 1751 (making his birth date in the year 1712 or 1713). Note that the court records states his name as Elijah Hitch but he clearly signed the record "Elgt Hitch". The "Elijah" was probably a mistake of the ancient transcriber. (MdCC- 9-BT1:73).


Elgate Hitch's will was written Mar 19 1772 and probated Feb 9 1773. (SoW-1750/72:172/173; also SoWorig-B11:F34)


Elgate married Elizabeth M. (Betty) Caldwell, daughter of John Caldwell and Unknown, before May 1735 in Somerset Co., MD. (Elizabeth M. (Betty) Caldwell was born about 1710 in Somerset Co., MD and died in 1759-1761 in Somerset Co., MD.)


Elgate next married Rachel (?) in 1759-1761 in Somerset Co., MD. (Rachel (?) was born about 1715 in Somerset Co., MD and died after 1775 in Somerset Co., MD.)


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