Jacob Messick
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Covington?
- Died: Bef 09 Feb 1761, Somerset Co., MD
Jacob Mezick MW 31:240EB4:076 22 Dec 175109 Feb 1761 Elizabeth Mezick --wife, one-third of moveable estate and one-third of dwelling plantation during her life, named executrix along with Jacob Mezick Isaac Mezick --son, hand mill and desk as legacies, all land and marsh with exception of 17 ac of the lower tract of marsh called JAMES LOT James Mezick --grandson, the seventeen ac of the above marsh excepted ---- Mezick --son of Elihu Mezick seven children Elihu Mezick, Joshua Mezick, Aron Mezick, Covington Mezick, Jacob Mezick, Dinah Nelson, Rachel Ellengsworth --daughters, all moveable estate to be divided between them and all stock of cattle not in the marsh Witnesses: Thomas Mitchell, Morgan Sanders, James Larramur Then came: Morgan Sanders and Thomas Mitchell the only two surviving witnesses
Jacob married Elizabeth Covington?.