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John Cropper
Garthaight (Gertrude) Bowman
(Abt 1650-)
John Cropper
(Abt 1675-1709/1709)
Elizabeth (?)
(Abt 1680-After 1709)
John Cropper
(1699-Abt 1752)


Family Links

1. (?) Chambers?

John Cropper

  • Born: 1699, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): (?) Chambers?
  • Died: Abt 15 Mar 1752, Sussex Co., DE


In the June court of 1725, there was a return from a Mar 20 1724/5 order to determine the bounds of a land tract called "Rackliffes Adventure." For that case, John Cropper made a deposition as follows: "The same day on the said Land Came John Cropper an Evidence aged 26 years or thereabouts and being Examined as afd saith that when Ebenezer Cropper settled his bounds of assateague fields that Capt William Fassitt was then there standing at the said settled bounds and said he wondered people did not take more Care to settle their bounds for says he they that have no bounders have no Land asking who owned that Land Over there pointing over to one of the Points of Land at the bottome of the afd tract Called ratcliffs adventure and the said Capt Will.m Fassitt said if he Could remember any thing about the bounds of the said tract Called Ratcliffs adventure it stood on the ^point^ afd further Saith not." (SoJ-1725/27:37). This places John Cropper's birth year at 1699.

In the 1740 Somerset Co. Tax List, John Cropper is listed as head of a household in Bogerternorton Hundred. He is near to Ebenezer Cropper that also includes dependent Edmund Crapper, Ebenezer and Nehemiah Cropper.

John Crapper, yeoman (SxW-B:036)
15 March 1752
To wife Elizabeth - half of lands and marsh and the whole of dwelling house for her lifetime
To sons John Chambers Crapper, Levin Crapper, Zadok Crapper - all lands and marsh
To daughters Lavinah, Mary, Rachel and Betty - residue of estate
Executor: wife
Witness: John Clowes, Joseph Easman, William Salman
9 April 1752 Then came


John married (?) Chambers?.


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