Michael Disharoon
(Bef 1654-1690/1691)
Joan/Jane (?)
Adrian Gordy
Mary Disharoon
(Bef 1674-Bef 1706)
Moses Gordy


Family Links

1. Hannah Christopher

2. Anne (?)

Moses Gordy 1 2

  • Born: 1698-1699, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Hannah Christopher
  • Marriage (2): Anne (?)
  • Died: 30 Jun 1774-15 Jul 1775, Worcester Co., MD


One has to take care not mixing this Moses Gordy (b1698/99) up with Moses Gordy (bc1730), s/o Peter and, Moses Gordy (bc1748), s/o of this Moses. For a while, this Moses Gordy was denoted as Moses Sr. and Moses of Peter as Moses Jr. Then when this Moses passed away, Moses of Peter became Moses Sr. and Moses of Moses here became Moses Jr.!

Moses Gordy had the following land tracts surveyed and patented for him:
- "Winter Quarter", 50a, surveyed Oct 15 1730, patented Jun 10 1734 (SoCert:2556)
- "Summer Range", 100a, surveyed May 18 1748, Patented May 18 1748 (WoCert:2442)
- "Gordy's Delight", 75a, surveyed Jul 17 1760, patented Jul 17 1760 (WoCert:1050)

On Feb 6 1762, William Figgs (as Friggs) sold tract "Figgs Chance" to Moses Gordy (both are denoted as "planters") (WoLR-E:286).

Will of Moses Gordy, Jun 30 1774 - Worcester County, MD. In the name of God amen, I Moses Gordy senior of Worcester County and province of Maryland planter being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory and understanding, but considering the un-certainty of this transitory life do make and publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit:
- Item: I give to my son Eli Gordy seventy acres of land beginning at the border of a tract called "Figgs Chance" to be laid out the hole tenth of the track of land, also one young mare when he becomes of age to him and his heirs forever.
- Item: I give to my two sons John Gordy and Peter Gordy the residue of the track of land called "Figgs Chance" with my dwelling Plantation thereon and if either of them die without issue, the longest liver to hold all. My will is that my son John Gordy should take care of my son Peter and his estate to (illegible) their heirs forever.
- Item: I give to my dautor Nancy Gordy ten pounds of my possesable estate to her and her heirs forever.
- Item: I give my doter Mary Ward five shillings of my estate and no more
- Item: I give to my son Thomas Gordy five shillings of my Estate and no more.
- Item: I give to my doter Suffiah Wilson five shillings of my estate and no more.
- Item: I give to my dotter Nelly Callaway five shillings of my estate and no more, Item: I give to my son Jacob Gordy five shillings of my estate and no more
- Item: I give to my son Moses Gordy one feather bed and no more of my estate. Item: I give to my son Aaron Gordy, five shillings of my estate and no more.
- Item: I give the residue of my estate to my four youngest children - John, Peter, Eli, and Nancy to be equally divided among them to them and their heirs forever.
- Item: I give to my well beloved wife Ann Gordy all my hole estate during her live or widowhood, not disturbed or molested by any of my children, but have and enjoy the same and I do hereby default and make void all other wills and testaments and acknowledge this to be my last will and testament as witness my hand and seal this thirtieth day of June one thousand seven hundred and seventy four.
Signed, sealed Wm Roe - Moses Gordy his mark in the presents of Joshua Ellis, and Shiles Moor the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will and make oath on the holy Evangalis of almighty God that they saw Moses Gordy the testator sign seal and heard him publish pronounce and declare the same to be that his last will and testament and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of a sound disposing mind and memory that they subscribed their names as witnesses to the said will in. the presence of the testator and at his request .
Certified by Benton Harris deputy Con of Worcester county July 15th, 1775, after probate of the afore-going will came Ann Gordy, widow of the within deceased Moses Gordy and quitted her claim to the several bequests and devises made to her in the within will and elected in lieu thereof her dower or third part of the deceased estate both real and personal before Benton Harris Deputy Con. of Worcester County.


Moses married Hannah Christopher, daughter of John Christopher and Hannah (?). (Hannah Christopher was born about 1710 in Somerset Co., MD and died in 1748-1760 in Worcester Co., MD.)


Moses next married Anne (?).



1 Descendants of Michael Disharoon. David Heise, draft report dated Nov 26 2000.

2 Gordy Genealogy.

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