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John Hitch
Isabell Nicholson
(1724-Bef 1790)
Louther (Loudy) Hitch
Mary Nicholson
John Hitch


Family Links

1. Katherine Hanna

John Hitch 1

  • Born: 04 Feb 1773, Somerset Co., MD 1
  • Marriage (1): Katherine Hanna on 03 Mar 1801 in SC 1 2 3
  • Died: 29 Jun 1849, Laurens Co., SC 4 5 6 7
  • Buried: Abt 02 Jul 1849, Old Hitch Burying Grounds, Laurens Co., SC 5


From "A Hitch Orchard" by Daisy Hitch Davies (1932):

The old diary of John Hitch is still in the family. He was treasurer of Laurens Co., SC for over twenty-five years. It was supposed he went to SC because he did not like his step-mother. One member of the family claims that this was in 1799 and with him was Joseph Piper, a step-son of Ezekiel Hitch. This same Joseph Piper who died in 1837 is buried in the old Hitch burying ground. Another member of the family claims that it was Louther Hitch who went south in 1799 with Joseph Piper. Whenever Joseph Piper went, it is known that John Hitch was married in South Carolina and that he preceded his father to that state. John Hitch spoke of two uncles in Maryland and wrote to a George Hitch there. It is not known if these uncles are the brothers of his father or of his mother. His wife Katherine was a licensed mid-wife. Her books are still in the family. Her daughter Isabella took up her mother's work.

Under date of June 25, 1895, Miss Arabella C. Hitch of Chalbeate, MS wrote Robert Mark Hitch, lawyer of Savannah, GA, "Wrote me that her father William Winder Hitch, had but one brother who died when 21 years old; that he had four sisters all of whom married. One of these sisters was Mrs. Katherine C. Stewart of Fairview, Greeville Co., S.C.: that her great grandfather Louther Hitch, came from England to Maryland and from there to SC; that he had two sons besides John Hitch, to-wit Joseph and Louther Hitch both of whom left children; that she had heard her grandfather John Hitch say that he had two uncles in Maryland. She also stated that her brother, Pierce Hitch of Batesville, MS had the old Hitch family Bible."

In the Federal Census of 1810, John Hitch is indicated in Laurens County, SC (page 47A) in a household comprised of one male age 10-16, one male over age 45, three females age 10-16 and one female age 16-26.

In the Federal Census of 1820, John Hitch is indicated in Laurens County, SC (page 13) in a household comprised of one male under age 10, two males age 16-26 (none age 16-18), one male over age 45, two females under age 10, two females age 10-16 and one female age 26-45.

In the Federal Census of 1830, John Hitch is indicated in Laurens Township, Laurens County, SC (page 273) in a household comprised of one male age 10-15, one male age 50-60, two females age 5-10, one female age 15-20, one female age 20-30 and one female age 40-50.

In the Federal Census of 1840, John Hitch is indicated in Laurens County, SC (page 34) in a household comprised of one male age 60-70, two females age 15-20, one female age 30-40 and one female age 50-60.

In the "Laurensville Herald" newspaper of July 6, 1849, it states, "Died of dropsy in the Laurens District on the 29th, John Hitch, Esq., in the 77th year. Since February 4 last, a member of the M.E. Church, South."

The Last Will and Testament of John HITCH, filed August 16, 1849 in Laurens Co., SC mentions wife and children. Executors: Wm. Winder HITCH and David C. Templeton; Executrix: Katherine HITCH. Witnesses: John F. Donnoho, Geo. Byrd, W.D. Byrd. Signed on July 19, 1849 by Katherine HITCH, W.W. HITCH, Jas. Templeton, D.C. Templeton, John Toland, C.B. Stewart. (Ref.: Assorted Probate Papers, Box 5, Will of John Hitch: SC Archives)

The following is a transcription of an article I wrote in the Hitch Family Newsletter in Fall 1998:

The Travel Journal of John Hitch (1773-1849) - South Carolina to Maryland and Back - 1799

Surfing around on the Internet, I found a reference recently, I found reference to a journal by Joshua Hitch in the Manuscripts Division of the South Caroliniana Library at the University of South Carolina. The document was said to date to 1799 and, as you might guess, piqued my interest quite a bit! I contacted the library and began conversing through E-Mail with a Brian J. Cuthrell at the library. For a fee, he copied the journal and sent it to me via regular mail. I include it below for your enjoyment.

Some background is in order here. First of all, the journal is entitled "J. Hitch - Journal - March 26th 1799 to Maryland, (eastern shore) and back to So Carolina Laurens County, 96 District." Upon review, I determined that the journal was not that of Joshua Hitch but rather his brother, John Hitch - still "J. Hitch".

Both John and Joshua were sons of Louther Hitch of Somerset County, Maryland. Louther, who was affectionately called "Loudy", was born on November 5, 1750 in Somerset County. He died on August 19, 1838 in Laurens County, South Carolina. Loudy served in the Revolutionary War. He married Mary Nicholson on June 30, 1771 in Somerset County. Mary was born on November 2, 1750 and died November 28, 1789 - both in Somerset County. Ludy and Mary Hitch had two sons - John and Joshua - born February 4, 1773 and June 1, 1779, respectively. After May's death in 1789, Loudy married again, this time to Elizabeth (Betsy) Douglas on January 2, 1792 in Somerset County. Betsy Hitch was born on April 24, 1769 in Somerset County, Maryland and she died October 20, 1840 in Laurens Co., South Carolina. Loudy and Betsy Hitch had the following children:

(1) Joseph N. Hitch, born c. 1794 in Maryland and died between 1826 and 1829 in Laurens Co. (2) Mary Hitch, born October 10, 1794 and died 1863. (3) Sarah Hitch, born April 16, 1796. (4) Louther Douglas Hitch, born November 14, 1798 in Laurens Co. and died there on October 18, 1886.

By tracing land records of Somerset County in Maryland and Laurens County in South Carolina, we can establish the time of Loudy's move to South Carolina to sometime between autumn of 1797 and autumn of 1798.

We are not certain of the parents of Loudy Hitch (NOTE: this mystery was solved in 2010), but he no doubt comes from the Adam Hitch (1658/59-1731) line. I have built some circumstantial evidence that seems to prove his father was Ezekiel Hitch (1730/31-c.1758) of William Hitch (10/31/1687-4/1730) of Adam Hitch. The evidence is the fact that Loudy Hitch was assessed taxes for a tract of land known as "Gravelly Hill" - 50 acres in Somerset County - in the Federal assessment of 1783. This land was originally bought by Ezekiel Hitch in November 1751 from Allen Gray. There are no records for the estate of Ezekiel Hitch but we might assume that the land passed to his son Louther after his death or through another transaction.

John Hitch, son of Loudy and subject of this article, married Katherine Hanna in Laurens County on March 3, 1801. Katherine was born September 14, 1783 in Laurens County and died there July 2, 1851. John and Katherine Hitch had the following children:

(1) William Winder Hitch (3/22/1802-6/9/1870) (2) Mary Nicholson Hitch (5/10/1804-10/18/1825) (3) Ann Elizabeth Hitch (12/18/1807-10/26/1879) (4) Isabella Jane Hitch (5/19/1810-6/19/1882) (5) Margaret Hanna Hitch (3/23/1813-6/4/1844) (6) John Henry Hitch (9/28/1815-8/27/1837) (7) Nancy Caroline Hitch (7/22/1818-8/12/1820) (8) Katherine Carson Hitch (3/18/1823-10/25/1898)

This line has left many descendant across the South to this day.

The journal of this story was begun on March 26, 1799 when John Hitch was still a bachelor of age 26. His writing and travels are quite fascinating as he journeyed by horse from Laurens County, South Carolina to Somerset County, Maryland in the Spring of 1799 and returned in the summer that same year. The trip to Maryland took from March 26th to April 20th 1799 (25 days) and the account of the return trip lasted from July 10th to July 31st 1799 (21 days) when John Hitch stopped recording at Guilford Courthouse, NC. They are chronicled as follows:



March 26th 1799 to Maryland, (eastern shore) And back to So Carolina Laurens County 96 District

J. Hitch Journal in a Travel to the eastern shores in the State of Maryland from So Carolina, Laurens County.

Sat out the 26th March 1799 -

Tuesday the 26th March 1799. Sat out on J(ourney) (viz) Capt Morison., Wm Byrd & myself - from Capt Morisons and came from thence to Mr J. F. Haimenings store 5 miles, where we gave our horses food & took some refreshment ourselves, we having plenty of whisky to Drink - from thence we traveled down to Tygar River Bridge, thence to Squire Torrance, the roads being exceedingly Slippy. the day being very rainy which rendered it Disagreeable ... (torn MS)

got stalled on side a clay hill had to unload part our stage before we could move forward - And took up our lodging at Mr Torrances, on leaving Traveled as we Supposed 16 miles

Wednesday 27th We pursued our rout about 9 o'Clock, had what all might call tolerable good roads and came to Union Courthouse & halted at Mr Josh's and give our Horses food & took breakfast ourselves - and from pursued our Journey the day being very pleasant &.came to the House of one Capt Jilman Where we took our lodging for that night where we found (torn MS) good accomodation

(pages 3-6, blank)

we having traveled as we suppose about 22 miles that day we accidently lost a Horse Whip - & now I believe I will conclude for this evening we having taken I supper we expect shortly retire to bed -

Thursday 28th was a very pleasant day & we pursued our Journey about an hour by sun and came by Pinckney Courthouse, Union County, thence to York Courthouse York County. the road being very disagreeable in many places took up our lodging at York Courthouse at-the house of one Mr Mc Call we having traveled about 25 miles - no accident happened worth relating

Friday 29th was a very pleasant day & Started early & drove on tolerable well & came by Hill's Iron works where I thought I saw great wonders, in the mean while crossd Catawba river -Biggers Ferry, & from thence we came into N. Carolina Mecklenburg County where we saw some excelent good Land as we traveled and took up our Quarters at the House of one Mr Campbell. We having traveled about-25 Miles.

Saturday 30th was a very pleasant day & made an early start but a short Journey, our friend Capt Morison being very ill with a severe Cholic, came to Charlotte Courthouse, made a halt for the span of about two or three at McComby employed a Doctor who gave means, but I believe proved of little effect, & continued very unwell till evening, but we made a shift to travel from thence about 9 miles to the House of one Mr Mc Andlass

(Pages 9 and 10, blank)

where we took up our lodging for that night near Mallard Creek Mecklenburg Cty we having traveled about 15 miles only - Now I believe I will conclude for this evening I am just going to bed (or mattress)

Sunday 31. We Started early, it being a pleasant day for our Journey, Capt Morison by this time being much recruited (recovered?) and drove on till about 9 or 10.o'Clock & came-to Mr (Capt) Fifers & there we took Breakfast & gave our Horses Forage, from thence came-through Cabarrus County having very good Roads the most of the day & came from thence into Boar County to the House of One Mr Geo. Savage who I believe was a German

there we took up our lodging about; a Half an Hour by sun where we found very good entertainment, at that time I had a very sore chapd lips but in Tolerable health as common &c &c ----------- we having traveled about 25 Miles ---------

Monday April 1st. Started from Savages, but made a small Halt, one of our Horses not being willing to do his duty in regard to drawing in the stage but we were not detained long & drove on from thence to Salisbury which was 10 miles, where we were detained nearly 4½ Hours in feeding our Horses, getting breakfast, employing Blacksmiths, gunsmiths, Silver &c &c

(pages 13 and 14, blank)

in order to equip us with ouch things as was requisite, the day being very pleasant & agreeable, ------ Capt Morison by this time being nearly restored again to perfect Health, and drove from thence to the Yadkin river, (Beards Ferry) from thence to the house of one Mr Beard. there we took up our lodging for that night, we having traveled about 23½ miles.

Tuesday 2d. Sat out early It beginning to rain about an Hour By sun & continued till about 12 o'clock in this time we passed by Lexington N. C. Rowan County the weather by this time clearing up & was very agreeable & drove on from thence to the House of Capt Hailey Guilford County, there we took up our lodging for that night, we having what we might call tolerable good Roads. No accident Happened worth relating We having traveled about 23 Miles - (Guilford)

Wednesday 3d. Started from Capt Haileys early, some part of the Road being very Hilly, but came over them without much difficulty from thence to Possum Town. & thence over deep (deer?) river. thence to Guilford Courthouse, otherwise called (Martinville Guilford County) 15 miles - thence to the House of one Mr Dick 15 miles then we took up our lodging (the day being very cold for the season) we having traveled about 30 Miles

Thursday 4th. Started from Mr Dick's tolerable early and came from thence to the Widow O'Neals 8 miles from thence to the Haw

(Pages 17 and 18, blank)

River 4½ Miles (Trolonders Ford) thence to the house of one Mr Ellit about 12 miles there we took up our lodging for that night- having traveled about 25 miles -, I shall conclude I have spilled Ink on the Table cloth I am Disgusted therewith.

Friday 5th Sat out from Ellits without giving our Horse food and came from thence to Hillsborough Orange County (N.C.) 5 miles - thence to Flat River, we having very Hilly roads in the fore noon it being very cold for the season &c. &c., and traveled from thence to the House of one Mr Taylor in Granville County N. C. there we took up our lodging we having traveled about 25 miles

Saturday 6th. was a cool morning & cloudy, but proved to be a very pleasant day, Started from Taylors Granville County & came by Tar River by Granville Courthouse 18 miles Thence to the House of one Mr Rice 4 miles, then we took up our Quarters about an Hour by sun P. M. We having traveled about 22 miles -

Sunday 7th was a very pleasant day & drove on tolerably well & came by Williamsborough (9 miles) where we took Breakfast & give food to our Horses & where I saw a very Delightsome young lady -- from thence we pursued our Journey to the ordinary 12 miles, thence to the house of one Mr Bell 6 miles - We having traveled about 27 miles - then we took up our lodging where we had good apple Brandy for our refreshment Warren Cty.

(Pages 21 and 22, blank)

Monday 8th. Started from Bells Tolerable early, one of our Horses being a little Foundered, prevented our Starting as early as we might have done otherwise the day being very pleasant & having very good roads, came by the Burrit Ordinary in Warren County - thence to the House of one Capt Hall, there we took up Lodging about an Hour by sun, By this time our Horse being recovered nearly of his founder we having traveled about 25 miles.

NB. our Lodging was in Halifax County on the S. Side of Roan Oak River (N. C.)

Tuesday 9th went down to roan Oak river was some time detained waiting for other wagons to cross - after crossing came to Greenville Court house, Hick'sford. The day being Blustery - & in the evening grew very cold for the season - we being very much put to our shift to get our Lodging - being denied admittance in our Second & third trials - had to drive on till about 1½ or 2 Hours after night. Took up our lodgings at one Mr. Nicholsans in Virginia Southhampton County having traveled about 32 miles - whereof about 5 or 6 was after night, which to me was very disagreeable, because of the cold &c. ----

Same day crossed the Mahanan River on a Bridge, about 14 Miles above Mr Nicholson's.

Wednesday 10th Sat out after Breakfast and came by Southampton

(Pages 25, 26, blank)

Courthouse where was a small village called. New Jerusalem 16 miles from Nicholsons, Netaway River, thence to the House. of one Mr Deak 3 miles - there we took up our Lodgings having traveled about 19 miles only -

Thursday 11th our Horses being 2 of them Foundered very bad. we did not pursue our Journey. as soon as ordinary - but came from thence to Black Creek - thence to Black Water Bridge & from thence across a pecosan about a mile across - to the House of one Mr Underwood where we took up Lodging having traveled about 21 Miles

Friday 12th Started about an hour by sun our Horses not being yet recovered of their Founder but pursued our Journey Tolerable lively - (Observe, we were in Nansemond County) and came from thence to Suffolk 11 miles, which is Situated on the S. side of Nansemond River in Nansenmond County, thence to the house of one Mr J. Pullen's Norfolk County on the Western Branch of Eliza beth River 18 miles. where we took: up our lodging having traveled about 29 miles -

Saturday 13th crossed the Ferry Hodges about an hour by sun by this time it beginning to rain very briskly. but we drove on about 7 miles to the House of widow butt within about 1 mile of Portsmouth there we took up Quarters untill

197.00 174.56 22.44

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we should have an opportunity of getting on board a vessel to cross the Chesapeak Bay --

After the rain abated which was about 12 o'clock - Capt Morison & M.r Byrd went over to Norfolk in order to do some Business of their own & to enquire also for the Boat to carry us over &c. &c. At their return I went to pay Mr Fatherly a visit, who appeared to be very glad to see me & to hear also of Mr McClendon (?) which I related to him.

Sunday 14th Continued our lodging at Mrs Butt's & went to Portsmouth & from thence over to NorfoIk in order to see Scenes &c. &c.

& from thence to Lindsays Gardens about a mile out Norfolk where we took a Relish and a Bowl of Punch in the House called So Carolina - in Lindsay's Garden - then returned back to Norfolk Capt Morison & myself and took a full survey of the same & from thence returned home to our Lodging &c. --

Monday 15. Kept our Lodgings at Mrs Butt's. Went to Portsmouth thence over to Norfolk to buy some few particulars - & then returned home to our lodgings -

Tuesday 16. went over to town to see about the packett - returned Back & took our horses &c down to Portsmouth and got all on Board about an Hour By sun P. M., Set sail &c.

Wednesday 17th found ourselves past our landing place about 10 or 15 miles, had to tack about several times before we could reach the desired port - we having a very fresh breeze in the mean time I was for about the space of 3 or 4 Hours very sick, almost despairing of life - but afterward recovered - Landed at Hungars creek (beach) about 1 o'clock. Riged our Waggons &c and came from thence about 10 miles Northampton County to the House of Mr Majr Brickhouse in Bridgetown there we took up our lodging for that night,, -----

Thursday 18th Sat out from Bridgetown and came from thence to Franktown (the day being very pleasant) thence to Bellhaven, thence to Accomac Court House & from thence to the House of one Mr Bagwell where we took up our lodging having traveled about 34 miles

Friday 19th Sat out early the day being cool for the season and came from thence to Huntown 21 miles, thence to Snow Hill 16 miles. took up our Lodgings at Mr Smith's Tavern, having traveled about 37 Miles. Maryland, Worchester County & I say &c. &c. &c.

(Pages 35, 36, blank)

Saturday 20th Was a very cool day for the Season and Sat out from Snow Hill after Breakfast and came into Salisbury & from thence to the House of Mr Thos Byrd a little before Sunset where we took our Quarters.


Wednesday the 10th July 99- Started from Salisbury in the afternoon, and came as far as the place they call the Shad point in Capt Robt Dashill's Sloop - known by the name of the Ann.

Thursday 11th came as far as Green Hill where we came to Anchor till some time in the night thence came to Mr Ballard on Wicomoco River

Friday 12th Lay at anchor Near Mr Ingersons we having contrary minds. In the morning was very sick for the space of

(pages 39, 40, blank)

about 2 or 3 Hours; but afterward recruited (recovered?) - went on shore to buy some vegetables &c - (with other company) came on board moved our sloop down up a small Distance in order to procure a better harbour and there to lay untill we could have a fairer wind. Saturday moved a small Distance down the river near Molly poustons (?) point in the evening, the wind blew very fresh but not in our favor, had to lay at anchor till the next day &c.

Sunday 14th rode at anchor still near Molly poustons point all the day - went on shore to wash and to catch crabs oysters &c.

Monday 15th set sail from the point and came with that ebb into the sound near haynes's point went on shore wt 2 other Gent. & bought 1 Negro woman & child of Capt Chs Jones, then came on board & took the advantage of the next Ebb, having a westerly wind. steerlng our course nearly South continued under sail all night, the wind shifting

(Pages 43-46, blank)

Nearly N. W. and blew a fresh gale, found ourselves in the morning in view of New point Comfort

Tuesday 16th Still kept our course, having a -tolerable gale till about 2-or 3 Hours by sun, then had but a very light breeze until evening, lay at anchor in hampton Road near Norfolk untill morning -

Wednesday 17th came to Portsmouth in the fore noon., got our things on shore. Rigged Our Waggon Bought a few necessaries &c came as far as the Widow Butts about a mile from PtMouth wt over drove of Negroes being in Number 33 Sometimes before night.

Thursday 18th was a dark cloudy morning, Mr Byrd and myself went to the House of one Mr Boytons -to see about purchasing a cart in order -to convey some of our goods &c. along, & returned wtout afterwards myself & Mr Jno McDowell went

(Pages 49, 50 blank)

and purchased the same for $13 returned & made-all things ready & pursued our Journey from Mrs Butts about 10 or 11 o'clock it beginning raining about an Hour after took up at a certain House, but having no encouragement put on again and came from thence through the rain to the Western branch of Elizabeth river - crossed over to Mr J. Pullens - at-Hodges Ferry, about an Hour by sun then we took up our lodging in order to refresh ourselves & Horses and to dry ourselves &c

Friday 19th was a cloudy, Rainy morning, we did not set out early, on acct. of the rain, but about 9 or 10 o'clock the rain abated & we sat out wt ourselves from Mr Jno Pullens who I think has one the handsomest and most pleasant looking woman to wife in Norfolk County (Vir) Came from thence to Suffolk 17 miles from thence to the House of Mr Jno Parmour about 2 miles there we made our camp while myself and J. Piper slept in the waggon, others in the House &c - kept fast-

Saturday 20th was a cloudy dark day the most part with a little rain in the forenoon

(pages 53, 54, blank)

come from thence with our gang to Black Water Bridge about 17 miles, thence to Black Creek Bridge about 3 miles there we took up our Camp about an Hour by sun in order to class our people for cooking, &c - no accident hapening worth relating. l believe I will conclude for this evening. -------

Sunday 21st Was a dark cloudy morning & began raining about 12 o'clock came from the creek Bridge tolerable early and came by the way of a certain Gentlemans House an elegant young woman which very much attracted the attention of our friend & uncle Piper from her natural and enticing looks and behaviour he concluded he would willingly Become her Husband came from thence to the house of one Mr Deaks Southampton County.(Vir) there we made a halt to feed ourselves and Horses and after having refreshed ourselves pursued our Journey & came through the rain, it raining powerful hard 'the most part of the evening in the meantime Capt Morison having a smart debate or otherwise or engagement with a Negro. Afterwards Mr Piper had to scourge two of our fellows for quarreling wt each other, put up at the fork of the Road the one leading to Hallifax, the other to Hillsborough at a Gentlemans House, whose name I cannot tell, the reason why, I did not ask - there we took up our lodging having traveled about 18 miles.

Monday 22 - Was a dark cloudy day but with not much rain came on tolerable well & took up our camp in the wood at the end of a certain cave we having traveled about 19 miles.

Tuesday 23d was a cloudy morning but proved to be a clear, warm day, left our lodgings in the woods early drove on about 9 miles - then made a halt to feed our Horses & to make some calculation about our affairs moved on again about 3 o'clock traveled about 8 miles, took up Our camp in an old field (same day came by Greenville Courthouse, Hix'sford) having traveled about 18 miles -

Wednesday 24th was a clear cool morning wt a great dew Our Horses being strayed some small distance caused us not to find them till about 2 or 3 Hours by sun, after finding them came down to Roan Oak river 8 miles, crossed over and made a Halt & fed our Horses - thence came on about 6 Miles (N. C.) Halifax County. took up our camp along side an old field near which was a most elegant Rocky Spring affording excellent water, possessed by 2 old maids or widows, we having traveled about 14 miles.

(Pages 59., 60 blank)

Thursday 25th was a pleasant morning for the season, we rising early wt an expectation of making an early start, but was disappointed, by our Horses attempting to run away, but we pursued them & caught them before they had got far Started a little after sun rise & came by a place called the double Barrit Ordinary, thence about 2 or 3 miles where we made a Halt to feed &c - two of our negroes being behind we tarried longer than we might done otherwise - came from thence about 8 or 9 miles & took up our camp in the woods, having traveled about 22 miles -

Friday 26th was a pleasant morning But a SquIly evening made a tolerable good days drive, & might made better, had not old Cesar got behind, & its raining &c. Came by WmBorough having traveled-about 25 miles -

Saturday 27th made an early start came by Granville Courthouse 1 Mile thence to Tar River thence over Napcorrus? Creek the day being very warm some of our negroes began to complain very much, from thence to flat River then we took up our camp on Et N. side having traveled about 22 miles - in the night had a powerful hard Rain which molested us very much having the most of our thing wet, as well as ourselves.

(pages 63, 64 blank)

Sunday 28th Was a dark cloudy morning & did not start as soon as common had to wash wipe &c came from thence over flat river & from thence to one Mr Carrington Tavern Keeper there we made a halt to feed our Horses - Started & came within about 2 miles of Hillsborough there we made our camp having traveled about 15 mile same day Capt Morison took his leave of us all & pursued the route on Horse back

Monday 29th came by Hillsborough which was 2 miles. thence to Haw river which Mr Byrd attempting to cross over on foot caught 2 falls which caused him to get nearly wet - took up our camp on E. So Side having traveled about 20 miles that evening went down to the River in company wt Mr Dowell & J. Piper & Brother Joshua (editor's note: reference to brother Joshua - indicates that his journal was written by John Hitch and not his brother Joshua!) in order to shift our clothes & wash off the lice we being by that time very lousy.

Tuesday 30th was a fair warm day, made an early start came to Mr Dicks, fed our Horses, came from thence within about 7 miles of Guilford Courthouse took up our camp having traveled about 20 miles.

Wednesday 31st was a warm day came by Guilford Courthouse - had a small shower of rain in the evening - Traveled about 22 miles - in the night a cloud arose and very much put us to our shift for shelter, part our company went to the House of an old Quaker who wouId scarce give them shelter under his roof or Rather his wife. who said she had dather grub than follow (text indecipherable)

(Pages 67, 68, blank)

I have mapped the front leg of John Hitch's 1799 journey on the map in Figure 1. Each "square represents a day's travel. Can you imagine what the trip mush have been like? It took him 25 days - we can do the same trip by car today in about 8 hours - amazing! The back leg - the return trip - was different in that it incorporated a longer time under sail than the front leg. John Hitch and party began the return journey by sailing from Salisbury, Maryland on July 10, 1799 and they continued down the bay in fits and starts until arriving in Portsmouth, Virginia on July 17th. The rest of the return pretty much mirrored how they came in the opposite direction on the front leg. I hope you enjoyed this journey back into time with the Hitch family!


John married Katherine Hanna, daughter of Robert Hanna and Mary Parks, on 03 Mar 1801 in SC.1 2 3 (Katherine Hanna was born on 14 Sep 1783 in Laurens Co., SC,3 8 9 10 died on 02 Jul 1851 in Laurens Co., SC 5 10 and was buried about 05 Jul 1851 in Hitch Cemetery, Laurens Co., SC 5.)



1 DAR Lineage Books.

2 "A Hitch Orchard", by Daisy Hitch, 1931.

3 Bible Records of John Hitch of SC (DAR).

4 Gravestone Record.

5 SC Cemetery Records (DAR).

6 Will of John Hitch probated 8/16/1849.

7 1850 SC Mortality Schedule, Listed as John Hitch, age 76, died of "dropsy". He died in June in Laurens District, South Carolina and he was a farmer.

8 1830 SC Census, Listed as age 40-50 in the 1830 Laurens Co., SC Census.

9 1850 SC Census, Listed as age 66 in the Laurens Co., SC Census, born in SC. She is in the houshold Minister C.B. Stewart (her son-in-law).

10 Gravestone Record, Her gravestone states she died on July 7, 1851 at age 67 years, 9 months and 19 days.

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