Uriah Thomas Hitch
The Federal Census of 1920 lists Uriah T. Hitch in a household in Worcester County, Maryland as follows: - Uriah T. Hitch, age 32, born in MD - Ida E. Hitch, age 24, born in MD - Hazel P. Hitch, age 8, born in MD - Laurence T. Hitch, age 6, born in MD - Levin C. Hitch, age 3 and 2/12, born in MD. ![]() Uriah married Ida Ellen Causey, daughter of William James Causey and Alicia Anna (Litta, Annie) Hitch, about 1910. (Ida Ellen Causey was born in May 1893 in MD,5 6 7 died in 1955 in Worcester Co., MD 2 and was buried in 1955 in Smullen Cemetery, St. Lukes Rd., Worcester Co., MD.) |
1 1920 MD Census, Listed as age 32 in the 1920 Worcester Co., MD Census, born in MD.
2 Gravestone Record.
3 1900 MD Census, Listed as born in February 1887 in MD in the 1900 Worcester Co., MD Census.
4 1910 MD Census, Listed as a sawmill laborer, age 23, in the 1910 Wicomico Co., MD Census, born in MD.
5 1920 MD Census, Listed as age 24 in the 1920 Worcester Co., MD Census, born in MD.
6 1900 MD Census, She is listed as born in 5/1893 in MD in the 1900 Worcester Co., MD Census.
1910 MD Census, Listed as age 17 in the 1910 Atkinsons, Worcester Co., MD Census.
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