Solomon Kibble Price
- Born: 1778, Worcester Co., MD
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Harris on 10 Oct 1797 in Worcester Co., MD 1
- Died: After 1820, Somerset Co., MD
Kibble Price seems to have lots of children in his household in 1800-1820 but little is known of their identity. It is believed he had son George Price and his brother, George, also has a son named George Price, with one born c1809 and the other in 1812. This makes for confusion trying to sort these out. It is, however, probable that George Price of Kibble (born c1809) that has wife Anne Malone and George Price of George (born 1812) that has wife Zipporah Fletcher given land transactions, family names and a plethora of circumstantial evidence. More work in progress. The latter seems to have been included in the children that were assigned guardian William Whayland in the early 1820s - they are noted as being "of George."
Kibble Price is listed as Solomon C. Price in 1800 when he is shown in the census with a household of 22010-10010 in Worcester Co., MD. In 1810, he is Kibble Price is listed in Wicomico Hundred, Somerset Co., MD with household of 31010-00011. In 1820, his household is 021101-30011 in Somerset, Election District 2. He is not found as a separate household in 1830 so he may have died 1821-29.
On Jul 31 1802 Solomon Kibble Price and Patience Price ("his mother") both of Worcester Co. sold 50a of tract "Mount Pleasant" to Jacob Morris (Sr.) of Somerset Co. for 112 pounds, 12 shillings. Begin on the 2nd line of the original tract at the end of 93.25 poles laid off by Benjamin Hitch to Thomas Price to a marked post or red oak sapling, then S171, E46.75, N171, right line to the beginning. It is "near the dreens of Dividing Creek Branch" (WoLR-V:276).
In Feb 1813, Solomon Kibble Price, age 34, made a deposition in Orphan's Court regarding the will of Eleazor Johnson. (WoOCP-MH7:194). This sets his birth year at 1778 or 1779.
Solomon married Elizabeth Harris on 10 Oct 1797 in Worcester Co., MD.1 (Elizabeth Harris was born about 1780 in MD.)