Andrew Hamilton
(Abt 1715-1780/1780)
Anne Bowdoin (Bowden)?
(Abt 1730-1780/1783)
William Hamilton
(Abt 1755-Bef 1799)
*Andrew Hamilton
(Abt 1780-1841/1849)


Family Links

1. Margaret (Peggy, Polly) Wheeler

2. Mary Green Williams

*Andrew Hamilton

  • Born: Abt 1780, Northampton Co., VA 1 2 3
  • Marriage (1): Margaret (Peggy, Polly) Wheeler on 25 Dec 1806 in Northampton Co., VA
  • Marriage (2): Mary Green Williams on 02 Dec 1823 in Northampton Co., VA
  • Died: 1841-1849, Northampton Co., VA


*We know that John Hamilton (1813/15-1872) is a son of Andrew Hamilton (1780s-1840s) in Northampton Co., VA in the early 19th century (This is corroborated independently by the well-documented "Miles Files" in the Eastern Shore Public Library [VA]). But where did Andrew Hamilton come from? There was a VERY FAMOUS Andrew Hamilton in Accomack/Northampton who immigrated there from Scotland c1697 and stayed until c1721 when he relocated to Philadelphia and became a highly prominent citizen there. There was also a Robert Hamilton who died in 1702 in Northampton - this Robert MAY have been a brother to the original Andrew. This compiler believes it decently likely that Andrew Hamilton, father of John, descends from either the original Andrew Hamilton or Robert in a direct line but is unsure of the exact lineage therefrom.

Furthermore, there was an Andrew Hamilton (as Hambleton) who, on Dec 11 1760, is listed as Administrator to the estate of Margaret Stakes with appraisers John Belote, William Roberts, and George and John Brickhouse in Northampton Co., VA (NoVAW-25:243). This places an Andrew Hamilton doing business on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and probably some sort of descendant or nephew of the original Andrew Hamilton (b c1676). Margaret Stakes may be Margaret Hamilton, d/o the original Andrew Hamilton and born in 1709 in Northampton. If Margaret Stakes is the Peggy Stakes who married Job Stakes and they conveyed land in Whitelaw tract N60 to an "unborn child" in 1755, then this is Bell land that this compiler's family married into (along with the Hamiltons). It is all a circuitous and compelling story.

It is much more likely that this Andrew Hamilton (born 1780s) descends as a grandson to the Andrew Hamilton who wrote his will on Jan 24 1780 and that was proven in Northampton Co., VA on Mar 14 1780. That Andrew mentions sons William and Bowdoin but, what if any relationship that Andrew had to the immigrant Andrew is unknown. For now, this compiler has the lineage for this Andrew as a son of William of the Andrew who died in 1780 and the likelihood of this is very compelling. This Andrew Hamilton line had very little wealth and no land in 1780 where as the original Andrew Hamilton was very wealthy. No other records can be found of Bowdoin Hamilton but William shows up several times in the record before he dies sometime in late 1798 or early 1799 when his estate is ordered sold by the Sheriff. This is the most likely order of lineage for this Andrew Hamilton - as son of William who died in 1799 who was son of Andrew Hamilton who died in 1780. It is likely that that Andrew had some unknown connection to Andrew the immigrant which we may never be able to solve (maybe through Robert Hamilton who died in 1702 and had sons Isaac and Robert). Here is a case study this compiler wrote to Moody Miles and Allen B. Hamilton via electronic mail Nov 23 2017 as we were trying to sort out the Hamilton lineage:

"...we know the following:

1. Andrew Hamilton, the famous immigrant who went to Pennsylvania had children Margaret, James and Andrew and they were born before and very young when their father moved them to Kent Co., MD in 1713 Andrew seems to have had very little or no dealings in Acc/NH after that time except to finish selling off his lands by 1721 or so (Whitelaw)
2. James, s/o the above Andrew, does get a legacy of 'household goods' from Hancock Custis in his will in Acc Co. Aug 30 1725/May 7 1728 - he would have been only age ~12-14 or so at the time
3. Little is present in the records about Robert Hamilton who died c1703 but that he had sons Robert born c1685 and Isaac born c1687 (and dau Mary b c1689). It might be just a coincidence but I find it interesting that he is dealing with "Col. Custis" for his land, a person closely connected to Andrew Hamilton, the immigrant. Was Robert a brother to the famous Andrew?
4. Robert Hamilton was of 'normal' means for the time for a family in NH Co. - contrast that to Andrew Hamilton and his connections who were of very high means and wealthy in terms of land, possessions and education. But, a key component of Robert Hamilton's family wealth, the 300a of land, was split down the middle to each son and they sold all of it in 1719 (I believe, based upon Whitelaw)
5. The next time we see a Hamilton in the probate is Andrew Hamilton above who died in 1780 in NH Co. with children William, James and Mary (Molly) - since Mary was not married, she MAY have been born after 1758-ish and so the two boys MIGHT have been born in the 1750s as well. One more occurrence of this Andrew in the probates: Andrew Hamilton (as Hambleton), on Dec 11 1760, is listed as Administrator to the estate of Margaret Stakes with appraisers John Belote, William Roberts, and George and John Brickhouse in Northampton Co., VA (NoVAW-25:243). NOTE the Brickhouse connections so this is undoubtedly the same Andrew who died in 1780 - Belote is probably a good clue for later as well. This record puts Andrew's birth year at before 1740 and, with the children born in the 1750s, probably before the 1732 timeframe. Andrew, being a rather uncommon given name, is interesting too. Was he named after Andrew the famous immigrant as a family connection or just a remembrance of the famous man of the neighborhood? Or just coincidental? Regardless, he had little wealth transferred in his probate so I do not see a direct lineal relationship with the famous Andrew
6. Bowdoin/Bowden Hamilton disappears from the ESVA record at this point - maybe he died young or moved away?
7. William Hamilton shows up twice: As a witness, with William Roberts and Stuart Pettitt, to Hezekiah Belote's will on Jul 13 1795 in Northampton Co. (NoVAW-29:452) - there's another Belote and Belote mentions George/John Brickhouse in the will which may help connect this William as truly the son, William, mentioned in Andrew Hamilton's 1780 will. William's estate (as Hambleton) was ordered to be sold by the Sheriff of Northampton Co. on Feb 11 1799 (Ibid:XXXIX-33:299) - so William dies, probably with debts more than his estate can pay, before Feb 11 1799.
8. Lastly, we have Andrew Hamilton who is known father to John Hamilton (c1814-1871). We find him in the records as: in the 1820 Census, Andrew Hamilton is head of household as 220010-00011 in Northampton Co., VA (suggesting he is age 26-45 at the time). In 1830, his household ins 2122102000000-2120011000000 in Hungars Parish, Northhampton Co., VA (suggesting he is age 30-40). He is listed in the 1840 census as Andrew Hampleton with 0030000100000-0210001000000 suggesting he is age 50-60. This puts his likely birth year at before 1794 and more likely in the 1780s

This is where we stand for now and I have taken the above to parse together the possible lineage as shown before:

John Hamilton (b c1814) who married Mary C. Bell in 1838 was no doubt a son of Andrew Hamilton and Margaret Wheeler who married in 1806. It seems very likely that that Andrew comes from the Andrew Hamilton who died in 1780 and he had only two surviving sons Bowdoin and William. Bowdoin is missing and William shows twice, in 1795 and 1799, with high probability that he connects to Andrew Hamilton born in the 1780s, most likely as his FATHER. With all this, here is what I have to date with more digging to do:

Andrew Hamilton (c1715/32-1780) and Anne (?) [birth year is estimated, for now, the most we really know is that it is 1739 or before, but with children born in the mid-1750s, it is prob earlier to at least the early 1730s]
- William Hamilton (c1755-1798/99) and (?) (?)
-Andrew Hamilton (c1780s-1841/49) and Margaret Wheeler
-John Hamilton (c1814-1871) and Mary C. Bell

Possible other connections: Andrew (c1715/32-1780) MAY be son of either Robert or Isaac Hamilton (born c1685-1698) who are sons of Robert Hamilton who died c1703 in NH Co."

In the 1820 Census, Andrew Hamilton is head of household as 220010-00011 in Northampton Co., VA (suggesting he is age 26-45 at the time). In 1830, his household is 2122102000000-2120011000000 in Hungars Parish, Northhampton Co., VA (suggesting he is age 30-40). He is listed in the 1840 census as Andrew Hampleton with 0030000100000-0210001000000 suggesting he is age 50-60.


*Andrew married Margaret (Peggy, Polly) Wheeler, daughter of John Wheeler and (?) Dalby, on 25 Dec 1806 in Northampton Co., VA. (Margaret (Peggy, Polly) Wheeler was born about 1775 in Northampton Co., VA 4 and died in 1815-1823 in Northampton Co., VA.)


*Andrew next married Mary Green Williams on 02 Dec 1823 in Northampton Co., VA. (Mary Green Williams was born about 1800 in Northampton Co., VA.)



1 1830 VA Census, Listed as age 40-50 in the 1830 Northampton Co., VA Census.

2 1820 VA Census, Listed as Andrew Hampleton in a household with 220010-00011 in Northampton Co., VA, suggesting he is age 26-45.

3 1840 VA Census.

4 1830 VA Census, Indicated as age 40-50.

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