Jonathan Pollitt Sr.
(Abt 1723-1806/1806)
Mary Dennis
(Abt 1730-)
John Pollitt
(Abt 1756-1838/1842)
Levin T. Pollitt


Family Links

1. Elizabeth (Betsey) Morris

Levin T. Pollitt

  • Born: 15 Apr 1797, Somerset Co., MD 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth (Betsey) Morris on 12 Apr 1825 in Somerset Co., MD 1
  • Died: 20 Feb 1885, Somerset Co., MD 2 3
  • Buried: Abt 23 Feb 1885, Cemetery On Old Pollitt Farm, Meadow Bridge Road, Somerset Co., MD


From the "Salisbury Advertiser" dated Nov 22 1884 :
The Democracy of Somerset, Worcester and Wicomico counties, held a mass jubilee on Saturday evening, 16th Inst., at Meadow Bridge, the point where the county lines of Somerset and Worcester passes into Wicomico, near the residences of Wm. P. Morris, of Wicomico, and Josiah M. Pollitt, of Somerset. The people of Nutters, Princess Anne and Trappe districts turned out en masse. At 7 o'clock the little cannon recently exhumed near Fruitland, where it had slept since '44, now known as the "Little Belcher," announced to the people of the neighborhood that the time to assemble had arrived, when several hundred on foot, a long train of carriages and a cavalcade of horsemen one hundred strong, bearing Chinese Lanterns, appeared on the ground, where a number of fires had been kindled on the farm of H. P. Jones, where piles of oysters had been provided and other necessary arrangements made to make things lively. The farm houses in the neighborhood were brilliantly illuminated among which we note the residences of J. H. Riggin, W. P. Morris, Jacob Morris, Josiah M. Pollitt, H. P. Jones and others. After the crowd had fully assembled and the return of the cavalcade, the firing of cannon and other demonstrations, the meeting was called to order by Judge F. J. Hayman of Worcester, who nominated Mr. Levin Pollitt, of Somerset, to the chair. Mr. Pollitt is in his 88th year, voted for Jas. Monroe in 1820 and for General Jackson every time he was a candidate, Mr. Pollitt told the writer that be was fond of his gun yet, and killed 7 squirrels at 8 shots this Call. After the organization of the meeting, L. Malone was introduced to the audience by T. J. Hayman, Esq. Mr. Malone then addressed the meeting and was attentively listened to for about 60 minutes when he concluded. He was frequently greeted with cheers at the mentioning of the names of Cleveland and Hendricks. The crowd present then made a raid on the bivalves, which they seemed to enjoy, while the "Little Belcher" kept up here salutes until a gun had been fired for every State which had cast its vote for Cleveland and Hendricks, and an old rusty Horse Pistol for each of the others, amid great rejoicing and firing of cannon and small arms. At 10 o'clock the people repaired to their homes, after an evening's fun such they had not enjoyed in that neighborhood for many years."

Levin Pollitt (of John) wrote his will on Mar 26 1863 and it was probated in Somerset County on Mar 11 1885 as follows:
-To son Jacob H. Pollitt, the farm and plantation where I now dwell called "Hopewell", "High Meadow", and Pollitts Interest" on condition he convey to his brother Josiah $700 within three years for all his lands that formerly belonged to his mother called "Morries Hundred." Son Jacob to also to provide a home, comfortable maintenance and decent support to my son Levin Thomas Pollitt. Jacob also to get negro woman Anne, negro boy George, 1st choice of a horse and yoke of oxen, one carriage, two carts, 2 pots, one urn and spider, pot hangers, bee hive, two beds and furniture, 1 block, 1 safe or cupboard, 6 chairs, pair of looking glasses, large mahogany table, 2/3rds of meat and lard, 2/3rds of corn and fodder.
-To son Josiah M. Pollitt, large walnut table, 1 bed and furniture 4th choice, negro man William and girl Sarah
-To daughter Caroline E.E. Vincent, 1 bureau, negro girl Emma, also the right of a water drain across the land devised to Jacob H. Pollitt if she helps keep it open and clean, the main lead ditch.
-To son Levin Thomas Pollitt, horse bridle and saddle 2nd choice, 3rd choice bed and furniture, large blue chest, $50 in cash to be expended in in a new suit of broadcloth clothes for himself, negro boy Perry, that Jacob shall have privilege of hiring.
-To Daughter Caroline E.E. Vincent and son Josiah M. Pollitt, equally divide land tract "Dormans Conclusion" I purchased of Noah Rider. If they cannot agree on a division or sale to one or the other, then it to be placed on public sale and the money divided equally.
-To desire to have negro woman Anne have the room she knows as her's for as long as she lives and she to be well treated and cared for
-Appoint son Jacob H. Pollitt as trustee and guardian of my son Levin Thomas Pollitt and caring for him esp. if sick and furnish him with a nice suit of Sunday clothes to attend divine worship. After the death of Levin Thomas Pollitt, Jacb H. Pollitt to get his property.
-Appoint sons Josiah M. and Jacob H. Pollitt to be executors.
Witnesses: Wm T.G. Polk, L.R. Polk, Sydney C. Long (SoW-SCL5:528)


Levin married Elizabeth (Betsey) Morris, daughter of Jacob Morris and Ellender (Nelly) Heath, on 12 Apr 1825 in Somerset Co., MD.1 (Elizabeth (Betsey) Morris was born on 06 Jan 1796 in Somerset Co., MD,2 3 8 died on 22 Jun 1857 in Somerset Co., MD 2 and was buried about 25 Jun 1857 in Cemetery On Old Pollitt Farm, Meadow Bridge Road, Somerset Co., MD.)



1 Somerset Co., MD Marriage Records.

2 Gravestone Record.

3 Bible Records of Levin Pollitt (1797-1885).

4 1860 MD Census, Listed as age 74 (sic?) in the 1860 Princess Anne, Somerset Co., MD Census.

5 1880 MD Census, Listed as age 83 in the 1880 North Princess Anne District, Somerset Co., MD Census.

6 1870 MD Census, Listed as age 74 in the 1870 Princess Anne District, Somerset Co., MD.

7 1850 MD Census, Listed as Levin Pollitt, age 53, in Princess Anne District, Somerset Co., MD.

8 1850 MD Census, Listed as Elizabeth Pollitt, age 53, in Princess Anne District, Somerset Co., MD.

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