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Benjamin Hitch
(1738/1741-Between 1814/1814)
Mary Pitts
(Abt 1740-1772/1780)
Obediah Disharoon
Eleanor (?)
(-After 1786)
John Hitch
Amelia (Milly) Disharoon
(Abt 1769-Between 1843/1849)
William Hitch
(Abt 1799-1877)


Family Links

1. Nancy (Ann) Pollitt

William Hitch

  • Born: Abt 1799, Somerset Co., MD 2 3 4
  • Marriage (1): Nancy (Ann) Pollitt on 23 Oct 1827 in Somerset Co., MD 1
  • Died: 10 Jul 1877, Somerset Co., MD 5


William Hitch is not mentioned by name in his father John Hitch's will. However, there is no doubt to this father-son connection. William is mentioned in several Worcester Co., Maryland land transactions as the son of John Hitch. He seemed to be a man of some means as he bought and sold land in his native Somerset and Worcester Counties almost at will.

In the will of John Morris (of Jacob Morris), written December 6, 1825 and probated December 30, 1825, it mentions wife Ann Morris (this happens to be William Hitch's future wife) and nephew William P. Morris, son of James Morris. William Hitch, James D. Hayman and Henry Pollitt were witnesses. (SoWills, Folio 105).

On November 24, 1827, William Hitch paid $50 to Thomas Morris, both of Somerset Co. for 7½ acres of land called "Morrises Conclusion", "Come By Chance", and "Fork" (or "Point of the Fork") bounded at the edge by the County road dividing Somerset and Worcester called the New Road by Isaac Hayman to Princess Ann. Also bounded by "Cockmore" belonging to William Hitch and wife and by the private road leading from Thomas Morris' to William Hitch's. (SoLR-GH4:66).

On January 24, 1829, William Hitch paid $500 for 250 acres of land to Hyram and Letty (Hitch) Lankford, Mary Hitch, Ellendor (Hitch) Hayman, and Benjamin Pitts Hitch of Somerset Co. and Thomas Hitch of Worcester Co. This is the land that they fell heir to after the death of their father John Hitch "that lyeth in Worcester Co. where said Hitch lived on the Worcester side of the County road". This land is that bought from Joshua Morris along with another 50 acre plot. (WoLR-AU:519,520).

On May 31, 1830, James Christopher of Worcester Co. paid $25.50 to William Hitch of Somerset Co. for part of tract "Timber Lot". The land borders "Priviledge" currently owned by William Hitch as well as "Friends Goodwill" and "Polks Folly". (Ibid., AW:362).

On March 3, 1832, Thomas Easkridge of Worcester Co. paid $30 to William Hitch of Somerset Co. for the 5½ acre tract called "Priviledge" bordering the private road from Thomas Morris to Charles Hayman. (Ibid., AY:156).

On January 11, 1833, Matthias Taylor of Worcester Co. paid $170 to William Hitch of Somerset Co. for 85 acres comprised of tracts called "Haymans Outlet", "Morris' Loss Recovered", and "Friends Goodwill" being land John Hitch purchased from Joshua Morris. Lands border that of Charles Hayman and Thomas Morris. (Ibid., Liber AZ, Folio 9).

On December 22, 1835, William Hitch is listed in the Orphans Court Records as follows: "James B. Moore, administrator dbn. of James Bailey, revoked. Administration granted to Henry Pollitt. Sureties: William Hitch, Levin Pollitt" (Somerset Co. Orphans Court Proceedings 1829-38, Folio 295)

On August 24, 1836, William Hitch received a deed for land called "White Oak Swamp", "Woolf Pit Ridge", & "Bains Addition" from William & Anne E. Ward for $20. The document mentions "assigns rights to certain lands belonging to Stephen Ward on county road from Princess Anne to ForkTown". (SoLR-GH8:551).

On August 25, 1836, William Hitch received a deed for 135 acres of land called "Green Brier" and "Addition to Little Neck" from William and Sarah Ann Wailes for $250. (Ibid., Folio 401).

On September 14, 1836, William Hitch of Somerset Co. paid $20 to James Ward of Baltimore City for lands of Stephen Ward on the north side of the county road leading from Princess Anne to Fork Town called "White Oak Swamp", part of "Wolf Pitt Ridge", part of "Baines Addition" and "Pine Swamp" now ¼ owned by Randal Hayman, ¼ owned by William Ward and ½ owned by Gillis and Sarah Ward. (SoLR-GH9:41).

Three days later, on September 17, 1836, William and wife Nancy (signed Ann) Hitch sold to Benjamin P. Hitch for $150, 50 acres of land, part of tract called "Mount Pleasant" on the east side of the county road dividing the counties of Worcester and Somerset . This land was that deeded from Benjamin Hitch to Joseph Hitch, then from Joseph to John Hitch and finally bequeathed by John Hitch to William in his last will and testament. (WoLR-JCH4:1).

On January 31, 1837, William Hitch paid $100 to Nelson Loga, both of Somerset Co., for land James Stewart was trustee to sell real estate of Randal Hayman, deceased who sold to Samuel Brown who sold to Benjamin Simpson who willed to Nelson Loga. (SoLR-GH9:42).

On January 11, 1838, William Hitch of Somerset Co. sold to Mathias Taylor of Worcester Co., land called "Morris' Conclusion" for $100. It was land resurveyed for Joshua Morris Sr. deceased that he willed to Joshua Morris Jr. who conveyed it to John Hitch, father of said William Hitch. It totalled 29 acres and was bounded by land of Levin Pollitt and William Gunby. (WoLR-GMH2:374).

On July 12, 1838, William Hitch of Somerset Co. sold to William Gunby, a free black of Worcester Co. set free by Elisha Gunby of Somerset Co., part of tract called "Morris' Conclusion" for $90. It was part of land resurveyed by Joshua Morris and conveyed to John Hitch, father of William Hitch. (Ibid., GMH1:420; This record was difficult to read.).

On November 25, 1839, for $800, William Hitch of Somerset Co. bought from John F. & wife Mary A. Taylor of Somerset Co., land on the public road leading from Fork Town to Princess Anne that divides Somerset and Worcester counties. The land was conveyed to John F. Taylor by deed of his father William Taylor where he resided. (Ibid., GMH3:125).

In the Federal Census of 1840, William Hitch is indicated on page 219 for the Middle District of Somerset County in a household comprised of one male age 5-10, one male age 15-20, one male age 30-40, one female under age 5, one female age 5-10, one female age 10-15, one female age 30-40 and eight slaves.

Between 1841 and 1852, William Hitch is listed in Election District 7 of Somerset County, Trappe, and assessed as follows;
William Hitch, 1841: - To "Cockmore", 163¾a; "Morris' Conclusion", 7a: $850 - To "Woolf's Pit", 60a; Ben Simpson land for 75a: $330 - To "Stanford's Finding", part of "Green Brier", 150a: $600 - To Milly (21), Matthias (18), Hamilton (20), John (20): $1000 - To Henny-infirm (41), Silvy (4), Joc (43), Sarah Elizabeth (4 months): $220 - To 5 horses, 3 yoke oxen, 4 cows, 6 cattle, 30 sheep, 65 hogs: $485 - To 1 ?? w. carriage, plate, 7 beds etc., notes, other: $455, Total $3940
1843 added: - To 1 cow, 1 cattle, from Wm. Costen: $15 1844 added: - To Mrs. Nancy Miles for 1 yoke oxen, 1 carriage: $125 Total $4110
1843 added: - By Hamilton, John, Silvy: $530 - By Joc, Notes: $175 - By Levin Doorman for land from Ben Simpson, 75a: $150 - By 1 horse, dead: $30 Total $885
1852 added: - By Silvy Anderson, 150a: $600 - By 1 horse, 2 yoke oxen, 3 cows, dead: $130 - By 4 cattle, 15 sheep, 35 hogs, dead: $70, Total $1685 (Somerset Co. Assessment Ledger 1841-1852, Folio 25)

On May 5, 1841, Benjamin P. and William Hitch, James Anderson, and George Price paid $875 to Benjamin and Ann E. Gordy of Somerset Co. for 200 acres of land called "Dormans Conclusion" and "Chance" that Ann E. Gordy had inherited from her father Levin Doorman Jr. who got it from his father Levin Doorman Sr. as a Deed of Gift. (SoLR-LH:699)

On April 12, 1842, William Hitch and Jeptha Hayman, administrators of John Pollitt Sr., apply to sell his personal estate. (SoOCP)

On May 5, 1842, William Hitch paid $50 to Theodore Hayman, both of Somerset Co., for 11½ acres of land called "Ranes Addition" adjoining the land of William Hitch, William Morris, and Benjamin Pusey. (Ibid., AH:138)

On February 9, 1843, for $2901, William Hitch sold to William and John Gunby, all of Somerset Co. lands including "Cockmore", "Morrises Conclusion", "Wolfs Pit", "Stanfords Finding", "Green Brier" plus land bought from Benjamin Simpson, in all totalling 619½ acres. Also included were lands in Worcester Co. conveyed to him by John F. Taylor; negroes Hambleton, John Horsey, Matthias, Joseph, Mills, Sylvia, Mary, Henny, and Charles; 5 horses, 2 yoke of oxen, 5 cows, 5 yearlings, 50 hogs, 25 sheep, a 4-wheeled carriage, a timber cart, and a wain cart. (Ibid., AH:454)

On March 22, 1845, William Hitch of Somerset Co. sold to Elijah White, a free black of Worcester Co., land called "Timber Lott" for $50. The land was bounded by that of James Christopher, Charles Hayman, and Howard Morris and totalled 7 acres. (WoLR-GMH8:270). On June 21, 1845, William Hitch was trustee for creditors of Fielder Jenkins of Somerset Co. Hitch bought all his effects for $1 to be distributed to pay Jenkins' debts. (SoLR-WP1:380).

On October 18, 1845, William Hitch sold to Sarah Ann Dove, child of Henry Dove, a one acre tract of land called "Addition to Wolf Pit Ridge" for $1. It was bounded by the county road leading from Benjamin Pusey's to Upper Trappe, also bounded by "Morrises Hundred" owned by William Morris. (SoLR-WP1:119)

On January 24, 1846, for $300, William and Nancy Hitch sold to Levin and Sally Doorman; James, Frost, Morris and Leah Doorman; Joseph and Nancy Whayland and their son Joseph W.L.A. Whayland, all free colored persons of Somerset Co. land: part of "Taylors Priviledge", the land that Samuel Brown deeded to Benjamin Simpson for 75 acres. Composed of three separate lots. (Ibid., Folio 210)

On April 27, 1848, William Hitch of Somerset Co. sold to William P. Morris of Worcester Co., two acres of land called the "Boot" for $10. It was land surveyed for Joshua Morris lying part in Somerset and part in Worcester Co. and adjoining land called "Stanfords Finding" and the land that said Hitch bought from Dr. William Wales on the west side of the county road dividing Worcester and Somerset counties. (Ibid., WP3:19)

On August 3, 1849, William Hitch with wife Nancy sold land for $500 to Eliza Anderson, wife of Gillis Anderson. Land was called "Second Green Brier" and "Addition to Little Neck" and bounded by land William Hitch bought from William Wales and wife, also by "Pollitt's Trial". Total of this portion of the land is 132 acres. Also deeded a part of "Standford's Finding", 11½a; and a part of "The Boot", 2 acres deeded from William P. Morris to William Hitch. (Ibid., WP5:43). On September 17, 1849, William Hitch and his wife Nancy sold to William J., Frances and Alfred Jones, free negroes, all of Somerset Co., 11 acres of land called "Addition to Wolf Pit" for $50. It was land bordering the road to Princess Anne at the corner of Benjamin Pusey's plantation to William Morrises farm. (Ibid., WP4:360)

In the Federal Census of 1850, William Hitch is indicated on page 485 for the Trappe District in Somerset County in a household as follows: - William Hitch, age 46, farmer, $1,500 in real estate - Ann Hitch, age 50 - John W. Hitch, age 18, farmer - Mary J. Hitch, age 14 - Nancy E. Hitch, age 12 - Alfred Hitch, age 10 - Denard Morris, age 40, male, black. All were born in Maryland.

In 1852, William Hitch is listed in Somerset County, Election District 9, Trappe, and assessed for the following: William Hitch: - "Cockmore", "Wolf Pit Ridge", 230a at $7: $1410 - Land bought of James Stewart, 90a at $4: $340 - Land of unknown name, 90a at $4: $340 - Milly (25) $300, Mary (12) $200, Henny (52) $100, Charlotte (2) $50, and Tilla (8) $50 - 6 beds $60, other furniture $30 - 2 horses $120, 2 yoke oxen $60, 3 cows $30, 5 other cattle $25, 12 sheep $12, and 30 hogs $40 - 1 carriage $75 Signed William Hitch (SoTA1852:10).

On November 21, 1854, William Hitch of Somerset County bought land from Anne Morris of the City of Baltimore for $70. This is the land her husband William Morris called "First Conclusion", "Morris' Hundred", and "Wolf Pit Ridge". (SoLR-LW3:286).

On June 8, 1857, William Hitch and wife Nancy, sold 91 acres of land for $1,000 to Robert W. Dougherty and Sydney C. Long. Name of land not given but is same land Hitch bought from William Gunby and wife and John Gunby and wife on April 27, 1848 (as rec. in LW3:34-36) (Ibid., LW5:211).

On June 15, 1857, William Hitch and wife Nancy sold land to Robert Dougherty and Sydney C. Long for $500. This is land that Hitch purchased of Stephen Ward's heirs. It is land where William Morris lived and died, being the dower interest of Anne Morris of the City of Baltimore, widow of William Morris, which said Hitch purchased from her. (Ibid., LW5:255).

In the Federal Census of 1860, William Hitch is indicated in a household in the Trappe District of Somerset County with the following listing: - William Hitch, age 57 - Nancy Hitch, age 60 - Nancy E. Hitch, age 19 - Alfred J. Hitch, age 18 - Thomas J. Ward, age 30 - William Walson, age 18 - Alexander McCuirey, age 45 All were born in Maryland.

On November 23, 1860, William Hitch posted bond of $200 in trial State of Maryland versus. Matilda Pusey where Henry W. Hitch was a witness for the state. (WiCourtPapers)

On August 3, 1864, for $800, William Hitch and his wife Nancy sold to Frances P. Jones, all of Somerset Co., land "formerly owned by John Hitch deceased and in the possession of Benjamin P. Hitch at his death which we purchased of William and John Gunby by deed" dated August 3, 1849. (SoLR-LW8:404)

On February 23, 1866, William Hitch was paid $2,000 by Alfred James Hitch and Nancy E. Hitch for 100 acres of land including "White Oak Swamp", Wolf Pit Ridge", and "Pine Swamp." Also for the life interest and estate of William Hitch and the tract of land he now resides called "Cockmore" containing 199 acres. (Ibid., LW9:484)

On July 9, 1867, William and Ann Hitch with Alfred J. and Nancy E. Hitch mortgaged for $913, John D. Williams and Samuel A. Graham all that land that William Hitch purchased from James Ward called "White Oak Swamp", "Wolf Pit Ridge", and "Pine Swamp" on the county road leading from Princess Anne to Salisbury by way of William P. Morris and adjoining land of Josiah Pollitt containing 100 acres. Also includes that land called "Cockmore" where William Hitch now resides which was devised to Ann Hitch by John Morris her former husband. Mortgage must be paid within a year. (Ibid., LW10:438).

On January 13, 1868, Alfred and William Hitch sold property John D. Williams and Samuel A. Graham for $300 including oxen, cows, hogs, and horses.. (Ibid., Folio 616).

In the Federal Census of 1870, William Hitch is indicated in household number 303 in the Princess Anne District of Somerset County as follows:
- William Hitch, age 66, farmer
- Nancy Hitch, age 70, keeps house
- Alford Hitch, age 25, farm laborer
- Ellen Hitch, age 20
- Jenkins Ward, age 45
- Alice Morris, age 18
- George Powell, age 8
- Lee Powell, age 7 plus 4 blacks with surname Hitch. All persons were born in Maryland.

In 1876, William Hitch is listed in Election District 1 of Somerset County, Princess Anne and assessed as follows: William Hitch, 1876: -To 230a "Cockmore" & "Wolf Pit Ridge": $1380 - To improvements: $150 1878 added: - By 60a "Cockburne" (sic) to Josiah M. Pollitt: $360 - By 100 a "Cockburne" (sic) to Mrs. Nancy E. Hitch: $600 - By improvements: $150 - By 70a "Cockburn" (sic) & "Wolf Pit Ridge" assessed erroneously: $20
Total: $1530 (SoTA1876/1896:182)

The Salisbury Advertiser of July 14, 1877 had an article that stated that William Hitch of Somerset County died on July 10, 1877, age about 78 years.


William married Nancy (Ann) Pollitt, daughter of John Pollitt and Unknown, on 23 Oct 1827 in Somerset Co., MD.1 (Nancy (Ann) Pollitt was born in 1800 in MD 6 7 8 and died 27 May 1875-11 Jan 1876 in Somerset Co., MD 9.)



1 Somerset Co., MD Marriage Records.

2 1850 MD Census, Listed as age 46, farmer, in the 1850 Somerset Co., MD Census, born in MD.

3 1860 MD Census, Listed as age 57 in the 1860 Somerset Co., MD Census, born in MD.

4 1870 MD Census, Listed as age 66, farmer, in the 1870 Somerset Co., MD Census, born in MD.

5 Salisbury Advertiser - July 14, 1877, Article states that "William Hitch of Somerset Co., died on July 10, 1877, age about 78 years."

6 1850 MD Census, Listed as Ann Hitch, age 50, in the 1850 Somerset Co., MD Census, born in MD.

7 1860 MD Census, Listed as age 60 in the 1860 Somerset Co., MD Census, born in MD.

8 1870 MD Census, Listed as age 70 in the 1870 Somerset Co., MD Census, born in MD.

9 Somerset Co., MD Wills, Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD, Will of Nancy Hitch, wife of William Hitch, written 5/27/1875 and probated in Somerset Co. on 1/11/1876 (Wills, Liber SCL5, Folio 353). Mentions daughter Nancy E. Hitch and grandsons Henry Lee Powell and George W. Powell. Executor.

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