Henry Lowes
(-Bef 1767)
Esther Waters
(Abt 1704-Abt 1789)
Robert Dashiell
Esther Handy
Henry Lowes Jr.
(Abt 1732-1790/1800)
Esther Dashiell
Tubman Lowes
(1764-Bef 1815)


Family Links

1. Elizabeth Birkhead Bond

2. Nancy (Ann) Hitch

Tubman Lowes

  • Born: 24 Sep 1764, Stepney Parish, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth Birkhead Bond about 1789 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (2): Nancy (Ann) Hitch on 11 Mar 1801 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: Bef 12 Sep 1815, Somerset Co., MD


In the 1798 Direct Tax List of Somerset Co., MD, Tubman Lowes, Esq. is listed many times with his residence in Wicomico Hundred, on Wicomico Creek near the mouth adjoining Capt. Thomas Waters, Thos. Holbrook, Jos. Cottman, and William Polk Sr., abput 1/4 marsh. Negro quarters 14x12, Negro quarters 16x20, lumber house 20x16, corn house 22x8, shop 16x18, cow house 100' with 2 wings 50x12 each, granary 20x14, all bad. 881 acres 80 perches; $3500. Includes dwelling house brick 52x32 2 stories with 14 windows, the walls burst in sundry places so as to render it irreparable, out of repair inside, kitchen 22x16, milk house 10x10, brick pantry 10x10, smokehouse 14x10. 1 acre; $400. Plus a parcel of marsh at Holland Strait 254 acres; $100.

He also owns in Nanticoke Hundred with John Graham overseer 555 acres 40 perches on Quantico Creek adjoining Col. John Gale and Ephraim Wilson. Negro quarters 20x16, lumber house 17x16, 2 corn houses 24x8, granary 30x16, barn 40x40, barn 32x24, corn house shed w/roof open on one side 120x12 with 2 wings 60x12, the whole out of repair and old. 62 acres 80 perches of marsh on the Nanticoke. 617 acres 80 perches; $3850. Dwelling house on Quantico Creek 40x20 1 story with 7 windows plain built, old and out of repair, kitchen 20x16, milk house 12x12. 80 perches; $250.

Tubman Lowes is listed in the 1800 Census in Wicomico Hundred, Somerset Co., MD with household: 11011-11110. In 1810, he is in same location with 00201-10210.

The inventory of his estate was coducted Aug 29 1815 by his wife Ann (Hitch) Lowes for $8035.95 .SoAA-JP5:013, SoAA-JP5:156 for distribution.


Dashiell Family Records, Benjamin J. Dashiell, 1929.


Tubman married Elizabeth Birkhead Bond about 1789 in Somerset Co., MD. (Elizabeth Birkhead Bond was born about 1770 in Somerset Co., MD and died on 28 Nov 1799 in Somerset Co., MD 1.)


Tubman next married Nancy (Ann) Hitch, daughter of Joshua A. Hitch and Mary (Molly) Taylor, on 11 Mar 1801 in Somerset Co., MD. (Nancy (Ann) Hitch was born in 1765-1784 and died after 25 Nov 1823 in Somerset Co., MD.)


Stepney Parish Church Records state "Anne Hitch, daughter of Joshua and Mary Hitch married Tubman Lowes, son of Henry and Esther Lowes" on Mar 11 1801.



1 Stepney Parish Church Records.

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