William Cannon
- Born: Abt 1725, Dorchester Co., MD
- Marriage (1): Mary Nutter?
- Died: Bef 15 Aug 1783, Sussex Co., DE
D:018 WILLIAM CANNON, planter 08/17/1780 08/15/1783 "being in perfect health . . ." Bequeaths to: 1. William Nutter Cannon -son; to have the testator's dwelling plantation and 209 acres of land being part of a tract of land called "Goshearn", named executor of the will 2. Daniel Cannon -son; should testator's son William die w/out heirs, then to have the lands left him, to have 59 acres of land called "Clarkson's Folly" and also 72 acres of land that the testator found (?) with Humphries Brown and also 30 acres in a warrant that is in the hands of Daniel Polk and the three above lands should be secured for him by the testator's executor out of the estate 3. Hughet Cannon -son; to have part of a tract of land called "Goshen" to be laid out from the end of the 1st course due east and supposed to cont. 209 acres 4. Jesse Clarkson --grandson (son of daughter Major); to have Negro man "Will" 5. Prissey Cannon -daughter; to have Negro man "Lazarus" 6. Sarah Nickels -daughter; to have Negro woman "Rachel 7. Mary Jacobs -daughter; to have Negro woman "Silvey" 8. Easter Cannon -daughter; to have Negro girl "Leah" 9. Mary Cannon -wife; to have a full -- of all the testator's estate Witnesses: William Jacobs, Levin Cannon, John Merine (?) Then came: Levin Cannon and William Jacobs Note: the testator signed the will in his own hand
William married Mary Nutter?.