Daniel Nunez
(-Bef 1769)


Family Links

1. Diana (?)

Daniel Nunez

  • Marriage (1): Diana (?)
  • Died: Bef 04 Mar 1769, Sussex Co., DE


Daniel Nunez, innholder of Lewis Town
17 December 1764
To wife Diana Nunez - two thirds of household furniture and linen. Also Negro woman Hager and her son named Man. Also the full enjoyment of my house in Lewis Town and all the land in this County for her lifetime
To daughter Sarah Baily - the third of household furniture and linen. Also Negro woman named Cuba and my house in Lewis Town after her mother's death
To Esther Nunez Fisher (daughter of Henry Fisher) - that given to Sarah Baily if Sarah dies without issue. Also to Esther, after the death of her grandmother Diana Nunez, eight large silver spoons and a large silver soup ladle that belonged to my daughter Esther Nunez, deceased
To son Daniel Nunez - my large silver tankard and Negro man Sipco. Also my plantation and woodland after his mother's death. If he dies without heir, then to Esther Nunez Fisher (daughter of Henry Fisher)
Executor: wife
Witness: Penelope Holt Coward, Alexander Shankland, Elias Hugg
4 March 1769 Then came Alexander Shankland, Elias Hugg


Daniel married Diana (?).


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