Robert Watson Sr.


Family Links

1. Susanna (?)

Robert Watson Sr. 1

  • Born: 1624, England
  • Marriage (1): Susanna (?)
  • Died: 24 Jul 1702-01 Jun 1703, Accomack Co., VA


Robert witnesed a bill of sale on 18 May 1648 at Northampton Co, VA. I, Armstong Foster of Accomacke, planter, have sold and delivered to Richard Patericke, one black cow marked . . . Witt: Mathew Stone & Robert Watson. Recorded 20 May 1654.5 Robert witnessed a will on 14 February 1650 at Northampton Co, VA. It was on this date that Robert Watson & Daniell Chadwell witnessed the will of Walter Irbye, who left his entire estate in Virginia, England & elsewhere to Ann Johnson the wife of John Johnson Sr., joyner. He was named in a court order on 28 October 1651 at Northampton Co, VA. For as much as John Johnson Sr., joyner, hath made appear to the court by covenant under the had of Robert Watson and the deposition of Richard Nottingham that the said Watson standith indebted unto him two complete years service it is therefore thought fit and ordered that the said Robert Watson shall immediatley enter into the service of the said John Johnson and continue with him until he be fully satisfied and the condidtion expired. The deposition of Richard Nottingham saith that John Johnson Sr freed Robert Watson (this deponent's brother) upon the condition that he whould live with this examinent or any other man where by he might enjoy the benefit of a freeman. (NOTE: Perhaps he was his brother-in-law instead of a step-brother.)

Robert witnesed a bill of sale on 22 December 1651 at Northampton Co, VA. I, John Johnson, joyner, have sold and delivered to William Mellinge one black cow marked . . . Witt: Tho. Simpson & Robert Watson.

He gave a deposition on 28 September 1655 at Northampton Co, VA. Jno Johnson p depo: of Andrew Jefferia, Robt Watson & Jno Mapp. He witnessed a deed of gift on 10 November 1657 at Northampton Co, VA. Thos Evens, John Pretteman & Robt Watson witnessed a bill of sale from William Satchell of one black & white pyed Cow called white foot to Richard Gilbert. Also on this same day Tho: Evans & Robt. Watson witnessed a deed of gift of one black heifer from William Satchell to Rich: Gilbert Junr.

Robert Watson Sr. was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, between 1663 and 1671. He was the only Watson on the tithable list during these years and was shown as Robt. Watson with 2 tithes in 1663, 1664 and 1669 and with 1 tith the other years. In 1671 he was on Southy Littleton's List.

He bought land on 3 March 1662/63 at tract N84, near Marionville, Northampton Co, VA. In 1663 Thomas and Mary Bell sold 450 acres to Robert Watson, and two years later he and his wife Susanna resold to Edward Hamon. He sold land in 1665 at tract N84, near Marionville, Northampton Co, VA. In 1663 Thomas and Mary Bell sold this tract to Robert Watson, and two years later he and his wife Susanna resold to Edward Hamon. He bought land in 1665 at tract A3, north of Exmore, Accomack Co, VA. Edward and Ann Hamon sold 700 acres of this tract to Robert Watson and in 1703 he devised it to his sons Robert and David equally the 400-acres home plantation, to his daughter Joanna, wife of Samuel Benston 200 acres and to grandson John Benston 100 acres.

Robert was named as a guardian on 18 April 1672 at Accomack Co, VA. George Hope petitioned the court to be free from his father-in-law, Roger Mackeell, and selected Robert Watson, schoolmaster, to be his guardian. Ordered that Mackeell deliver Hope's estate to Watson, who was to care for it on behalf of Hope till he attained "full age." (NOTE: The assumption is that George Hope had chosen his Uncle Robert Watson to be his guardian, since his mother Mary would have been too old to have been this Robert Watson's daughter.) He was granted a certificate for land on 20 November 1672 at Accomack Co, VA. Certificate was granted to Robt. Watson for 1450 acres for transporting himself eight times as well as about 20 others. He was named in a court order on 7 February 1672/73 at Accomack Co, VA. George Hope acknowledged that he had received his estate from Robert Watson, sr., who had been appointed his guardian, and also from Roger Mikeell, his step-father. Ordered that Watson be discharged from Hope's estate. (NOTE: The assumption is that George Hope had chosen his Uncle Robert Watson to be his guardian, since his mother Mary would have been too old to have been this Robert Watson's daughter.)

He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1674. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year, both with 1 tith. One was on Jno. Wise's List and the other on Tho. Ryding's List. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1675. There was only one Robert Watson on the tithable list this year and he was shown as Robt. Watson with 2 tithes on Edmd Scarburgh's List.

He gave a deposition on 17 July 1675 at Accomack Co, VA. Deposition of Mary Scarburgh aged about 65 years: In January or February 1672, Mary was present when Jno. West bought a sloop from James Fowkes. Before the bargain Mary heard West say that the sloop was much damaged by worms. Fowkes answered that not only was it worm eaten, but two or three planks were very swollen and must be replaced. Fowkes said it was easily done, and that he would do the work for 500 lbs tobacco. On these terms, West agreed to pay 95 pounds sterling for the sloop. Signed 8 July 1675, Mary Scarburgh. Deposition of Robt. Watson aged about 51 years: In January or February of 1672, Watson was present when Major Jno. West bought Fowks' sloop. Before the bargain West told Fowks that the sloop was damaged by worms; Fowks said not only that, but two or three "weavy" planks must be replaced, which would be easily done. Fowks said he would replace the damaged planks for 500 lbs tobacco, on which terms West gave Fowks 95 pounds sterling for the sloop. Signed 17 July 1675, Robt. Watson.

He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1676. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston Sr. with 1 tith and the other Robt. Watson with 2 tithes. Robert was named in his cousin's will on 1 May 1676 at Accomack Co, VA. In his will Benjamin Triniman named a sister Jane Juell & my 2 daughters Catherine & Elizabeth and Robert Watson & Susanna Watson residual legatees. Cousin Robert Watson Extr. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1677. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston Sr. with 4 tithes on Obedience Johnson's List and the other Robt. Watson with 1 tith on Jno. Wise's List. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1678. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston Sr. with 5 tithes and the other Robt. Watson with 1 tith.

He gave a deposition on 17 May 1678 at Accomack Co, VA. Deposition of Robt. Watson aged about 54 years: About Shrove Tuesday 1677, Watson was at the house of Jno. Watts, who asked if Watson had seen Dr. Best, but Watson had not. When Watson returned, Watts again asked about the doctor and said, "Pray, if you see him, ask him what he mindeth to do, to leave his patient so long in such a sad condition." When Watson was at Pungeteag Church, he purposely went to Mr. Bradford's where he met Dr. Best and "asked him if he had quite given over his patient in so sad a condition. The doctor replied that he must be fluxed (purged)." Watson went on to tell the doctor that "(I am) troubled with the foul disease...and hath been thus twenty years." Signed 17 May 1678, Robt. Watson.

He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1679. There were three Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston with 1 tith, another was shown as Robt. Watson Jr. with 2 tithes and the third was shown as Robt. Watson with 4 tithes (assumed to be Robt. Watson Sr.) He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1680. There were three Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston with 1 tith, another was shown as Robt. Watson Jr. with 1 tith and the third was shown as Robt. Watson with 5 tithes (assumed to be Robt. Watson Sr.)

He gave a deposition on 18 December 1680 at Accomack Co, VA. Deposition of Robert Watson, Sr., aged about 57 years: About June or July Watson was at the house of John Watts (of Occaconson), who requested him to put up a note at the church door concerning a stray steer that had used the Watts pen for four or five years. Watson posted the note, and several persons noticed it. William Major told Watson that he knew of no one who lost such a steer, unless it would be Will. Smith, who was drowned going over the bay about seven or eight years ago. Afterwards the note was posted at the Mattompkin Church; there Capt. Wm. Custis looked at it and said he lost a steer, but the mark was different. Then Watson posted the note at Mr. Stratton's. Again, several people saw it, including Stratton and Capt. John Wallop, whose lost steer had a different mark. Wallop said he would go to Watts' pen and look at the animal, but he failed to do so. A while later, during killing time, Watts asked Watson and Guillam Vannettson to appraise the steer. Vannettson thought the steer was about five years old and might weigh 80 or 90 pounds a quarter when it was dressed. Saying it was better to over-value the steer, Watson suggested that they allow 100 pounds per quarter; 50 or 60 pounds tobacco would neither "make him or undo him." After allowing 50 lbs for the hide and 100 for the tallow and belly, the total came to 550 lbs. Watson told Watts that he should nail up the ears in some public place around his house "in view of all comers and goers." This was done. "If there be anything omitted by (me) that ought to be done according to law that is not inserted here, it is (my) ignorance and want of better judgment in law affairs. They are contentious, covetous and malicious persons that hath informed your worships with a parcel of untruths." Signed and sworn in open court on 16 December 1680, by Robt. Watson, Sr., and Guslin Venettson.

He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1681. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston Sr. with 5 tithes and the other Robt. Watson Sr.(sic) (Jr.) with 1 tith. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1682. There were three Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston with 1 tith on Capt. Wallop's List, another was shown as Robt. Watson Sr. with 5 tithes on Mr. Bally's List and the third was shown as Robt. Watson Jr. with 2 tithes on Mr. Bally's List. He was shown as Robt. Watson with 5 tithes in 1683 and with 4 tithes in 1684 and was on Capt. Johnson's List both years. He was the only Waton shown in both these years. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1685. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston with 3 tithes and the other Robt. Watson Jr. with 1 tith. (NOTE: The first one was evidently Robt. Watson Sr.)

He was named in a lawsuit on 23 December 1685 at Occahannock, Accomack Co, VA. Robert Watson of Occahannock swore that the estate of William Mitchell (deceased) owed him 800 lbs tobacco. Ordered that Mr. Robert Higgins, executor of the estate, pay the debt and costs of the suit

He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1686. There were three Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston with 1 tith on Capt. Custis's List, another was shown as Robt. Watson Sr. with 4 tithes on Capt Johnson's List and the third was shown as Robt. Watson Jr. with 1 tith on Capt. Johnson's List. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1687. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston Jr. with 2 tithes and the other Robt. Watson Sr. with 5 tithes and both were on Capt Johnson's List. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1688. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston with 5 tithes and the other Robt. Watson with 1 tith and both were on Mr. Bayly's List. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1689. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston with 5 tithes and the other Robt. Watson Jr. with 1 tith. There was also a Peter Waston with 1 tith and all three were on Mr. Bally's List. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1690. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston with 4 tithes and the other Robt. Watson Jr. with 1 tith. There was also a Peter Waston with 1 tith and all three were on Mr. Rich Bayly's List. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1691. There were two Robert Watsons on the tithable list this year. One was shown as Robt. Waston with 4 tithes and the other Robt. Watson with 1 tith. There was also a Peter Waston with 1 tith and all three were on Rich Bally's List. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1692. The tithable list for this year showed Peter Watson with 2 tithes on Capt. Wallop's List and the following were on Capt. Bally's List: Robt Watson Sr. (3), David Waston (2), Robt. Watson Jr. (2) and Peter Watson (1). He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1693. The tithable list for this year showed the following Watsons: Robt Watson Sr. (4), David Waston (2), Robt. Watson Jr. (2) and Peter Watson (1). (NOTE: There were no sub-lists this year.) He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1694. The tithable list for this year showed the following Watsons: Robt Watson Sr. (3), David Waston (2), Robt. Watson Jr. (2) and Peter Watson (2). They were all on Mr. Bally's List. He was on the list of tithables at Accomack Co, VA, in 1695. The tithable list for this year showed the following Watsons: Robt Watson (3), David Waston (1), Robt. Watson Jr. (1) and Peter Watson (2). They were all on Maj. Baily's List.

He made a will on 24 July 1702 at Accomack Co, VA. To son Robert 1/2 of 400 acres where I now live. To son David the other 1/2. To son-in-law Samuel Benston & Joanna, his wife, 200 acres on Pratts Branch. To grandson John Bentson 100 acres belonging to the divident given his father & mother. To grandson Joseph Watson, son of Peter Watson. To grandson John Bonwell. Brother Peter Watson. Daughter Mary Hughbank. To daughter Susanna Stott. Daughter Sarah Kellam. Daughter Joanna Benston. Son-in-law Henry Stott. Wife (no name) Executrix. Son Robert overseer. Witt: John Watson, Francis Darby, John Procter. Robert died before 1 June 1703 at Accomack Co, VA. It was on this date that his will was probated. The will was presented by David Watson, the youngest son. Susan Watson, was the widow of Robert.


Robert married Susanna (?).



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