Samuel Rowland
(1650-Between 1726/1727)


Family Links

1. Jennet (?)

Samuel Rowland

  • Born: 1650, England
  • Marriage (1): Jennet (?)
  • Died: Between 05 May 1726 and 20 Dec 1727, Sussex Co., DE


On Aug 1 1710, Samuel Rowland, gentleman, purchased 500a of land (part of the larger 1000a Milford tract) from Thomas Bedwell and Honor his wife, executrix of William Clark for £50. It borders land formerly patented by Helmanius Wiltbank (SxLR-Roll 004:250). On May 15 1711, Samuel Rowland purchased 19 1/8 acres of land from Jeremiah Claypoole, son of Norton Claypoole, for £22.10 (SxLR-Roll 002:249). On Sep 1 1711, he purchased 150a of land from Jonathan Wynn for £125 (Ibid:252).

On Nov 3 1719, Samuel Rowland sold 250a of land to Joseph Hepburn for £25, part of a 1000a tract called Milford, 500a Rowland had lately purchased of William Clark (SxLR-Roll 003:180). On May 2 1722, Samuel Rowland sold 250a of land to Thomas and William Rowland for £200, land on the west side of the Town of Lewes between it and Pagan Creek. (SxLR-Roll 003:050). On Dec 8 1725, Samuel Rowland sold 358a of land called Virgins Choice to Enoch Cummings for £46 (Ibid:223). On May 5 1726, Samuel Rowland of Lewes sold 396a of land to Enoch Cummings for £51 (Ibid:169)

Samuel Rowland wrote his will on Jan 22 1725 and it was proven in Sussex Co., DE on Dec 20 1727. In it were the following provisions:
- To son William and grandchildren Sarah, Thomas and John Rowland, my plantation and land situated very near the Town of Lewes
- To son-in-law Joseph Eldridge and my daughter Mary, his wife, all that tract of land on which they now liveth and improvements provided they discharge the mortgage on it with the county office. Also 20a of land fronting Lewes Creek on NW side of Phillip Russell's land.
- To son William, pasture land and marsh called The Point I purchased from Richard Gill provided he pays John Jacobs five pounds and Arch ____ three pounds current money.
- To son Samuel, 250a of land at Round Pole Bridge
- To daughter Mary, tract of land on NW branch of Duck Creek in New Castle County, 400a called Rowles? Grace also, a lot of land in Chicester, Pennsylvania
- To well beloved wife Jennet, 1/3rd of my personal estate, the other 2/3rds to be divided between my son William and my daughter Mary. My wife also to get my riding horse
- Appoint son William and son-in-law Joseph Eldridge to be executors.
Witnesses: Simon Kollock, Thomas Davis, Phillip Russell. (SxW-A:219)


Samuel married Jennet (?). (Jennet (?) was born about 1665 and died after 1727 in Sussex Co., DE.)


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