Thomas N. Cropper
- Born: 1779, Worcester Co., MD
- Marriage (1): Sarah Richardson on 15 Mar 1803 in Worcester Co., MD 1
Thomas Cropper of Major is listed as age 15 and bound to Samuel Porter for the trade of house carpenter & joiner on Dec 12 1794 in Worcester Co., MD. David Wilson provided surety (WoOCP-LH3:148). This places Thomas Cropper as son of Major Cropper. This compiler cannot find a single record other than this one of a "Major Cropper" in either MD or VA records. It appears Thomas here had sisters Margaret and Andesiah but there is no record of their father Major Cropper. Was "Major" a rank or was it his name? It could be either as the surname Major was quite prevalent in the area. More research required but Thomas and his siblings DEFINITELY belong to the Ebenezer Cropper line of Worcester as opposed to the Nathaniel one give locales of residence and such. The question is where does Major Cropper fit who evidently owned no land and probably died c1794? Given Orphan's Court records surrounding Edmund Cropper and others of the Cropper, Porter and Smack families, it appears highly likely that Major is a son of Edmund who preceded his death by about 5 years.
On Feb 12 1805, Thomas N. Cropper is assigned as guardian to orphan Sally Smack of Levi (his niece); sureties provided by Ephraim K. Wilson and Sauel Bishop with witness Matthew Hopkins (WoOCP-JBR9:125). The 1810 Census for Worcester Co., MD shows Levin Cropper in household with 10301-02010, suggesting he is age 45+. (born bef 1765). He is next to the households of Thomas N. Cropper (30010-00200) and Josiah Cropper (30010-11010).
Thomas N. Cropper appears to have moved to Adams Co., OH by 1820.
Thomas married Sarah Richardson on 15 Mar 1803 in Worcester Co., MD.1 (Sarah Richardson was born about 1783 in Worcester Co., MD.)