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Robert Hitch
Elizabeth (Betsy) Wright
George Armstrong
Euphemia Marshall
Benjamin Hitch
Euphemia Martha Armstrong
Hiram Benjamin Hitch


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1. E. Emma Smith

Hiram Benjamin Hitch

  • Born: 02 Jun 1855, Sussex Co., DE 1 3 4 5 6 7
  • Marriage (1): E. Emma Smith on 27 Jan 1885 in Sussex Co., DE 1 2 3
  • Died: 23 May 1916, Laurel, Sussex Co., DE 1
  • Buried: Abt 26 May 1916, Odd Fellows Cemetery, Laurel, Sussex Co., DE


In the Federal Census of 1900, Hiram B. Hitch is indicated in household in Laurel, Sussex County, Delaware as follows: - Hiram B. Hitch, born 6/1855 in DE - Emma Hitch, born 6/1854 in DE.

Obituary for Hiram Benjamin Hitch - Copy sent by Susan B. Cramer of Pinehurst, NC:

---------------- Succumbs to Heart Attack. One of Laurel's Best Citizens
----------------- FUNERAL HELD THURSDAY
----------------- This community was profoundly shock- ed Tuesday evening by the sudden and unexpected death of Hiram Benjamin Hitch, one of its oldest merchants and most useful and respected citizens. He died at his home on W. Sixth street about 5.30 o'clock of heart trouble. He appear- ed to be in good health and was at his place of business until Monday noon when be complained of feeling bad and went home. He had only been home a few minutes when his wife discovered he was seriously ill and summoned the fam- ily physician. He was advised to go to bed and soon appeared much better and was resting quietly when his heart failed and his life was snuffed out so quickly that his wife and relatives hardly had time to reach his side before lie breathed his last.

Mr. Hitch was a son of Benjamin Hitch and was born near Laurel June 2, 1855. During his early manhood he moved to Laurel and taught school until the close of 1884 when he resigned to ac- cept the management of the Union Store Company. He served in that capacity until after the fire of 1899 when he em- barked in business for himself, succeed- ing the Union Store Company at their old stand at the corner of Fourth street and Central avenue. He was in business there at the time of his death and had by his pleasing qualities and honest meth- ods built up a large and profitable trade.
Mr. Hitch was a thoroughly good man, honorable and upright in all his dealings, and exemplified in his daily life the chris- tian teachings in which he had unbound- ed faith. He enjoyed the respect of everybody and it is doubtful if any recent death has caused such genuine and uni- versal sorrow. He was a steward of Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church and secretary and treasurer of the Sun- day School for more than thirty-three years. For several years he was treas- urer of Vigilant Council No. 19, O U. A. M. and treasurer of the Laurel Building and Loan Association. He was an ardent Prohibitionist having been a candidate for state treasurer and state senator on the Prohibition ticket. He was married in January, 1885 on Miss Emma Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Smith and is survived by her. He leaves no children but four sisters, Miss Martha Hitch, Mrs. Robert Moore, of Marydel, Mrs. Ida Jones, of Philadelphia, Mrs. I. J. Morgan, of Bridgeville, and a brother, Arthur Hitch, of Seaford.
Funeral services, held at his late home Thursday afternoon, were largely atten- ded and as a mark of respect the stores and business places of the town were closed from 2 to 4 o'clock. The services were conducted by Revs. Frank F. Car- penter and Harry Taylor and the floral tributes were profuse and beautiful. In- terment was made in Odd Fellows Ceme- tery. Those from out of town attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Chamberlain, of Wilmington, Mrs. Harry Vane, of Dover, Mrs. Olin Ford and Miss Helen Gibson, of Marydel, Mrs. Lee Glover, of Hurlock, Md., Mrs. Albert Hitch, Miss Susie Hitch and Vernon Hitch, of Vienna, Md., Mr. and Mrs Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Messick of Bridgeville, Mrs. Ida Jones, of Philadel- phia, Mrs. Robert Moore, of Marydel and Arthur Hitch, of Seaford.


Hiram married E. Emma Smith, daughter of Marshall Smith and Unknown, on 27 Jan 1885 in Sussex Co., DE.1 2 3 (E. Emma Smith was born in Jun 1854 in DE,8 9 died on 05 Feb 1940 in Laurel, Sussex Co., DE 8 and was buried about 08 Feb 1940 in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Laurel, Sussex Co., DE.)



1 "A Hitch Orchard", by Daisy Hitch, 1931.

2 DE Marriage Records.

3 Correspondence from Susan B. Cramer, 21 Thunderbird Circle, Pinehurst, NC 28374, dated January 1, 1998, Copy of Obituary of H.B. Hitch provided.

4 1860 DE Census, Listed as age 5 in the 1860 Laurel, Sussex Co., DE Census, born in DE.

5 1870 DE Census, Listed as Hyram Hitch, age 14, in the 1870 Laurel, Sussex Co., DE Census, born in DE.

6 1900 DE Census, Listed as born in June 1855 in DE in the 1900 Laurel, Sussex Co., DE Census.

7 1880 DE Census, Listed as Benjamin Hitch, age 24, in the 1880 Laurel, Sussex Co., DE Census, born in DE.

8 Gravestone Record.

9 1900 DE Census, Listed as born in June 1854 in DE in the 1900 Laurel, Sussex Co., DE Census.

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