William Dryden
(Abt 1605-)
Jonet Hogg
(Abt 1609-)
William Dryden
(1638-After 1685)
Agnes Crynes
David Dryden
(Abt 1670-1744/1745)


Family Links

1. Unknown

David Dryden 1

  • Born: Abt 1670, Scotland
  • Marriage (1): Unknown
  • Died: 1744-1745, Somerset Co., MD


In Jan 1690, David sued Randall Revell's estate for 1217 pounds of tobacco due to him for services of which he had only gotten 200 at that time (SoJ-1689/90:40). David Dredden signed the Loyalty oath to William and Mary and the Protestant Revolution on Nov 28 1689 as many heads of households did in old Somerset. He registered a cattle mark in 1693 as "cropt of the left ear and three slitts in the right ear entered the sixteenth day of November Anno Domini 1693." (SoDeeds-11:24)

David received a warrant to patent land on Nov 17 1694 but did not get it surveyed until Apr 1 1706 as "Davids Destiny." He was a farmer, shoemaker and tanner. He shows in the old records on the County Grand Jury in 1699, 1700 and 1725. He is mentioned in the last will and testament of Jonathan Noble (Jan 20 1721-Apr 29 1721; MdW-16:414 & SoW-EB9:078) for land tracts HACHILA, CHERRY GARDEN, and 75a of TIMBER GROVE where Noble left these to his sons William and Jonathan Noble but both had died intestate as minors and so the land devised to daughters Rebecca Noble (m. John Lewis), Hannah Noble (m. David Dryden) and Elizabeth Noble.

He witnessed the last will and testament of David Ritchie (Dec 8 1719-Mar 17 1720) and Moses Fenton (Sep 21 1723-Mar 24 1727) and offered security for the administration of Peter Sheehee's estate on Mar 19 1735 and Moses Fenton in Mar 1729.

David Dryden probably died after 1744 when he last shows on the Somerset Tax Lists and when his son, William, shows in the Debt Book for owning his former land in 1745.


David married.



1 Dryden Family - Book 1, Ruth Dryden.

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