Thomas Lamar Nuchols


Family Links

1. Rachel Susan Davis

Thomas Lamar Nuchols 1

  • Born: 20 Jun 1875, Blount Co., TN
  • Marriage (1): Rachel Susan Davis
  • Died: 19 Jun 1967, Damascus, Montgomery Co., MD


From the Nuchols Genealogy on the WWW: "Thomas Lamar received a good education, and attended Maryville College, playing on their first football team. He was heard to say that he was on the only Maryville team to beat U.T. He was a Justice of the Peace. Soon after his and Susan's first house burned, one which he had built, a couple came to be married. Thomas was in the bed, while Susan was mending his only pair of breeches. The couple had to wait until Thomas was presentable! He was a man of many interests. He taught school in a one-room school house, and could add a column of figures in his head faster than any of his students with pencil and paper. He served five terms in the Tennessee State Legislature, and was instrumental in legislating the preservation of the Sam Houston School House. At one time, Thomas owned a loan company, and another time, Tarvin Pulverizing Company, a manufacturing firm. He went to southern Texas on a land promotion deal, and bought a farm of some fifty acres, in this semi-tropical part of the country. His younger son, James, took over this farm, raising winter vegetables and tropical fruits. Thomas was a leader in Baptist Churches in Blount County. He was Chairman of the Building Committee for the First Baptist Church Education Building on Depot Street. He was a Charter Member of Monte Vista Baptist Church, and Chairman of their Building Committee. Thomas developed a real estate company, buting and selling properties as well as retaining rental property. He built the building at 123 W. Broadway, for the Roses Stores. He later gave the building in equal shares to his children. Thomas, and his wife, lived long and useful lives, leaving many good deeds, as well as many descendants"


Thomas married Rachel Susan Davis. (Rachel Susan Davis was born on 01 Nov 1873 in Blount Co., TN and died on 12 Nov 1965 in Blount Co., TN.)



1 Nuchols Genealogy on WWW.

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