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Benjamin Hitch
(1738/1741-Between 1814/1814)
Mary Pitts
(Abt 1740-1772/1780)
Obediah Disharoon
Eleanor (?)
(-After 1786)
John Hitch
Amelia (Milly) Disharoon
(Abt 1769-Between 1843/1849)
Benjamin Pitts Hitch


Family Links

1. Mary (Molly) Lankford

Benjamin Pitts Hitch 3

  • Born: 1801-1804, Somerset Co., MD 4 5
  • Marriage (1): Mary (Molly) Lankford on 08 Jun 1830 in Somerset Co., MD 1 2
  • Died: 17 Feb 1843-1849, Somerset Co., MD


In the Federal Census of 1820, Benjamin Hitch is listed on page 45 in Somerset County with a household of one male age 10-16, one male 16-26, one male 45+, one female 16-26 and one female 26-45.

On January 24, 1829, William Hitch paid $500 for 250 acres of land from Hyram and Letty (Hitch) Lankford, Mary Hitch, Ellendor (Hitch) Hayman, and Benjamin Pitts Hitch of Somerset County with Thomas Hitch of Worcester County This is the land that they fell heir to after the death of their father John (it may say Joshua) Hitch "that lyeth in Worcester County where said Hitch lived on the Worcester side of the County road". This land is that he bought from Joshua Morris along with another 50 acres plot. (SoLR-AU:519,520).

On September 17, 1836, William and wife Nancy (signed Ann) Hitch sold to Benjamin P. Hitch for $150, 50 acres of land, part of tract called "Mount Pleasant" on the east side of the county road dividing the counties of Worcester and Somerset . This land was that deeded from Benjamin Hitch to Joseph Hitch, then from Joseph to John Hitch and finally bequeathed by John Hitch to William in his last will and testament. (WoLR-JCH4:1).

On May 5, 1841, Benjamin P. and William Hitch, James Anderson, and George Price paid $875 to Benjamin and Ann E. Gordy of Somerset Co. for 200 acres of land called "Dormans Conclusion" and "Chance" that Ann E. Gordy had inherited from her father Levin Doorman Jr. who got it from his father Levin Doorman Sr. as a Deed of Gift. (SoLR-LH:699)

In his will written April 15, 1838 and probated March 22, 1842, John Pollitt mentions sons Henry and Levin Pollitt; daughters Eleanor Hayman and Nancy Hitch; and granddaughters Elizabeth Pollitt and Mahala Hayman. Benjamin P. Hitch, Benjamin Pusey and J.W. Bayly were witnesses. (SoW-1837/59:67,68)

In the Federal Census of 1840, Benjamin P. Hitch was indicated in Somerset County on page 216 for the Middle District with a household of one male under age 5, one male age 5-10, one male age 15-20, one male age 20-30, one male age 30-40, one female under age 5, one female age 5-10, one female age 30-40, one female age 50-60 and three slaves.

On November 29, 1842, for $147.35, Benjamin P. Hitch bought from Hiram Lankford one negro girl called Leah and one negro boy called Caleb. (SoLR-AH:362) On February 17, 1843, Amelia Hitch paid $300 to Benjamin P. Hitch for all kinds of tools, looking glasses, household goods, etc. (SoLR-AH:455)

On February 20, 1843, Benjamin P. Hitch was involved in a court case: Levin Meredith, use of Levin Handy, versus Benjamin P. Hitch about a judgment of $65 plus 83½¢ cost disputed from March 1, 1842. Benjamin was ordered to sell property to pay debt. Property sold is "Doorman's Conclusion" and "Chance", the same land Benjamin H. Gordy and wife sold to Benjamin Hitch on May 5, 1841 totaling 50 acres. Levin Handy bought the land for 50¢ per acre. (SoJ-LH:326)

On March 14, 1843, Benjamin P. Hitch was involved in another court case: William and John Gunby versus Benjamin P. Hitch about a judgment of $184.79. Court orders Benjamin to sell land called "Fork" totaling 100 acres. Advertisements for the sale are to be set up at the Courthouse in Somerset Co., also in Forktown, also at the store of William and John Gunby, at the tavern of William Collier in Princess Anne, and at the tavern of Thomas J. Dashiell in Princess Anne. (SoJ-LH:328)


Benjamin married Mary (Molly) Lankford, daughter of Tubman Lankford and Amelia (Betsy) Hayman, on 08 Jun 1830 in Somerset Co., MD.1 2 (Mary (Molly) Lankford was born in 1810 in MD 5 6 and died in 1851-1859 in MD.)



1 "Lankfords of Annamessex" by Leslie Powell Dryden, Wicomico County Library.

2 Somerset Co., MD Marriage Records.

3 Somerset Co. Wills, will written 5/19/1828, probated 11/11/1828 (Liber AU, Folio 519).

4 Family Group Sheets sent by Paul E. Hitch, dated 1/18/95.

5 1840 MD Census, Listed as age 30-40 in the 1840 Somerset Co., MD Census.

6 1850 MD Census, Listed as Molly Hitch, age 40, in the 1850 Somerset Co., MD Census, born in MD.

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