John Jones
Elizabeth (?)
Elizabeth Ann Fulton Jones
(Abt 1799-1844)


Family Links

1. Levin Morris

2. William* Denston

Elizabeth Ann Fulton Jones

  • Born: Abt 1799, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Levin Morris on 24 May 1821 in Somerset Co., MD 1 2
  • Marriage (2): William* Denston on 19 Jan 1843 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: 28 Jan 1844, Somerset Co., MD 2


Eliza A.F. Denston (as Denson) wrote her will on Jan 24 1844 and it was proven on Feb 13 1824 in Somerset Co., MD as (she signed her name as Eliza A F Denson):
- To my daughter Annaliza Morris, my tract of land "Dashiells Lot" on Wicomico Creek, if she dies without issue, Alexander P. Waller shall have it
- To Annaliza Morris, one bed and furniture,
- To Leah Brumbley (as Brumble), one bed/furniture and one cow during her life, then to to said daughter A. Morria
- To Lucretia Denston (as Denson), the trunk and clothes and one counter pin that formerly belonged to William Denson
- To Alexander P. Waller, use of all the above during his life and 4 head of sheep
- All my negroes to daughter Annaliza Morris after the payment of my debts
- To Isaac and Westley Denson the right to build a house on the above described land "being my mayden land" for the use of their mother Sally Denson and Lucretia Denson, their sister, which said land is for the use of Sally & Lucretia until my daughter Annaliza Morris reaches age 21. If Annaliza dies before then, Sally/Lucretia shall have right to firewood and log timber
- To daughter Annaliza, my bureau, rocking chair, and spinning wheel
- If Annaliza dies without heirs, the above land to go to John W. and Zipporah W. Jones
- Isaac D. Jones to be sole executor
Witnesses: Clark G. Gardner, Thomas Whayland, Benjamin Davis (SoW-JP5:94)


Elizabeth married Levin Morris, son of Jacob Morris and Rebecca Pollitt, on 24 May 1821 in Somerset Co., MD.1 2 (Levin Morris was born on 29 May 1782 in Somerset Co., MD, died on 10 Nov 1841 in MD 2 3 and was buried about 13 Nov 1841 in Levin Morris Graveyard, Siloam, Wicomico Co., MD.)


Elizabeth next married William* Denston, son of William Denston and Unknown, on 19 Jan 1843 in Somerset Co., MD. (William* Denston was born about 1780 in Somerset Co., MD and died before 1843 in Somerset Co., MD.)



1 Dryden Collection at Salisbury State University.

2 Bible Records of Levin Morris (1782-1841), transcribed by L. Paul Morris, 2004..

3 Gravestone Record.

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