Thomas Pollitt
(Abt 1640-1708/1709)


Family Links

1. Margaret Polk

Thomas Pollitt 1

  • Born: Abt 1640, England
  • Marriage (1): Margaret Polk on 27 Dec 1687 in Somerset Co., MD 1
  • Died: 20 Sep 1708-06 Apr 1709, Somerset Co., MD


From an on-line Pollitt genealogy site" A 1980 letter from J.J. Pollitt confirms this and adds more details: "Admiralty records point out that Thomas was a passenger on his brother's ship "Promise" which sailed from near Exeter, England, June 19th, 1668 for the American Colonies. We have no knowledge or record of their lineage; whether they came to England from Normandy as legend sometimes interposes; or from an equally strong likelyhood of Scotland or England. In any event the good ship "Promise" delivered Thomas Pollett on the eastern shore of Maryland, July 30, 1668, anchoring in the Monokin River near the present town of Princess Anne. Thomas' assigned manifest indicated a large cargo of trading materials and it is assumed that he came to the eastern shore to establish a trading post there. John made one other trip to the colonies about 1 year later and his ship was reported lost at sea while making a third such trip to America, after Thomas arrived there. Thomas was born about 1640 as he was 28 when he arrived in Somerset Co., Md where he lived until 1708."
THOMAS PHOLLETT In the name of God Amen I Thomas Phollett of Somersett County in the province of Maryland, being Sick and weak of Body but of good and perfect memory Thanks be to God llmighty for the Same knowing the Uncertainty of this perfect life and being desirous to Sett Things in order doe make this my last will and testament in manner and form following First and principally I commend my Soul to God Allmighty my Creator Assuredly Believeing that I Shall receive full and free Pardon of all my Sins and be Saved by the precious Death and Meritts of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried after a Decent and Christian manner by my Executrix hereafter named and as Touching Such worldly Estate as the Lord in his mercy hath bestowed upon me. It is my will that it be bestowd as is hereafter expressed. - I leave and bequeath unto my Son John Phollett one hundred acres of land called Pholletts Choice lying and Bounded as per Alienation will appear where my now dwelling house and plantation is, reserveing my wifes Interest Therein Dureing her Life as Shall be hereafter expressed, to him I Say my Said Son John and his heirs forever. I Leave unto my Sons Thomas and William two tracts of land lying in ye forrest and Bounded as per pattents will appear, the Said tracts to be equally divided between my Said Sons Thomas and William, to them and their heirs forever - I leave unto my Beloved wife my now dwelling house and plantation dureing her Naturall life Still providing that if She Should marry a man that proves unkind to my Children that then She Shall be confined to a third part thereof lykewise. I Leave unto my Said wife a third part of all my personall estate whatsoever, my Gun I leave unto my Son John and my Sword to my Son Thomas. The remainder to be equally divided between my Six children, the four youngest to have one years Schooling of the whole head. And I doe hereby constitute and appoint my Said wife Margaret Phollett to be Executrix of this my last will and testament Disannulling and making void any other wills formerly by me made either by word or writte, and I desire my friends William and Jon Jones to be Overseers hereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand Seal this third day of July Anno Domino 1708 - Thomas [TP] Phollett Seale his mark Signed and Sealed in the presence of us - John Browne William Jones Henry Dormen Owen [O] Adah
his mark
William [n] Guillotts
his mark
On the back of the [afd] will was thus Indorsed: Sept ye 20 1708. Then was the writtin Will Proved by the Oaths of Mr. John Browne Mr. Wm Jones and Henry Dorman before me Peter Dent Deputy Commissary [Entered?] April 6th 1709 Recorded in WL No.2 folio 24 Recorded in Liber EB No.5 folio 160 Teste. Esme Bayly Reg'r
W.S.E. Examined Esme Bayly Reg'r W.S.E.
[Maryland State Archives; 350 Rowe Boulevard; Annapolis, MD 21401, Thomas Phollett Will/Probate Record, 20 Sep 1708, ((Two formats obtained): MSA No. C1817 Somerset County Register of Wills (Wills, Original) Thomas Phollett; box 1 folder 75; 1-50-2-1 // MSA No. SM16 Prerogative Court (Wills) Thomas Phollett; volume 12, part 2, pp. 24-25; SR 4406-2).


Thomas married Margaret Polk, daughter of Robert Polk and Magdalen (?), on 27 Dec 1687 in Somerset Co., MD.1 (Margaret Polk was born about 1667 in Somerset Co., MD.)



1 Dryden Collection at Salisbury State University.

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