John Albert Hitch
- Born: 1836-1837, MD 1 2 3
- Marriage (1): Nancy E. Hitch about 1873
- Died: 18 May 1875, Somerset Co., MD 4
On Sep 17 1862, John A. Hitch is listed in the U.S. Adjutant General Enrollment for Worcester County Election District No. 2 list as age 24, a farmer, Forktown P.O. and drafted. He is listed on a list of draftees in Worcester Co. in the Oct 23 1862 Baltimore Sun newspaper.
For March 13, 1863, John A. Hitch appeared in the court records when he was listed as Executor/Administrator for Thomas Hitch's will. Securities, J. Dulaney and L. Irving. (Worcester Co. Estate Docket 1850-1947)
On May 4, 1864, The Orphan's Court referred to John A. Hitch as: "Thomas Hitch by Jno. A. Hitch". Thomas was deceased and John filed "List of Seperate, Desperate & Doubtful debts". The court ordered that John be paid 10% commission as administrator. (Worcester Co. Orphans Court Minutes 1863-1868, Liber EH, Folio 50, 54)
On June 4, 1864, for $345, John A. Hitch, as admin. of Thomas Hitch, deceased of Worcester Co. and Isaac H.A. & Anna Marie Dulaney of Somerset Co., sold Capt. William Fletcher land at Sharps Point on the south side of the Wicomico River bordered by Nett Island, land "Hog Neck", land owned by Allison Smith, Sharps Creek, and land owned by Samuel Somers, deceased. (Somerset County Land Records, Liber LW, No. 8, Folio 396).
On April 5, 1870, John A. and wife Nancy E. Hitch sold land to Olevia A. Parsons for $35. Land was described as on the east side of the county road where John A. Hitch lives, part of land devised to him by his father Thomas Hitch. It is bounded by the road from Capt. William M. Ruark's Mills to and by David Hayman to Lewis Pollitt Sr.. Also by James Toadvine of E.'s land and on the east by the road running from Mrs. Jas. Disharoon's Mills by the Union M.P. Church. Consists of 2 acres called "Part of Fort Neck." Witness: William J. Riggen. (Wicomico County Land Records, Liber TFJR No. 2, Folio 104).
This wife Nancy E. Hitch appears to be Nancy E. Hitch, daughter of William and Nancy (Pollitt) Hitch, John Albert Hitch's first cousin. Supporting information includes the fact that we know that John A. Hitch married Nancy E. prior to the 1870 Census when Nancy is shown in his household as age 30 (born 1840). We also know that William and Nancy Hitch had daughter Nancy E. Hitch listed as ages 12 and 19 in the 1850 and 1860 Census', respectively. Also, we know that Nancy E. Hitch, the daughter of William and Nancy was referred to as "Mrs." Nancy E. Hitch in the Somerset County Assessment Ledger for 1876 under her own listing and that of her father William Hitch for land "Cockmore" that she had received from her mother by will.
In the Federal Census of 1870, Albert Hitch is indicated in household 93, Wicomico County, Maryland as follows: - Albert Hitch, age 33, farmer - Nancy Hitch, age 30, keeps house - Milley E. Hitch, age 22 - Jennie Hitch, age 18 - William Hitch, age 25, farmer All were born in Maryland.
On March 16, 1874, John A. Hitch bought land from William E. Hitch for $40. Land was described as bordering the road from Bethel Church to Joseph Disharoons Mill, adjoining Union Church and division line between William E. Hitch and James Toadvine's lands. It consisted of 2 acres, part of "Long Acre", "Fooks Cost", and "Fort Neck." Witness: John D. Truitt. (Wicomico County Land Records, Liber SPT No. 1, Folio 61).
In the May 15 1875 Salisbury Advertiser, we find notice of a letter from Fruitland, MD dated May 18 1875 where it states, "At one and a half o-clock this morning, John A. Hitch, at the residence of his uncle, (Wm. Hitch) died, after a long spell of consumption. In the Aug 7 1875 edition of the Salisbury Advertiser, there is a notice for the Administration of John A. Hitch's, dec'd accounts, Samuel A. Graham, administrator. The ad was placed on Jul 17 1875. In the Salisbury Advertiser of May 6 1876, there is an announcement of a Trustee's Sale for John A. Hitch's land for Saturday, May 20 1876 as follows: "...all that farm or tract of land in Nutter's district, Wicomico County, about 3 miles from Salisbury, the same upon which John A. Hitch formerly resided, called 'Fort Neck,' and containing 100 acres more or less. The property will be sold in one or two parcels..."
On January 29, 1877, John A. Hitch's estate account was administered the account by Dr. Samuel A. Graham and valued at $162.13. (Wicomico County Administrative Accounts).
John married Nancy E. Hitch, daughter of William Hitch and Nancy (Ann) Pollitt, about 1873. (Nancy E. Hitch was born in 1838-1841 in Somerset Co., MD 5 6 7 8 and died after 1880 in MD.)