Lorenzo Dow Hitch
In the Federal Census of 1920, L.D. Hitch is listed in Fayette County, Iowa in a household as follows: - L.D. Hitch, age 36, born in IA - Selma Hitch, age 31, born in IA - Wilma Hitch, age 5, born in IA - William Hitch, age 2 months, born in IA - Lucy Hitch, age 61, born in IA - Ruth Hitch, age 24, born in IA. ![]() Lorenzo married Selma Nelly Weibel. (Selma Nelly Weibel was born on 03 Dec 1888 in IA,4 died in 1961 in Fayette Co., IA and was buried in 1961 in West Union Cemetery, West Union, Fayette Co., IA.) |
1 1900 IA Census, Listed as born in June 1883 in IA in the 1900 Fayette Co., IA Census.
2 1920 IA Census, Listed as L.D. Hitch, age 36, in the 1920 Fayette Co., IA Census, born in IA.
3 World War I Civilian Draft Registrations (WWW).
1920 IA Census, Listed as age 31 in the 1920 Fayette Co., IA Census, born in IA.
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