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Kirk Gunby
(-Bef 1822)
Mary Morris
(Abt 1780-)
Capt. Samuel Somers Sr.
Nancy Jones
John Kirk Gunby
Charlotte Somers
Edwin C. Gunby


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Edwin C. Gunby

  • Born: 1851, Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: 13 Jun 1907, Salisbury, Wicomico Co., MD
  • Buried: Abt 16 Jun 1907, Parsons Cemetery, Salisbury, Wicomico Co., MD


MR. EDWIN C. GUNBY • Apparently Good Health. Dies Suddenly Of Acute Indigestion. Funeral Services Sunday Afternoon. This community was shocked Thursday afternoon when it learned of the sudden death of Edwin C. Gunby, one of Salisbury's best known citizens, which occurred at the home of Dr. F. M. Slemons on Main Street at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Gunby had been in his usual good health and seemed in excellent spirits when he left the store of his brother L.W. Gunby at 1.10 for his dinner. While sitting at the table he was seized with an acute attack of Indigestion, from which he rallied. He was taken to his room, when he was again seized, and died in a few moments. Mr. Gunbv was born in Fruitland, which was then known at Forktown, about 66 years ago. He came to Salisbury in early life and has made his home here most of the time since, boarding in the family of Dr. F. M.
Slemons. Deceased had a host of friends in Salisbury by whom he was much respected on account of his many sterling traits of character. He is survived by three brothers, Messrs. L.W. Gunby,
Somers S. Gunby, both of Salisbury and Charlie C. Gunby, of Baltimore. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the residence of Dr. Slemons. Interment will be in Parsons Cemetery. The following persons will act as Pall Bearers: Graham Gunby, Dr. Louis Morris, Somers S. Gunby, John Slemons, Dr. Morris Slemons and F.S. Smith. (Salisbury Advertiser, Jun 15 1907, front page)


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