John Melson
(Abt 1646-Abt 1694)
Elizabeth Painter
(Abt 1651-Bef 1715)
Joshua Smith
(Abt 1620-1683/1683)
Margaret Abraham
(Abt 1648-)
John Melson
(Abt 1675-1736/1737)
Mary Smith
(Abt 1675-1744)
Daniel Melson Sr.
(Abt 1713-Bef 1791)


Family Links

1. Mary White

Daniel Melson Sr.

  • Born: Abt 1713, Accomack Co., VA
  • Marriage (1): Mary White before 13 Aug 1734 in Accomack Co., VA
  • Died: Bef 20 Apr 1791, Worcester Co., MD


Daniel Melson is listed in Wicomico Hundred, in the Somerset County Tax Lists for the years 1735-1740. Worcester County was formed in 1742 and there are no extant lists for 1741 and his property would lie in Worcester after it was formed so he no longer shows in the Somerset listings after 1740. Since men were not listed there until they reached age 15, that puts Daniel Melson's birth year at <1720 however, it would be unusual for him to be head of a household at age 15 so he was probably born earlier and came to Somerset in 1735. He is descended from John Melson who was married in Somerset in 1672 to Elizabeth Painter but then moved to Accomack Co. in Virginia soon thereafter. Daniel Melson is a son John Melson Jr. and nephew to Samuel Melson who moved back into Maryland before 1719. From what can be gleaned from the early records, the Melson family conducted a lot of travelling between Somerset Co. in Maryland and Accomack in Virginia with some branches settling in Maryland and later, Delaware and some staying in Accomack.

On Aug 13 1734, we find record of Daniel Melson still in Accomack Co., VA. It was on this date that Edward Ironmonger and his wife, Daniel Melson and his wife and Charles White acknowledged that they had received their portions of the estate of Charles White, deceased. This identifies the wives of Ironmonger and Melson as nee White, children of Charles White, and that they had married prior to Aug 13 1734, probably in Accomack. THIS IS IMPORTANT - most Melson genealogies state that Daniel Melson Sr. married Mary Cary in Accomack but this court record seems to put the lie to that assertion.

Daniel Melson has surveyed for him the following tracts
- survey Aug 10 1743, patent Aug 10 1745 for 100a "Good Hope" "near Melson's old field" (WoCert:1092)
- survey Jul 17 1750, patent Mar 25 1754 for 50a "Glady Ground" near "Good Hope" (WoCert:1070)
- survey Sep 28 1763, patent Mar 20 1773 for 50a "Melsons Addition" near Stephen Philips survey ("Stephens Security") (WoCert:1654)
- survey and patent Mar 12 1764 for 45a "Addition to Good Hope"

All of these tracts are in Worcester Co., MD at the time but in southwestern Sussex Co., DE and north central Wicomico Co., MD in the modern day, east of Delmar, MD/DE. Tract "Good Hope" actually straddles the MD/DE line with "Glady Ground" adjoining to the north in Delaware and the other adjoining to the south in Maryland. Daniel Melson seems to have lived on the "Good Hope" tract, the one he first had surveyed in 1743. He also purchased the 118 acre "Middle Plantation" (which in the records equals "Constantinople" on Aug 15 1753 (WoLR-C:68). Other tracts he owned at least parts of are "Stephens Security", "Phillips Desire", "Melsons Lot", "Hog Range" and "Peters Choice."

In the Surveyers of the Transpeninsular Line journal that laid down the "West Line" forming the Boundary between Delaware (Pennsylvania at that time) and Maryland for May 21 1751, describes the placement of the 25 Mile Stone fixed in a field belonging to "Dan'll Melson" where the chimney is N38.25E 31 perches, 16.8 links from the marker.

Daniel Melson wrote his will on Sep 27 1785 and it was proven on Apr 20 1791 in Worcester Co., MD on
- To grandson Daniel Melson all of the lands I now stand possessed of that lies south of the East and West line adjoining the plantation where on I now live
- To son Daniel, all the remainding land adjoining that I have devised to grandson Daniel and a tract called "Glady Ground"
- To grandson William Melson, negro man Batt
- To grandchildren my son John Melson named as followeth; Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth, Achshah and Tabitha (all) Melson £15 specie each
- To son Daniel, 83a part of tract "Stephens Security" plus 50a tract "Melsons Addition" also tract "Philips Desire" and 61a land, part of "Hog Range"
- Rest to beloved wife Mary and son Daniel equally divided with Daniel to be sole executor.
Witnesses: Jehu Morris, Nehemiah Morris, Samuel Hearn (WoW-1790/99:25)


Daniel married Mary White, daughter of Charles White and Tabitha Grinnalds, before 13 Aug 1734 in Accomack Co., VA. (Mary White was born about 1715 in Accomack Co., VA and died after 1785 in Worcester Co., MD.)


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