Zachariah Crockett
Crocket, Zachariah, Mar 12 1839 - Feb 26 1844 - My land on Tangier Island to my 4 sons Thoas , John, David, & Peter Crockett & my said sons David & Peter shall have their choice of the lots without drawing therefore in the order in which their names stand on this will. To my son Josiah Crockett $200 to be paid by my 4 sons Thomas, John, David and Peter Crockett in consideration of the land given to them ... My personal estate to my 2 daugthers Alice and Rachel Tyler. My not having given to my son Elisha Crockett any part does not proceed from want of affection for him, but purely in consideration of his grandfather having provided for him at his death. Wife Polly to have he dower in the whole of my estate. Nephew Stephen Hopkins Extr. & he to divide my personal estate wihtout sale. Witt: Levin S. Joynes, Thomas W. Riley & John E. Ames. Prob: The will was partly proved by John E. Ames & Levin S. Joynes Sr. & Thomas W. Riley, the other wittnesses being dead. James J. Ailworth & Thomas R. Joynes made oath that they were well acquainted with the handwriting of Levin S. Joynes & Henry P. Parker made oath that he was well acquainted with the handwriting of Thomas W. Riley. John D. Tyler & Samuel C. White securities. |
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