Darby Riggin
- Marriage (1): Caty Robins
- Died: Bef 13 Feb 1789, Worcester Co., MD
Darby Riggin WoW-JW13:223 07 Mar 178513 Feb 1789 To wife Hannah Riggin - dwelling plantation on the north side of the road that leads from Snow Hill Town to Schoolfield's Landen (Landing?). Also Negro Dinah and Negro man Jacob bought from Isaac Hearn. This for widowhood To daughter Comfort Atkinson - Negro woman Hannah and her son Henry and daughter Hetty To daughter Anna Randell - Negro boys Levin and Robert To daughter Grace Riggin - Negro boy that was christened Jacob but now called Pompiane. Also good bed and furniture, bridle and woman's saddle To grandson John Devereaux son of daughter Esther Devereaux - 30 pounds to be paid at age twenty-one. Also dining table and the table lent to his mother and now in the possession of son-in-law John Devereaux. This being the full share that was intended for Esther. To son Levin Riggin - all lands To daughters Grace, Ann, and Comfort - remainder of estate Executor: wife Witnesses: Joshua Townsend, Zadock Selby, Major Townsend
Darby married Caty Robins, daughter of Bowdoin Robins and Mary Ann (?).