James Brown Sr.
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Clarkson
- Died: Bef 22 Nov 1794, Sussex Co., DE
E:012 James Brown Senior 22 September 1787 To wife Priscilla Brown - the use of dwelling plantation with all my adjoining land for her lifetime To son James Brown - after wife's decease, the use of dwelling plantation with all my adjoining land for his lifetime except the use of a small room called the cook room and a small room adjoining thereto and the use of half of the garden To daughter Rebeckah Brown - while unmarried, the use of the above rooms and the liberty of gathering firewood and the use of such fruit as needed by her To grandson James Brown - the land and plantation after the death of my wife and the death of my son To granddaughter Henrietta Brown - Negro girl named Grace To son Thomas White Brown - the use of Negro man Harry for a term of 5 years after my death "Whereas the several Negroes hereafter mentioned have served me many years faithfully, I do therefore by these presents manumit and set them free in the following manner viz. Jjacob, Joe and Ginny to be free and at their Liberty immediately after my decease and Negro Harry to be free at his liberty at the end of five years after my death" To my several children and grandchildren being James Brown, White Brown, Thomas White Brown, Elizabeth Dawson, Priscilla Smith, Mary Twyford, and Rebeckah Brown and the whole of my daughter Sarah Riggins's children and the whole of my daughter Rachel Brown's children - rest and residue of estate after my wife's death. The children of Sarah and Rachel each to have a child's part. If any of the grandchildren should die before of age and without issue, their part to be divided among their brothers and sisters. That the share coming to Sarah's children should be paid to then as they come to age. That the share coming to Rachel's (together with the Negro left to her daughter Henrietta) should be paid to my daughter Rachel who shall pay to her children as they come to age Executor: wife and son Thomas White Brown Witness: Thomas White, Charles Twiford, Humphris Brown 22 November 1794 Then came
James married Elizabeth Clarkson, daughter of Richard Clarkson and Elizabeth Covington.