Rebecca (?)
(-Bef 1788)


Family Links

1. William Stevens Hill

Rebecca (?)

  • Marriage (1): William Stevens Hill
  • Died: Bef 14 Mar 1788, Worcester Co., MD


Rebecca Hill
22 Jan 178814 Mar 1788
To daughter Tabitha Collier - Negro man Ceasor and woman Leah and use of Negro man Jacob and boy Gedion for her life time. Also old Negro woman Rose and that daughters Mary Parker and Nancy Hill and son Isaac Hill shall pay to Tabitha three pounds in cash yearly towards Rose's maintenance
To grandson Layfield Collier - Negro man Jacob
To granddaughter Neome Collier - Negro man Gedion
To son Isaac Hill - tract of land called Mount Pleasant now in his possession. Also Negro man James and best couch
To daughter-in-law Elizabeth Hill - dutch fan for widowhood
To grandson Josiah Hill - part of tract called Mount Pleasant that his father William Hill had at the time of his death and that his mother Elizabeth may have "quiet possession thereof for her widowhood"
To daughter Nancy Hill - tract of land called Mount Pleasant at the death of Isaac. Also part of tract called Neighborhood if M_ah Hill and Rebecca die without issue. Also Negro boy George, woman Rhoda, boy Zadoc, girl Minta. Also all corn, beef, pork, case of drawers, two windsor chairs, glass and earthern ware, all flax, wool, and yarn, black walnut table, looking glass, two best riding creatures, all fowl of every kind, silver tea spoons and tongs, iron tea kettle, large iron pot, large trunk
To grandson William Hill - tract of land called Mount Pleasant if Nancy dies without issue. Also Negro boy Elijah
To grandson M_ah Hill -part of tract called Neighborhood which his father Stephen Hill had at the time of his death. Ziporah Hill widow of son Steven to have "quiet possession thereof for her widowhood"
To daughter Rebecca Hill - part of tract called Neighborhood if M_ah Hill dies without issue
To grandson Steven Hill - part of tract called Neighborhood if M_ah Hill and Rebecca and Nancy Hill die without issue
To daughter Mary Parker - Negro boy Peter
To grandson William Parker - Negro boy Peter after Mary's death
To granddaughter Nancy Parker - Negro girl Judah
To granddaughter Sophia Hill - Negro girl Sarah
To granddaughter Rebecca Hill - Negro boy Bowden
That if son Isaac Hill shall prove any account against this estate, that he shall be "forever debared" from any legacies.
Executor: daughters Mary Parker and Nancy Hill
Witnesses: Peter Parker, Reuben Cropper, Isaac Evans


Rebecca married William Stevens Hill. (William Stevens Hill was born before 1725 in Somerset Co., MD and died before 21 Jun 1776 in Worcester Co., MD.)


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