Robert Parker
(Abt 1621-Bef 1673)


Family Links

1. Jane Baxter

Robert Parker 1

  • Born: Abt 1621, England
  • Marriage (1): Jane Baxter
  • Died: Bef 04 Apr 1673, Accomack Co., VA


Robert, George and John Parker, of southern England, came to Accomack County, Virginia near the middle of the 17th century. According to depositions made in Northampton County court, Robert Parker was born 1621, George in 1626 and John in 1634 or 1635.

Robert Parker patented land in 1649 at Nandua Creek, Accomack Co, VA. Robert Parker received a patent for 500 acres. Robert Parker came to Virginia, but returned to Bosham, Co Suffolk, England (VA Mag H&B, Vol. 61, 1953).

He was named in a deposition on 8 March 1654/55 at Northampton Co, VA. The deposition of Captain Samuell Goldsmyth taken 8 Mar 1654/55 sayth that being at the house of Anthony Johnson, Negro, about the beginning of November last, to receive a hogshead of tobacco, a Negro called John Casar came to this deponent and told him that he came to Virginia for 7 or 8 years as an indentured servant, and that he had demanded his freedom of Anthony Johnson his master and further said that he had kept him his servant 7 years longer then he should or ought, and desired that his deponent would see that he might have no wrong; whereupon your deponent demanded of Anthony Johnson his indenture the said Johnson answered he never saw any. The Negro replied when he came in he had an indenture, Anthony Johnson said he had the said Negro for life. But Mr. Robert and George Parker said they know that the said Negro had an indenture in one Mr. Carey's hand on the other side of the Bay; further the said Mr. Robert Parker and his brother George said (if the said Anthony Johnson did not let the Negro go free) that said Negro John Casar would recover most of his corn from him the said Johnson. Then Anthony Johnson (as this deponent did suppose) was in fear (upon the discourse) Anthony Johnson's son-in-law, his wife and his own two sons persuaded the Negro Anthony Johnson to set the said John Casar free.

He was a defendant in a court case in March 1654/55 at Northampton Co, VA. Whereas complaint was this day made to the Court by the humble peticon of Anthony Johnson Negro, against Mr. Robert Parker, that the detained one John Casor, a Negro, the plantiff's servant under pretense that the said Jno Casor is a freeman. The Court seriously considering and maturely weighing the premises do find that the said Mr. Robert Parker most unjustly kept the said Negro John Casor from his said master Anthony Johnson; As appeared by the deposition of Captain Samuel Goldsmyth and many probable circumstances; it is therefore the judgment of the Court and ordered that the said John Casor, Negro, shall forthwith be returned into the service of his said master Anthony Johnson and that the said Mr. Robert Parker make payment of all charges in the suite alias execucon.

He was named in a statement that was recorded in court records on 23 November 1654 at Northampton Co, VA. I, Anthony Johnson Negro do hereby acquitt & discharge John Casar Negro from all service claims & demands whatsoever from the beginning of the world to this day; and do promise (according to the custom of services) to pay Jno. Casar corn & cloathes. Signed 23 Nov 1654 by Anth: (his mark) Johnson. Witt: Sam'll Gouldsmyth, Robert Parker and Geor: Parker. (NOTE: The dates of this sequence of events regarding Anthony Johnson's servant John Casar seem out of order, as the final statement freeing Casar is recorded in a later record book, but has an earlier date then the charges that were brought against him.)

He was given power of attorney circa 1657 at Northampton Co, VA. Jone Elzey of Brokenhurs(lost) in the County of South(ampton) widow gives power of attorney to her grandson Robert Parker to receive from John Elzey merchant a legacy bequeathed to her by her son Ralph Barlowe dec'd.

He patented land in 1660 at Nandua Creek, Accomack Co, VA. Robert Parker received another patent for 250 acres adjoining the former patent.

Robert made a will on 13 November 1671 at Bosham, County Sussex, England. He gave to his "wife and fellow traveler Jane Parker," rent land in Bosham, her third part of free land in Medhurst and in Southampton during her life and also of profits from land in Virginia. He mad bequests to sons George and John and to daughters Margaret and Constance. His will stated: "If any of my daughters are willing to renounce their legacies in England and go to Virginia, that daughter shall have for her portion rights due to me, with plantation, housing and stocks, to her and her heirs forever with Patent in the hands of Mr. John West at Onancock . . . In Accomack, the plantation on Anduer River." He also made small gifts to his apprentice and to each of his servants and willed "To eight poor men eight pence apiece in Parish of Bosham. My grandfather John Parker did give 13s 4d to St. Laurence in Southampton ever out of demise, in tenure fo Mr. Peter Clark, where he and my father both lye buryed, to be further continued as it hath been before." Robert died before 4 April 1673 at Bosham, County Sussex, England. It was on this date that his will was proved.


Robert married Jane Baxter. (Jane Baxter was born about 1620 in England and died after 1671 in England.)



1 Miles Files - Eastern Shore (VA) Public Library (

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