Thomas Savage I
(Abt 1615-Bef 1656)


Family Links

1. Rebecca (?)

Thomas Savage I 1

  • Born: Abt 1615
  • Marriage (1): Rebecca (?)
  • Died: Bef 28 Feb 1656, Northampton Co., VA


Thomas Savage (carpenter) was named in a deposition on 29 June 1646 at Northampton Co, VA. The deposition of ffrancis Pettett taken in open Court - This deponent saith that about ffebruary last past Thomas Savage desired this deponent to goe along wth him unto John Savage and when they came unto the sd John Savage Asked the sd John Savage saying how is it Cozen And John Savage replyed saying I am much dampnifyed for want of my house and my hogd of tobacco. The sd John(sic) (Thos) Savage replyed saying I think I did you a courtesie in not comeing, for I should have but eaten upp yor Victualls the weather being soe vehement cold but I heare you will have mee to keepe upp my hogs in a penn all the yeare And the sd John Savage answeared you shall keepe upp yor hoggs as the rest of yor neighbors doth if they doth you shall or words to that effect, but further the sd Thomas Savage told him saying I will come and doe your work by the first of March you getting timber in readynes and I will pay you yor hogd of tobacco, And this deponent further saith that about March last past Tho: Savage being at work about the house of John Savage came to this deponent and entreated him to write the agreement betweene him and John Savage, And this deponent went and could not write it by reason his hand did shake soe John Savage did write it himselfe And further saith not. Signed: ffra. Pettett.

He sold items on 26 July 1653 at Northampton Co, VA.: I, Thomas Savage of N'hamp Co, cooper, have for and in consideration of 6 barrels of Indian corn already received, sold and delivered unto William Jordan of the same county, shoemaker, one cow marked over and under halved on the right ear and over halved on the left ear, to him his heirs, excs & admins freely to enjoy without any trouble or molestation forever in witness of the truth here of I have here unto set my hand.

Thomas died before 28 February 1655/56 at Northampton Co, VA. It was noted that John Smyth married Rebecca, the widow & relict of Thomas Savage.

He was named in a deposition on 1 March 1655/56 at Northampton Co, VA. This day ffollcott Obben, cooper, (by his corporall oath taken in open Court at Occahannocke) pved(sic) that the estate of Tho: Savage dec'd, is debted to him for work performed at his trade (According to agreement with Rebecca Savage in the time of her widdowhood) the sum & quantity of 780 lbs of tobacco & caske. It is therefore ordered in case Mr. Jno Smyth who married the widdow & relict of the said Thomas Savage shall not attend the next Court holden in Northampton County shew a suffic cause to ye contrary that then Judgmt shall be entered & Exec forthwith pceede att ye suite of ye said Folloctt Obben for payment of he siad Debt with Court charges.

He was named in a deposition on 1 March 1655/56 at Northampton Co, VA. The deposition of Andrew Pedigrew taken in open court first March 56 sayeth that this last summer your deponent & Rebecca Smyth, then ye widow of Tho: Savage, made an agreement. Your deponent was to help finish ye caskes that her dec'd husband Tho: Savage had under taken to make for his neighbors. And for performance of our Agreement, your deponent was to receive 1,600 lbs tobacco and acknowledged that ye received 729 lbs of tobacco & caske, so there remain due to your deponent 821 of tobacco & caske.


Thomas married Rebecca (?). (Rebecca (?) was born about 1625.)



1 Miles Files - Eastern Shore (VA) Public Library (

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