Thomas Riley


Family Links

1. Sarah Webb

Thomas Riley 1

  • Born: 20 Sep 1637, Northampton Co., VA
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Webb about 1668 in VA
  • Died: 01 Aug 1696-01 Jun 1697, Accomack Co., VA


On 29 September 1660, Thomas Rilly was judged to be 23 years old and ordered to serve his master, Jno. Lewis, for one year beginning on the 20th of September 1660, "according to the custom of the country." As it was customary for a younger servant to serve till his/her 24th birthday (unless there was an indenture specifying otherwise), it seems clear that the court believed 20 September 1660 to be Thomas's 23rd birthday; assuming they were accurate, his date of birth would have been 20 September 1637.

On 29 October 1662 just a year after his term of service expired, Thomas Ryley was granted a certificate for 600 acres for transporting twelve individuals. He apparently indentured himself a second time to the same master in order to finance his quest for land.

He was named as a headright on 23 February 1663 at tract A108, north side Hunting Creek, Accomack Co, VA. Patent to John Lewis for 1,000 acres for transporting 20 persons extending down the north side of Hunting Creek from A107 to the bay; in future transactions it was not possible to account for the full 1,000 acres, exept by including the marsh land attached, which was not the general practice in issuing patents. The 20 persons included Tho. Ryle, Jno Rhodes, Jno Creamer, Eliz. Doughty, Tho. Smith, Jno. Willis, Jno. Browne, Edw. Ward, Robt. Yallop, Gartrad Morkey, Clemt. Onely, Wm. Clavator, Susan Berry, Edw. Steward, Peter Baxton, Paul Lambert, Ann Fourd, Jno. Spillman, James Cooke & Maurice Peane.

Thomas patented land in 1664 at Accomack Co, VA. It was in this year that a patent was granted to Thomas Orily for 600 acres. A few years later Orily sold the eastern half to Roger Ternon, who received a patent in his own name for his 300 acres, and at the same time Orily received a new patent for his remaining 300 acres. The division line between Orily and Ternon went through the persent village of Leemont, which at one time was called Woodstock..

On 16 Dec 1667, Thomas Riley and Sara Webb, both servants to John Lewis, were presented by the grand jury and summoned to the next court. On the 17th of February, Thomas Ryley was fined 500 lbs tobacco for committing fornication with Sara Webb, who was found guilty of bastardy. Evidently Thomas married the mother of his child once they were free of servitude, and she was the wife Sarah mentioned in his will.

He married Sarah Webb in 1668 at Accomack Co, VA.

He made a will on 1 August 1696 at Accomack Co, VA. He was shown as Thomas Rily Sr. In the name of God Amen I Thomas Riley Sen Being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect memory praise be given to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this Life on earth and being desirous to settle all things in order doe make this my last will and testament in manner and form as following that is to say first and principally I commend my soul to God my Creator asshuredly believing that I shall recover full pardon and freedom of all my sins and be Saved by the precious death and merits of my Blessed Savior & Redeemer Christ Jesus and my body to the earth from whence it was and to be buried in such Decent manner as to my Executors hereafter mentioned shall be thought meet and Convenient and touching such worldly Estate as the Lord in mercy hath sent me my will and meening is the same shall be Imployed and bestowed as hereafter by this my will is Expressed and first I do revoke and renounce frustrate and make voyd all wills by and formerly made and declare this my Last will and testament Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Rily my Plantation wher I now Live on it being Three hundred acres of Land the same with all houses and orchards there unto belonging for him and the heirs of his Body Lawfully begotten for Ever only his Mothor to have during her widowhood one room and a fether bed and -------to say any Room which she thinks fitt belonging --- house but in case she intermarry that then she shall be seat on some othor part of the Land before named not(?) Ranging(?) the plantation and the same building to Injoye During her Life then the same to return to my son Thomas as above said/ Item I give and Bequeath unto my Son Lawrance Rilye to the heirs of his Body Lawfully Begotten all my Plantation at Rock Creek It being two hundred acres Land the same to Injoye for Ever with my old orchard in the old field belonging to the plantation formerly given to his brother Thomas Rily but the said Lawrance to have and Injoye the profitts of the same for seven years and no longer he the said Lawrance to have and to Injoye the profits of the same for seven years and no Longer he the said Lawrance keeping the same well fenced and secured from Damage of unruly Creturs and to have Two hundred and fifty galls of sider and the casks which contains the same, it being of the sider maid this present year with one red pide Cow and a Steer of the same Collor which came of Cow Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Truit Twelve pounds Sterling Item I give unto my Grand Son James Truitt one two year old heifer and her increese for Ever Item I give and Bequeath unto my Loving wife my son Thomas Rily and my three Daughters Elizabeth Sarah and Margitt to have and Injoye all the rest of Cattle the same to be equally Divided between them as also my Sheep to be divided with the Cattle only one Black Ewe I give to my son Lawrance Rily and also I give to my Grand Son Thomas Littleton the first Ewe Lame comes of my Sheep next year, as also all my house ell stuff and furneture not before given my will is may be equally divided Be tween my Loving wife and her three daughters Elizabeth Sarah and Margitt only the Bed and furniture which my Son Thomas lyes on I give the same to my son Thomas Rily as also I give my Loving wife and my son Thomas Equal right to my servant boy William and for my boy John Glin orfin I give to my wife during her widowhood but if she mary againe then my son Thomas to have the sd Jno Glin till he comes to the age of twenty one years and as for my hand mill I give Equally to be divided between my two sons Thomas and Lawrance my will and Desire is and I doe appoint my loving wife my Executrix with my two sons Thomas and Lawrance Rily and John Lewis of hunting Creek Executers to see this will to be performed and fullfild as within is mentioned and sett Down my Executers to see my just debt & funeral charges to be paid out of my personall Estate not portioned(?) ased(?) (aforesaid) as witness my hand this first day of August 1696 Signed and Delivered in the of presents of John Ayers, Hinley MackWilliams, Mich Hill.


Thomas married Sarah Webb about 1668 in VA. (Sarah Webb was born about 1650.)



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