Thomas Bloyce
(Abt 1595-)
Judith Adams
(Abt 1600-)
Thomas Bloyce
(Abt 1620-1689)


Family Links

1. Frances (?)

Thomas Bloyce

  • Born: Abt 1620
  • Marriage (1): Frances (?) about 1644
  • Died: May 1689, Somerset Co., MD


On Sep 24 1662, Thomas Bloyce received headights to 50a of land in Somerset County each for coming to Maryland to settle for himself, his wife Frances and daughters Judith and Frances and for John Painter and Emanuel Porting. Also, apparently for Mary Williams, Manniwell Deas and Richard Partridge. (See Torrence, "Old Somerset")

This is likely the Thomas Bloyes who sold land in tract N115 in Northampton Co., VA in 1664 to Thomas Marshall and who was also assigned tract A14 by William/Winifred Thorne in 1663 (See Whitelaw). Thomas Bloyce was the overseer of the will of William Boston in 1664 In Somerset (Torrence).

On Feb 26 1663/4, Thomas Bloyce has the tract "Success" surveyed for him for 300a. He received a patent for it on Sep 17 1666. He had the 150a tract "Bloyces Hope" surveyed Nov 1 1666 and received a patent on it on Jun 20 1667. On Jul 24 1675, he had the 50a tract "Penny Wise" surveyed and received patent on Feb 6 1681/2. All of these tracts are located modern day (2018) on Deal Island Road halfway between Princess Anne and Deal Island, they are on the north side of that road and bordering Little Monie Creek.

On Sep 14 1670, Thomas Bloyce served on a jury in Somerset Co., MD (SoJ-1670/71:11)

On Jan 9 1671/2, in the Somerset Court, appears "The humble peticon of Mathew Nelson & Thomas Bloyce. Sheweth That they are both agreed and have Joyned issue to abide the Judgemt: of the worpll: Cort: Binch of A bill to Edward Martindale therefore we doe humbly desire the worpll: Binch to undertake Soe Charitable a worke and yor: petrs: as in Duty bound Shall Pray. Janr: 9th: 1671, Mathew Nelson and Thomas Bloyce appeares & produceth this ffoll writing which is read
This bill Shall binde me Thomas Bloyse of Manny mine heyres executors: and admrs: to pay or Cause to be paid to Edward Martindale or his assignes five hundred thirty and seaven pounds of good sound and marchantable tobacco & Sufficient Caske to be paid at some Convenient place in Manoakin river the tenth day of october next ffollowing wittnes
my hand this 10th: day of march 1665 ~ ~ ~ ~ signed Thomas Bloyes, Wittness Ambrose Dixon Thomas Bloyes Acknowledgeth the bill whereupon Randall Revell the Cort: ordrs: that the said Thomas Bloyes doe pay unto Edward Martindale or his ordr: the quantity of five hundred thirty and seaven pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco & Caske" (SoJ-1671/75:43)

On Jan 24 1671/2 we find Thomas Price selling services of indenture to Thomas Bloyce: "Thomas Price I woulld have thee to putt in record that I have Soulld to Thomas Bloyce the sarvis of Jane Pellingham for the tearne of ffoure yeares and noe more she is to Serve witnes my hand ~ ~ ~ ~
Dated in Animessexpr Samuell Groom Teste y 24 of 1/mo 1672 Thomas Price." (Ibid:114)

He also witnessed the will of Thomas Shiles in 1675.


Thomas married Frances (?) about 1644. (Frances (?) was born about 1620.)


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